= Molten Hosting -- Dedicated Cloud Hosting Built For FoundryVTT -- 7 Day Free Trial =

Hello friends!
Today we are officially launching our new hosting provider Molten Hosting! We are a cloud-based provider built specifically for FoundryVTT. Our aim is to offer the purest FoundryVTT experience possible, enabling you to move your locally hosted games to the cloud as quickly as possible

Built by Opt and myself, professional cloud architects, Molten is launching with a slew of features aimed at being
**the** hosting provider for FoundryVTT. We are really proud of the features we've built over the last few months, based on the feedback from folks in the FoundryVTT community

If you have any questions please feel free to drop them here or join our Discord community

As part of our launch, we're offering a
**7 Day Free Trial** on our website: httpsmoltenhosting.com
Great question! There are a few things we do unique, that I think set us apart

As of this writing, I believe we are the only hosting partner that offers
~~dedicated~~private servers for hosting. What that means is when you create your server, only you have access to it, and only yourgame runs on it. By having ~~dedicated~~private servers, it provides a lot of advantages as far as security, reliability, and a consistent experience go

We sleep servers when they're not in use, which drives our costs down, and allows us to offer very competitive pricing

In our top tier (ELITE) we offer the ability to have two servers which users can leverage to test module upgrades or Foundry version upgrades without impacting their "live" games

Looks interesting. I was reading through the faq, are these really dedicated hosts? Like dedicated physical hardware? That seems weird

The Foundry server process takes like 100-150MB of ram and I've never seen it spike to more than half a core of CPU usage, and never more than a few seconds. Average usage is like 2% of one core. I have a lot of trouble seeing meaningful benefits from dedicating an entire multi-core server with gigabytes if Ram for a service that uses as few resources as Foundry

Also, dedicated hosting is expensive. Amazon's cheapest is ~$0.45/h or over $300 per month and has 16 cores 15.5 of which would be wasted running Foundry. Are you buying VMs on a shared physical hosts from a cloud provider and calling that dedicated hosting? Or are you counting on people paying $5/month to use their server only 10h/month?

Your presumptions are correct, we are not using dedicated hosting from AWS. The most technically correct description of our setup would probably be "single tenancy" but explaining the nuances of tenancy vs dedicated hosting in AWS is too hard to fit in a headline. We run t3.micro instances that are slept after an hour of inactivity. This allows us to get the benefits of single tenancy and keep costs low. Happy to expand more on our methodology if you're curious

Just a thought: I wouldn't have nearly enough storage space for my games, even with the elite package. My current foundry installation takes about 35 GB of pictures, sounds, music and battlemaps

Are you planning on increasing the storage for some of the plans or make additional storage an option?
Your Website looks great but the mobile usability could be improved

Wow, that is an impressive media library

Unfortunately at this time 20GB on the Elite tier is the maximum. However we do plan to add the ability to "upsize" your storage quota. There is nothing in our system design that would prevent it, and in fact, could be done "by hand" today. Adding a user interface and billing for that is the limiting factor

Glad you like the design, it was done by a good friend (portfolio linked in the footer), I can't take any credit. Thanks for the feedback about the mobile experience, I'll see what I can do

As it current stands, yes, you would need the PRO tier in order to make local backups

We do, however, have a feature that zips up your whole server and makes it available for download. That feature currently is only for folks that have cancelled and want to get a final export of their data, though I can't think of a good reason why we can't make that feature available for everyone I'll have to stew on that some more

I'm thinking about this, and getting my files prepared to at least try out the 7 day trial to see if it works better for my players having a dedicated server instead of me having to use my own bandwidth to host games, and worry about uploading maps and such to each of my six players each time I load a new map. I'm in the process right now of converting all my maps (JPG/PNG) to Webp files

801 MB map directory and reduced it to 202 converting all the images (JPG,PNG) to Webp files

So I say that works pretty well

Hey u/malireve!
You have a couple options for importing existing worlds, which I document here. I don't closely monitor this Reddit account so if you run into more issues please email me at support@moltenhosting.com!
== About Community ==