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= cloudways web hosting ⚠️ plans, Pricing =

Cloudways web hosting plans, Pricing is geared toward developers with or without prior experience who aren't bothered by the prospect of serving as system administrators. It enables you to manage several projects from a single interface, eliminating the need to customize a hosting service for each project; instead, you will be able to perform multiple managements from a single interface. For the internet, Cloudways is in charge of reselling cloud servers to customers. Some of the hosting services available are handled for WordPress, and they provide a service that, while not their primary focus, assists us in obtaining those internet-based services that are not their speciality. We always want our hosting reviews to be fully unbiased, which is why we created and paid for our own Cloudways account in order to write this particular review. What we experienced was precisely the same as what you will encounter, and Cloudways did not provide us any additional incentives or even know that we were writing this review. All of the tests that we conducted, all of the screenshots that we took, and all of our overall observations were based on our personal experience with the Cloudways account that we purchased. With that out of the way, let's get down to business with our cloudways web hosting evaluation

Product name : Cloudways Hosting
Product website :
**Cloudways Official website**
Guarantee : 3-day Free trial

When it comes to starting an online business, WooCommerce is a popular platform to choose from. It is simple to set up, and a large library of extensions makes it simple for customers to add or enhance any storefront feature they choose. The users of WooCommerce often find it difficult to maintain their stores running properly, despite the fact that getting started with the platform is straightforward. When it comes to these problems, choosing the correct web hosting solution for the WooCommerce store could be a deal-breaker for many consumers because they do not address the hosting requirements at the outset of their project. When a result, as an online store increases in popularity, using a subpar and unoptimized hosting service may cause business operations to suffer. To address this issue, I will first discuss the advantages of using a managed solution for hosting WooCommerce sites, and then provide you with a review of Cloudways, one of the best managed WooCommerce hosting companies

In addition to providing you with an interface for controlling your individual apps (WordPress sites), Cloudways also gives you with an interface for managing your servers:
**a list of available servers**
You can have as many servers as you want, each with its unique setup, and each with its own IP address. For example, you may have one server hosted by DigitalOcean and another hosted by Google Cloud Platform to maximize your resources. While some of the options here are geared toward developers, there are several that are more convenient for casual users as well. I'll point out three of the most important qualities It is possible to adjust the size of your server by adding or deleting processing power or changing the amount of space available in your database. Scaling up is extremely simple, however scaling down may necessitate the use of the cloning feature. This gives you the ability to rapidly adjust the resources available on your server, which is something that is not possible with most hosts. For example, if you see that you're getting more traffic, you can easily increase the number of resources available to you with a few clicks:
**Increase the size of the server**
The Backups tab allows you to customize the way backups are performed, including how often fresh backups are created and how long backups are retained. If necessary, you can also do an on-demand backup by following these steps:
**Make a backup of your settings
Finally, the SMTP tab allows you to configure an SMTP server that will be used by your server to send out emails. If you want to send transactional emails from your WordPress site, you'll need to set this up first. I'd suggest using a service such as Mailgun or SendGrid, both of which provide free sending plans, such as:
Cloudways still works. Cloudways host is worth every penny. CLICK HERE to register on Cloudways for FREE now! Enjoy!

Despite the fact that Cloudways employs the novel cloud hosting strategy that we discussed in the beginning, Cloudways nonetheless provides a comprehensive set of capabilities that are competitive with those offered by more "conventional" hosting companies. First and foremost, let us discuss the hosting environment itself. Cloudways configures your server with a hybrid "Apache + Nginx" stack, which is the most popular configuration. It then provides numerous caching layers to boost performance, including Nginx, Varnish, and Memcached, among other options. Redis can be installed quickly and easily as an alternative. When Cloudways configures your server, it will take care of all of this for you, as well as protecting your server and keeping everything up to date

Apart from that, Cloudways provides the following useful capabilities:
**Backups at the server level are performed automatically, while single-site backups are performed on demand
Cloudways makes it easier for us to manage the numerous facilities because it is cloud-based. As soon as we have finished setting up the server, you can begin adding the applications that you desire. WordPress, Woocommerce, Laravel, and PHP are just a few examples. In the settings part of the programs, you will find a number of tabs to navigate through. Domain Management will provide you the ability to set up your domain name. If you have been unable to obtain a domain name due to unforeseen circumstances, an interim URL will be established for you in Cloudways. You will be able to continue developing your website while you wait for your domain name to be registered. There is also another crucial option, which is the "SSL Certificate," which allows you to install the free SSL certificates that are available. Cloudways also allows you to make advantage of the Let's Encrypt free SSL Certificate, which is available through the company. You can set a timetable for when the system will be backed up on Cloudways

This keeps them from interfering with your ability to move during those hours when you are more active. These backups of your website's data and information will come in handy if you ever have to restart your computer system. These files are backup copies, which are extremely important and necessary in order for us to have a backup in the event of an occurrence that necessitates the restoration of the system

**Servers with a high speed response time**
Cloudways makes advantage of content delivery networks (CDNs) to provide the quickest servers and the best website performance possible. When it comes to your website, not only does this technology provide quick and stable speeds, but it also enables Cloudways-powered sites to cater to a large number of visitors. This network is comprised of a geographically separated server system that stores copies of the static assets associated with your webpages. In other words, page traffic and load times will be greatly decreased as a result of this. And how does Kinsta do in this situation? Using the bitcatcha.com server speed checker, I was able to determine how fast my personal ecommerce site was running on Cloudways's servers:
What were the outcomes?

Another test I conducted for my listing blog yielded the following findings, which I obtained using the gtmetrix tool: And take note that Cloudways' CDN (CloudwaysCDN), when combined with a variety of caching algorithms, results in increased reliability and performance. (PS: For the above findings, I did not use the CDN because it was not necessary.) What's even better is that this function is available to all plans, including the most affordable ones. Under the Application Management section, you can easily add an advertisement with a single click. With sophisticated caching and CloudwaysCDN, your websites will be available at the fastest possible speed, from any location at any time of day or night

**Scaling is simple
What comes with the platform's adaptability is its ability to accommodate you as your requirements increase, even if those requirementsquickly. As you make use of the platforms' upward scalability, you will be able to access resources on demand. Cloudways' vertical scaling makes it simple to raise the size of your server by utilizing their user-friendly control interface. It is quite straightforward and free of any bother that you might otherwise encounter if you did not use a managed cloud hosting platform. As your company expands, you will have the choice to upgrade your server, as well as the critical features associated with it, such as the amount of RAM, the number of Core processors, and the amount of SSD storage space. What's even more convenient is the ability to reduce them (for both Amazon and Google Cloud), allowing you to move with the flow of traffic rather than against it. What causes a sudden increase over the Christmas season? But don't be concerned, Cloudways has you covered!
**Cloud-based infrastructure that is optimized for performance**
With no doubt, Cloudways provides one of the most adaptable and powerful cloud-based infrastructures accessible today, compared to the other platforms in the market place. In the event that you decide to go with Cloudways, you will have the option of selecting from among five extremely respected cloud service providers. You have a choice between DigitalOcean, Linode, Vultr, AWS, and Google Cloud as your hosting provider. As a website owner and a business owner, you have the option of selecting the option that best suits your circumstances and existing requirements. Most importantly, because Cloudways operates on a pay as you go pricing basis, you will have greater choice in terms of how much you will be charged (this will be discussed in details at a later section). Your website may be launched with only a few clicks and in under a few minutes, without any of the normal complications involved

Breaking News: You can now Visit Cloudways and use it For FREE!
When compared to its competitors, Cloudways has the highest uptime and the fastest average response time (299ms), as well as the highest consistency. With Cloudways, you may experiment with a variety of providers that use a variety of data centers, settings, and server specifications, all while receiving the fastest available performance. The ability to perform well is critical for the successful functioning of your internet business. You may design the most visually appealing store and offer things that are in high demand. All of this, however, would be for naught if your store fails to give the user experience that visitors have come to expect from an online retailer. Using the most up-to-date hardware and software infrastructure, based on the newest operating system, as well as upgraded web servers, databases, and other associated components that contribute to overall performance, cloud hosting service provides peak performance

For WooCommerce store owners, security is a constant source of frustration. A WooCommerce store's security needs to be protected from both external and internal threats in order to protect sensitive client data. Managed cloud hosting solutions include security as an integral part of their design. Unlike shared hosting, where a single server is shared across numerous websites, a cloud server provides isolation and has additional security measures in place to protect against assaults such as brute force logins, distributed denial of service (DDoS), bot attacks, and other forms of malware. Cloudways recognizes the importance of security and adheres to the finest security practices in order to provide its customers with a safe hosting environment to work in. The specialized firewalls, in conjunction with SSL encryption, assist the user in protecting themselves from harmful traffic and hacking attempts

**Staging and cloning**
Cloudways' staging feature will come in handy if you want to test out changes on your website before committing them to the live version. Create a staging area, test the modifications, and after you are satisfied with the results, you may publish the changes to your live website. You won't have to be concerned about making alterations that are destructive and that you won't be able to reverse. Cloning and staging are both terms that are used to describe the same thing. When you're switching to a new server or displaying your website to clients, you can create many clone sites to save time

**Free SSL certificates are available
By clicking on the Applications tab, you'll be able to see a list of all of your WordPress installations. If you select a specific website, you will be taken to its dashboard. In this section, you will find all of the site-specific information and tools, such as:
Viewing login credentials for various services such as WordPress administration, FTP, MySQL, and so on

Associating domains with your website is a good idea

Cron jobs are being set up

Installing the free SSL certificate on your computer

Making backups and keeping track of them

Using Git to deploy a website

**Integrating the Cloudways Content Delivery Network

There is also another crucial option, which is the "SSL Certificate," which allows you to install the free SSL certificates that are available. Cloudways also allows you to make advantage of the Let's Encrypt free SSL Certificate, which is available through the company. You can set a timetable for when the system will be backed up on Cloudways. This keeps them from interfering with your ability to move during those hours when you are more active. These backups of your website's data and information will come in handy if you ever have to restart your computer system. These files are backup copies, which are extremely important and necessary in order for us to have a backup in the event of an occurrence that necessitates the restoration of the system

**Server Management
The server has several sections, each of which allows us to handle different components of the server. In addition, there is a section for controlling the applications

The access credentials tab is the first tab you'll see when you enter the Server Management section of the website

**Incredible live chat and support available 24 hours a day, seven days a week
Cloudways offers live chat support 24 hours a day, seven days a week to provide you with immediate assistance. You can also request a phone call, write an email, read the blog and knowledge base, or visit the community forum and Cloudways' social media channels for further information and assistance. Also available on the Cloudways platform is the cloudwaysBot, which monitors the servers andnotifications if an upgrade or a problem is detected. In terms of customer service, Cloudways Support is perhaps one of the most valuable aspects that a cloud hosting platform can provide to its customers. In the past, cloud hosting platforms did not provide any kind of customer service. As a result, cloud hosting is not intended for non-technical users and is virtually exclusively reserved for programmers and developers. With Cloudways, you'll have a plethora of options or outlets for assistance. While the platform itself is rather easy and clear to use, you may need to refer to it from time to time for clarification. If you need assistance, you can click on the "need a hand" button, which will take you to the Help Center. Among the resources available are: a Getting Started guide, which offers articles that are user-friendly and understandable even for non-technical users; and
There is a minimum of jargon, straightforward phrases, and a large number of screenshots to walk you through the entire process. Throughout their knowledge base, you'll find several tips and straightforward directions on how to go about setting up and maintaining your WordPress site. When seeking answers to your questions, the Cloudways Forum is a good place to start. There are also a lot of open and thought-provoking talks taking place on this site. Check out their social media accounts and blogs as well. If none of these options work, you always have access to 24/7 assistance as well as live chat. You can also schedule a phone call or send an email if you are experiencing a difficulty. Cloudways offers some of the most outstanding round-the-clock customer service we've encountered so far

**Server monitoring**

Monitoring is essential since it allows you to see exactly what is happening with your servers. Cloudways provides real-time server monitoring and enables users to monitor 16+ metrics from their panel, which they may customize. The real-time insights assist customers optimize their servers and applications through the usage of the CloudwaysBot, which delivers notifications to users through email or Slack when changes are detected. In addition, the New Relic connection will assist you in identifying new issues, troubleshooting problems, and getting insights into your system

**Option to include team members in order to facilitate collaboration**
The ability to offer limited access to the server is useful if you work for an agency or have a large number of individuals working on your WooCommerce store, as described above. You may add as many team members as you want and set their degree of access from a single place, which is quite simple. The Team Members tool can assist you in managing your team and developers without jeopardizing the security of your server. Many of these features will be discussed in further detail later in this study. If you need to grant access to other users to your Cloudways account, you can do it through the Cloudways Team feature, which allows you to grant access to other users just to specified servers and/or applications. Having a team or simply granting access to a specific server or website is extremely helpful if you have a large number of collaborators. Collaboration within a team is a breeze when using Cloudways. They accomplish this through the use of Git's auto-deployment feature, which ensures that the user's live servers are updated with the most recent code whenever a change is made in the remote repository. Accessing servers and modifying files can also be accomplished in a safe manner through the use of SSH or SFTP. Furthermore, Cloudways makes the process of copying files and databases much more simple by allowing customers to clone entire servers and websites with a single click. The synchronization allows members of separate teams to have full or limited access depending on their roles. This enables users to make use of the specialized staging environment for the purpose of testing application modifications. Additionally, the 1-Click hosting functionality allows customers to transfer ownership of the server to anyone else with a single click. It is safe to say that Cloudways places a high importance on cooperation, especially in light of all of the capabilities listed above

**Caching on a higher level**

In order to supply Cloudways with server infrastructure, the company works with five cloud service providers: DigitalOcean, Linode, Vultr, AWS, and Google Cloud. All of these companies are well-known for offering SSD-based virtual private servers (VPS) and dedicated servers, which ensures lightning-fast server performance. Aside from this cloud infrastructure, Cloudways makes use of a variety of caching strategies to improve the performance of its servers. Breeze, a caching plug-in developed in-house by the firm, is used for caching. This plug-in can be configured, enabled, and disabled with relative ease. More crucially, it facilitates the use of Cloudway's proprietary content delivery network, known as CloudwaysCDN. CloudwaysCDN increases the speed and dependability of your website by caching your web pages on many servers situated throughout the world. While this functionality is not available with the free trial account, it is available at a reasonable fee with any of Cloudways' paid plans. To learn more about Cloudways, visit their website. This capability may be accessed through the Application Management menu and is easily enabled with a single click

For a limited time, Cloudways is offering a free three-day trial that, unlike other hosting platforms, does not need the submission of any credit card information. Consequently, any user may begin their hosting journey with Cloudways with zero risks and, if the service satisfies their requirements, can upgrade to a more expensive plan once the trial period has over. Cloudways offers a variety of pricing options. Users can choose the server size, location, and pricing that is most appropriate for their needs based on their requirements. With hourly and monthly pricing options available, their pricing is a version of the pay-as-you-go approach, which assures that consumers only pay for what they use—nothing more, nothing less—and that they do not pay for anything additional. Another feature that distinguishes Cloudways from all other hosting providers is the ability to bill customers on an hourly basis. Those who choose the hourly plan have the freedom to use Cloudways for as many hours as they wish and just pay for the time that has been utilized. You are required to pay the monthly fee with other hosting plans, regardless of whether you are using their service for an hour or for several weeks at a time. Are these elaborate and personalized plans not your cup of tea? You can choose from Cloudways' monthly subscription plans. They begin at $10 per month and increase in price depending on the cloud provider chosen by the user and the size of the server deployed. Cloudways web hosting is a company that provides web hosting services. Plans include the following:
Cloudways provides a variety of price options and operates on a "pay-as-you-go" model. You may find the pricing confusing at first, as Cloudways offers multiple different plans based on its five different partners—DigitalOcean, Linode, Vultr, Amazon Web Services, and Google Cloud—and their respective cloud infrastructures. The plans are as follows:
Plans for Cloudways DigitalCOean Services
Plans for Cloudways Linode Infrastructure
Plans for Cloudways Vultr
Plans for Amazon Web Services from Cloudways
Cloudways Google Cloud Plans

**Visit Cloudsways if you want a website that will always be online
For beginning, the bare-bones plans offered by DigitalOcean and Linode are sufficient. You should, however, purchase one under the AWS or Google Cloud plans if you are a frequent user of the cloud. Considering that Cloudways makes use of the infrastructure of these cloud providers, you might wonder: Why don't I have the option of going straight to these five companies? You may be able to get a better deal by signing up directly with one of these five service providers, but keep in mind that you will be responsible for setting up everything yourself. With Cloudways' managed hosting services, you'll be relieved of the strain of dealing with time-consuming and demanding duties. If you want to give Cloudways a try before making a decision, you can take advantage of the free three-day trial. It's brief, but you can start building servers and testing Cloudways' capabilities right immediately without having to provide your credit card information. This trial, on the other hand, is only available for plans from DigitalOcean, Linode, and Vultr

I loved the fact that these plans were both flexible and reasonably priced. Paying as you go means that you will only be required to pay for what you need, rather than being locked into costly plans that can last for a year or more. Even better, if you decide you need to upgrade, you can do it quickly and easily thanks to Cloudways' Vertical Scaling. All major credit cards, as well as PayPal, are accepted by Cloudways as forms of payment. If a request for a refund is submitted within three months of the funds being added, the company will also return any unused monies

It's possible that you've noticed that I didn't do any performance testing for this Cloudways review. I didn't forget, and I'm not a slacker

The reason I haven't done this yet is that there is no single piece of Cloudways "hardware" against which to run a performance test on

That is, the performance of your website is highly dependent on the service provider and resources that you select. If you supply your site with sufficient resources for the volume of traffic it receives, it will load quickly on any of these cloud hosting services

AWS, Google Cloud Platform, DigitalOcean, and other similar services are used by the main players. Your website will not be affected by the performance of the underlying hardware

Aside from that, Cloudways provides you with an abundance of materials for optimizing your WordPress site. For example, Cloudways incorporates a content delivery network (CDN) as well as a performance stack based on Varnish, Nginx, and Memcached:
Cloudways managed services are provided by Cloudways

Cloudways has created the Breeze plugin, which can be downloaded for free from the WordPress.org website. Breeze guides you through the process of implementing caching as well as speed optimization techniques such as minification and CDN implementation

Basically, as long as you follow the most fundamental WordPress performance best practices and provide your site with sufficient resources, your site will load quickly

Another aspect of Cloudways' pricing is that it is entirely dependent on your selections. That is, it is dependent on the cloud hosting company you select as well as the resources you require from that service provider:
Overall, you would pay whatever the cost of plain cloud hosting would be, plus an additional sum to Cloudways for the convenience of having a dashboard and administration tools available to you 24/7

However, you will just have to pay one bill to Cloudways – you will not be required to pay separately to the cloud hosting provider

**So, how much of a price does Cloudways levy on its customers
Consider the ambitions for DigitalOcean, for example..

If you went directly to DigitalOcean and purchased their plan with 2 GB memory, 1 vCPU, and 50 GB storage, you'd pay $10.00 per month for the privilege of using their services. Cloudways charges $22.00 for the same service

An other example is the DigitalOcean plan, which includes 4 GB of RAM, 2 vCPUs, and 80 GB of storage, and which costs $20.00 per month through the DigitalOcean website. In comparison, Cloudways charges $42.00 per month for the identical package

So, in essence, you appear to be paying slightly more than twice what you would have paid for just the cloud hosting resources. Even though this may appear to be a difficult situation, there are two critical points to keep in mind:
Your site(s) will be easier to operate thanks to the well-designed administration dashboard. It would be necessary to be a technical user in order to use DigitalOcean directly in order to accomplish anything. Cloud hosting is only possible because of the price premium, which makes it accessible to non-technical consumers

The true comparison is between Cloudways and other managed WordPress providers, and Cloudways is fairly competitive in this area. This is especially true when you consider the flexible paying options, infinite sites, lack of arbitrary traffic limits, and other features

Get started and signup on cloudways for Free now. Enjoy
Cloudways is a rather simple application to use. With only a few clicks, you may create websites and add applications to them. WordPress, Magento, and other applications may all be installed automatically. If you have an old site, Cloudways can assist you in migrating it rapidly with the use of a bespoke plug-in. Some people who are more experienced with the cPanel interface, on the other hand, may be surprised by what they find here. However, I am confident that they will not become disoriented by Cloudways' control panel. Among the Server Management tabs that are worth mentioning are the Monitoring and Vertical Scaling options. These two will allow you to monitor the performance of your server at a glance and will provide insights into when it is necessary to scale up

Cloudways, as opposed to shared hosting, is a managed hosting company, which means you won't have to worry about your website all of the time. It makes use of a variety of technologies, including its own CloudwaysCDN, to ensure that pages load quickly and that the site performs well. Furthermore, the staging, cloning, and temporary URL are all useful features that should be appreciated by newcomers to the platform. Finally, there is the option of flexible, "pay-as-you-go" pricing, which you can customize depending on your requirements. You have the flexibility to scale up or decrease your hosting plan as needed. There's also a free three-day trial, which, while brief, should be sufficient for getting a feel for Cloudways' capabilities

Despite the fact that some people prefer or detest Cloudways' wordpress hosting services, the most majority consider this hosting service to be pretty good, with extremely cheap costs. Initially, you may encounter some difficulties in comprehending the various cloud services; nevertheless, if you proceed to the platform and follow the instructions step by step, you will quickly learn how to set up cloud hosting. Cloudways provides a financial plan that is tailored to the specific needs of each customer. Without resorting to other, more expensive rates, which frequently include facilities that you will not use, this plan is tailored according to the requirements you present at the time of booking. The procedure for dealing with it is pretty straightforward. Working with WordPress and other programs makes things even easier, and it expands the number of reasons why people should use WordPress. It's often regarded as the best cost-to-service ratio available for WordPress hosting services at the time of writing

Cloudways is widely regarded as one of the most effective platforms for those who handle a large number of clients or projects. Similar considerations apply to individuals that experience constant traffic to their website at specific times of the year. If you are still unsure about whether or not to use Cloudways, you can sign up for a free 3-day trial. You will be able to check each of the sections that you have in this manner. Cloudways has grown into a platform with a plethora of possibilities for developers, as well as for those who are new to the world of hosting and are still learning the ropes. Because of the way it is organized, it serves as a very predictive and useful interface for users. Even for those who are working on multiple projects at the same time

Cloudways still works. Cloudways host is worth every penny. CLICK HERE to register on Cloudways for FREE now! Enjoy!
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