このページでは、 Identity and Access Management (IAM) API、Google Cloud コンソール、 gcloud コマンド - ラインツール デフォルトでは、各プロジェクトは、リソースへのアクセスを制御するサービス アカウントを最大 100 個持つことができます。必要に応じて、クォータの引き上げをリクエストできます。割り当てと制限の詳細 ## あなたが始める前に IAM API を有効にする IAM サービス アカウントを理解する Google Cloud CLI をインストールする 必要な役割 サービス アカウントの管理に必要な権限を取得するには、プロジェクトで次の IAM 役割を付与するよう管理者に依頼してください。 - サービス アカウントとサービス アカウントのメタデータを表示するには: サービス アカウントの表示 ( roles/iam.serviceAccountViewer) - サービス アカウントを表示および作成するには: サービス アカウントの作成 ( roles/iam.serviceAccountCreator) - サービス アカウントを表示および削除するには: サービス アカウントの削除 ( roles/iam.serviceAccountDeleter) - サービス アカウントを完全に管理 (表示、作成、更新、無効化、有効化、削除、削除取り消し、およびサービス アカウントへのアクセスを管理) するには: サービス アカウント管理者 ( roles/iam.serviceAccountAdmin) 役割の付与の詳細については、アクセスの管理を参照してください。 これらの役割の詳細については、サービス アカウントの役割を参照してください。 IAM の基本ロールには、サービス アカウントを管理する権限も含まれています。本番環境では基本ロールを付与しないでください。ただし、開発環境またはテスト環境では付与できます ## サービス アカウントの作成 サービス アカウントを作成するときは、英数字の ID を指定する必要があります ( 以下のサンプル)、 `SA_NAME` 私のサービスアカウント。 ID は 6 ~ 30 文字である必要があり、 小文字の英数字とダッシュが含まれています。サービスを作成した後 アカウントの名前を変更することはできません サービス アカウントの名前は、プロビジョニングされたメール アドレスに表示されます 作成中、フォーマットで `SA_NAME`@ `PROJECT_ID`.iam.gserviceaccount.com 各サービス アカウントには、自動的に生成される永続的な一意の数値 ID もあります。 サービス アカウントを作成するときに、次の情報も提供します。 サービス アカウントのオプションの説明です。 SA_DESCRIPTION サービス アカウントのフレンドリ名です SA_DISPLAY_NAME は Google Cloud プロジェクトの ID です PROJECT_ID サービス アカウントを作成した後、サービス アカウントを使用するまでに 60 秒以上かかる場合があります。この動作は、読み取り操作が結果的に一貫しているために発生します。新しいサービス アカウントが表示されるまでに時間がかかる場合があります。サービス アカウントを作成した直後に読み取りまたは使用しようとしてエラーが発生した場合は、指数バックオフを使用してリクエストを再試行できます。 コンソール Google Cloud コンソールで、 サービス アカウントの作成ページ サービス アカウントの作成に移動 クラウド プロジェクトを選択 Google Cloud Console に表示するサービス アカウント名を入力してください Google Cloud コンソールは、この名前に基づいてサービス アカウント ID を生成します。必要に応じて ID を編集します。後でIDを変更することはできません オプション: サービス アカウントの説明を入力します アクセス制御を今すぐ設定しない場合は、 完了してサービス アカウントの作成を完了する 今すぐアクセス制御を設定するには、 作成して続行し、次のステップに進みます オプション: プロジェクトのサービス アカウントに付与する 1 つ以上の IAM ロールを選択します ロールの追加が完了したら、 続く オプション: サービス アカウント ユーザーの役割フィールド、サービス アカウントを偽装できるメンバーを追加 オプション: サービス アカウント管理者の役割フィールド、サービス アカウントを管理できるメンバーを追加 クリック 完了してサービス アカウントの作成を完了する gcloud CLI サービス アカウントを作成するには、 gcloud iam service-accounts createcommand: gcloud iam サービス アカウントの作成 SA_NAME\ --description="説明"\ --display-name="DISPLAY_NAME"次の値を置き換えます。 : サービス アカウントの名前 SA_NAME : サービス アカウントのオプションの説明 説明 : Google Cloud コンソールに表示するサービス アカウント名 表示名 - オプション: サービス アカウントにプロジェクトの IAM ロールを付与するには、 gcloud projects add-iam-policy-bindingcommand: gcloud プロジェクト add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID\ --member="serviceAccount: SA_NAME@ PROJECT_ID.iam.gserviceaccount.com"\ --role="ROLE_NAME"次の値を置き換えます。 : プロジェクト ID PROJECT_ID : サービス アカウントの名前 SA_NAME : などのロール名 ROLE_NAME roles/compute.osLogin - オプション: ユーザーがサービス アカウントを偽装できるようにするには、 gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding コマンドを使用して、ユーザーにサービス アカウント ユーザーの役割を付与します( roles/iam.serviceAccountUser) のサービス アカウント: gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding SA_NAME@ PROJECT_ID.iam.gserviceaccount.com \ --member="user: USER_EMAIL"\ --role="roles/iam.serviceAccountUser"次の値を置き換えます。 : プロジェクト ID PROJECT_ID : サービス アカウントの名前 SA_NAME : ユーザーのメールアドレス USER_EMAIL - 残り の serviceAccounts.create メソッドはサービス アカウントを作成します 要求データを使用する前に、次の置換を行います。 : Google Cloud プロジェクト ID。プロジェクト ID は、次のような英数字の文字列です。 PROJECT_ID 私のプロジェクト : サービス アカウントの英数字 ID。この名前は 6 ~ 30 文字である必要があり、小文字の英数字とダッシュを含めることができます SA_NAME : オプション。サービス アカウントの説明 SA_DESCRIPTION : サービス アカウントの人間が判読できる名前 SA_DISPLAY_NAME HTTP メソッドと URL: 投稿 httpsiam.googleapis.com/v1/projects/ PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts リクエストの JSON 本文: { "アカウントID": "SA_NAME", "serviceAccount": { "説明": "SA_DESCRIPTION", "displayName": "SA_DISPLAY_NAME"} } リクエストを送信するには、次のオプションのいずれかを展開します。 curl (Linux、macOS、または Cloud Shell) という名前のファイルにリクエスト本文を保存します。 request.json、 次のコマンドを実行します。 curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)"-H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8"-d @request.json "httpsiam.googleapis.com /v1/プロジェクト/ PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts"パワーシェル (Windows) という名前のファイルにリクエスト本文を保存します。 request.json、 次のコマンドを実行します。 $cred = gcloud auth print-access-token $headers = @{ "Authorization"= "Bearer $cred"} Invoke-WebRequest ` - メソッド POST ` -ヘッダー $headers ` -ContentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8"` -InFile request.json ` ・ウリ「httpsiam.googleapis.com/v1/projects/ PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts"| Select-Object -Expand Content API エクスプローラー (ブラウザー) リクエスト本文をコピーして、 メソッド参照ページ ページの右側に API Explorer パネルが開きます。 このツールを操作してリクエストを送信できます リクエスト本文をこのツールに貼り付け、その他の必須フィールドに入力して、 **実行する** 次のような JSON 応答を受け取るはずです。 { "name": "projects/my-project/serviceAccounts/my-service-account@my-project.iam.gserviceaccount.com", "projectId": "my-project", "uniqueId": "123456789012345678901", "email": "my-service-account@my-project.iam.gserviceaccount.com", "displayName": "私のサービス アカウント", "etag": "BwUp3rVlzes "description": "私のサービス アカウントでジョブを実行するためのサービス アカウントプロジェクト", "oauth2ClientId": "987654321098765432109"} C++ IAM のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、「IAM クライアント ライブラリ」を参照してください。詳細については、IAM C++ API リファレンス ドキュメントを参照してください。 名前空間 iam = ::google::cloud::iam; std::string const& project_id, std::string const& account_id, std::string const& display_name, std::string const& description) { iam::IAMClient client(iam::MakeIAMConnection google::iam::admin::v1::ServiceAccount service_account; service_account.set_display_name(display_name); service_account.set_description(description); 自動応答 = client.CreateServiceAccount("projects/ "+ project_id, account_id, service_account); if (!response) throw std::runtime_error(response.statusmessage std::cout<< "ServiceAccount が正常に作成されました: "<< response->DebugString()<< ""; } C# IAM のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、「IAM クライアント ライブラリ」を参照してください。詳細については、IAM C# API リファレンス ドキュメントを参照してください。 システムを使用する; Google.Api.Auth.OAuth2 の使用; Google.Api.Iam.v1 の使用; Google.Apis.Iam.v1.Data の使用; public partial class ServiceAccounts { public static ServiceAccount CreateServiceAccount(string projectId, string name, string displayName) { var credential = GoogleCredential.GetApplicationDefault() .CreateScoped(IamService.Scope.CloudPlatform); var service = new IamService(new IamService.Initializer { HttpClientInitializer = credentialvar request = new CreateServiceAccountRequest { AccountId = name, ServiceAccount = new ServiceAccount { DisplayName = displayName } }; var serviceAccount = service.Projects.ServiceAccounts.Create( request, "projects/ "+ projectId).Execute Console.WriteLine("作成されたサービス アカウント: "+ serviceAccount.Email); return serviceAccount; } } 行く IAM のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、「IAM クライアント ライブラリ」を参照してください。詳細については、IAM Go API リファレンス ドキュメントを参照してください。 import ( "context""fmt""io"iam "google.golang.org/api/iam/v1") // createServiceAccount はサービス アカウントを作成します。 func createServiceAccount(w io.Writer, projectID, name, displayName string) (*iam.ServiceAccount, error) { ctx := context.Background() service, err := iam.NewService(ctx) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("iam.NewService: %v", err) } request := &iam.CreateServiceAccountRequest{ AccountId: name, ServiceAccount: &iam.ServiceAccount{ DisplayName: displayName, }, } account, err := service.Projects.ServiceAccounts.Create("projectsprojectID, request).Do() if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Projects.ServiceAccounts.Create: %v", err) } fmt.Fprintf(w, "作成されたサービス アカウント: %v", account) return account, nil } ジャワ IAM のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、「IAM クライアント ライブラリ」を参照してください。詳細については、IAM Java API リファレンス ドキュメントを参照してください。 com.google.api.client.googleapis.javanet.GoogleNetHttpTransport をインポートします。 com.google.api.client.json.jackson2.JacksonFactory をインポートします。 com.google.api.services.iam.v1.Iam をインポートします。 com.google.api.services.iam.v1.IamScopes をインポートします。インポート com.google.api.services.iam.v1.model.CreateServiceAccountRequest; com.google.api.services.iam.v1.model.ServiceAccount をインポートします。 com.google.auth.http.HttpCredentialsAdapter をインポートします。 com.google.auth.oauth2.GoogleCredentials をインポートします。 import java.io.IOException; import java.security.GeneralSecurityException; java.util.Collections をインポートします。 public class CreateServiceAccount { // サービス アカウントを作成します。 public static void createServiceAccount(String projectId, String serviceAccountName) { // String projectId = "my-project-id"; // String serviceAccountName = "my-service-account-name"; Iam サービス = null; try { service = initService } catch (IOException | GeneralSecurityException e) { System.out.println("サービスを初期化できません: "+ e.toString return; } try { ServiceAccount serviceAccount = new ServiceAccount serviceAccount.setDisplayName("your-display-name CreateServiceAccountRequest request = new CreateServiceAccountRequest request.setAccountId(serviceAccountName); request.setServiceAccount(serviceAccount); serviceAccount = service.projectsserviceAccountscreate( "projects/"+ projectId, request).execute System.out.println("作成されたサービス アカウント: "+ serviceAccount.getEmail } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("サービス アカウントを作成できません: "+ e.toString } } private static Iam initService() throws GeneralSecurityException, IOException { // 認証にアプリケーションの既定の資格情報戦略を使用します。詳細については、次を参照してください: // httpscloud.google.com/docs/authentication/production#finding_credentials_automatically GoogleCredentials credential = GoogleCredentials.getApplicationDefault() .createScoped(Collections.singleton(IamScopes.CLOUD_PLATFORM // IAM API にリクエストを送信するために使用できる IAM サービスを初期化します。 Iam サービス = new Iam.Builder( GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport JacksonFactory. getDefaultInstance new HttpCredentialsAdapter(credential)) .setApplicationName("service-accounts") .build return service; } } パイソン IAM のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、「IAM クライアント ライブラリ」を参照してください。詳細については、IAM Python API リファレンス ドキュメントを参照してください。 import os from google.oauth2 import service_account import googleapiclient.discovery def create_service_account(project_id, name, display_name): サービス アカウントを作成しますクラウド プラットフォーム サービス = googleapiclient.discovery.build( 'iam', 'v1', credentials=credentials) my_service_account = service.projectsserviceAccountscreate( name='projects/'+ project_id, body={ 'accountId': name, 'serviceAccount': { 'displayName': display_name } execute() print('作成されたサービス アカウント: '+ my_service_account['email return my_service_account サービス アカウントを作成したら、1 つ以上のロールをサービス アカウントに付与して、サービス アカウントがユーザーの代わりに動作できるようにします。 また、サービス アカウントが他のプロジェクトのリソースにアクセスする必要がある場合は、通常、サービス アカウントを作成したプロジェクトでそれらのリソースの API を有効にする必要があります。 ## サービス アカウントの一覧表示 サービス アカウントを一覧表示して、サービス アカウントとキーの監査に役立てたり、サービス アカウントを管理するためのカスタム ツールの一部として使用したりできます。 コンソール Google Cloud コンソールで、 サービス アカウント ページ プロジェクトを選択 の サービス アカウント ページには、選択したプロジェクト内のすべてのユーザー管理サービス アカウントが一覧表示されます。このページには、Google が管理するサービス アカウントが一覧表示されていません gcloud CLI 実行します gcloud iam サービス アカウント リスト プロジェクト内のすべてのサービス アカウントを一覧表示するコマンド 指図: gcloud iam サービス アカウント リスト 出力は、プロジェクト内のすべてのサービス アカウントのリストです。 お名前 メールアドレス SA_DISPLAY_NAME_1 SA_NAME_1@ PROJECT_ID.iam.gserviceaccount.com SA_DISPLAY_NAME_2 SA_NAME_2@ PROJECT_ID.iam.gserviceaccount.com 残り の serviceAccounts.list メソッドは、プロジェクト内のすべてのサービス アカウントを一覧表示します 要求データを使用する前に、次の置換を行います。 : Google Cloud プロジェクト ID。プロジェクト ID は、次のような英数字の文字列です。 PROJECT_ID 私のプロジェクト HTTP メソッドと URL: GET httpsiam.googleapis.com/v1/projects/ PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts リクエストを送信するには、次のオプションのいずれかを展開します。 curl (Linux、macOS、または Cloud Shell) 次のコマンドを実行します。 curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)""httpsiam.googleapis.com/v1/projects/ PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts"パワーシェル (Windows) 次のコマンドを実行します。 $cred = gcloud auth print-access-token $headers = @{ "Authorization"= "Bearer $cred"} Invoke-WebRequest ` -メソッド GET ` -ヘッダー $headers ` ・ウリ「httpsiam.googleapis.com/v1/projects/ PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts"| Select-Object -Expand Content API エクスプローラー (ブラウザー) 開く メソッド参照ページ ページの右側に API Explorer パネルが開きます。 このツールを操作してリクエストを送信できます 必須フィールドに入力して、 **実行する** 次のような JSON 応答を受け取るはずです。 { "accounts": [ { "name": "projects/my-project/serviceAccounts/sa-1@my-project.iam.gserviceaccount.com", "projectId": "my-project", "uniqueId": "123456789012345678901", "email": "sa-1@my-project.iam.gserviceaccount.com", "description": "初めてのサービス アカウント", "displayName": "サービス アカウント 1", "etag": "BwUpTsLVUkQ "oauth2ClientId": "987654321098765432109"}, { "name": "projects/my-project/serviceAccounts/sa-2@my-project.iam.gserviceaccount.com", "projectId": "my-project", "uniqueId"": "234567890123456789012", "email": "sa-2@my-project.iam.gserviceaccount.com", "description": "私の 2 番目のサービス アカウント", "displayName": "サービス アカウント 2", "etag": "UkQpTwBVUsL "oauth2ClientId": "876543210987654321098"} ] } C++ IAM のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、「IAM クライアント ライブラリ」を参照してください。詳細については、IAM C++ API リファレンス ドキュメントを参照してください。 名前空間 iam = ::google::cloud::iam; std::string const& project_id) { iam::IAMClient client(iam::MakeIAMConnection int count = 0; for (auto const)& sa : client.ListServiceAccounts("projects/"+ project_id)) { if (!sa) throw std::runtime_error(sa.statusmessage std::cout<< "ServiceAccount が正常に取得されました: "<< sa->name()<< ""; ++count; } if (count == 0) { std::cout<< "プロジェクトにサービス アカウントが見つかりません: "<< project_id<< ""; } } C# IAM のクライアント ライブラリをインストールして使用する方法については、「IAM クライアント ライブラリ」を参照してください。詳細については、IAM C# API リファレンス ドキュメントを参照してください。 システムを使用する; System.Collections.Generic の使用; Google.Api.Auth.OAuth2 の使用; Google.Api.Iam.v1 の使用; Google.Apis.Iam.v1.Data の使用; public partial class ServiceAccounts { public static IList ListServiceAccounts(string projectId) { var credential = GoogleCredential.GetApplicationDefault() .CreateScoped(IamService.Scope.CloudPlatform); var service = new IamService(new IamService.Initializer { HttpClientInitializer = credentialvar response = service.Projects.ServiceAccounts.List( "projects/" + projectId).Execute foreach (ServiceAccount account in response.Accounts) { Console.WriteLine("Name: " + account.Name); Console.WriteLine("Display Name: " + account.DisplayName); Console.WriteLine("Email: " + account.Email); Console.WriteLine } return response.Accounts; } } Go To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM Go API reference documentation import ( "context" "fmt" "io" iam "google.golang.org/api/iam/v1" ) // listServiceAccounts lists a project's service accounts. func listServiceAccounts(w io.Writer, projectID string) iam.ServiceAccount, error) { ctx := context.Background() service, err := iam.NewService(ctx) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("iam.NewService: %v", err) } response, err := service.Projects.ServiceAccounts.List("projects/" + projectID).Do() if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Projects.ServiceAccounts.List: %v", err) } for _, account := range response.Accounts { fmt.Fprintf(w, "Listing service account: %v ", account.Name) } return response.Accounts, nil } Java To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM Java API reference documentation import com.google.api.client.googleapis.javanet.GoogleNetHttpTransport; import com.google.api.client.json.jackson2.JacksonFactory; import com.google.api.services.iam.v1.Iam; import com.google.api.services.iam.v1.IamScopes; import com.google.api.services.iam.v1.model.ListServiceAccountsResponse; import com.google.api.services.iam.v1.model.ServiceAccount; import com.google.auth.http.HttpCredentialsAdapter; import com.google.auth.oauth2.GoogleCredentials; import java.io.IOException; import java.security.GeneralSecurityException; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; public class ListServiceAccounts { // Lists all service accounts for the current project. public static void listServiceAccounts(String projectId) { // String projectId = "my-project-id" Iam service = null; try { service = initService } catch (IOException | GeneralSecurityException e) { System.out.println("Unable to initialize service: " + e.toString return; } try { ListServiceAccountsResponse response = service.projectsserviceAccountslist("projects/" + projectId).execute List serviceAccounts = response.getAccounts for (ServiceAccount account : serviceAccounts) { System.out.println("Name: " + account.getName System.out.println("Display Name: " + account.getDisplayName System.out.println("Email: " + account.getEmail System.out.println } } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Unable to list service accounts: " + e.toString } } private static Iam initService() throws GeneralSecurityException, IOException { // Use the Application Default Credentials strategy for authentication. For more info, see: // httpscloud.google.com/docs/authentication/production#finding_credentials_automatically GoogleCredentials credential = GoogleCredentials.getApplicationDefault() .createScoped(Collections.singleton(IamScopes.CLOUD_PLATFORM // Initialize the IAM service, which can be used to send requests to the IAM API. Iam service = new Iam.Builder( GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport JacksonFactory.getDefaultInstance new HttpCredentialsAdapter(credential)) .setApplicationName("service-accounts") .build return service; } } Python To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM Python API reference documentation import os from google.oauth2 import service_account import googleapiclient.discovery def list_service_accounts(project_id): Lists all service accounts for the current project credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file( filename=os.environ['GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS scopeshttpswww.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform service = googleapiclient.discovery.build( 'iam', 'v1', credentials=credentials) service_accounts = service.projectsserviceAccountslist( name='projects/' + project_id).execute() for account in service_accounts['accounts print('Name: ' + account['name print('Email: ' + account['email print(' ') return service_accounts ## Updating a service account The display name (friendly name) and description of a service account are commonly used to capture additional information about the service account, such as the purpose of the service account or a contact person for the account Console In the Google Cloud console, go to the Service accountspage Select a project Click the email address of the service account that you want to rename Enter the new name in the Namebox, then click Save gcloud CLI Execute the gcloud iam service-accounts update command to update a service account Command: gcloud iam service-accounts update SA_NAME@ PROJECT_ID.iam.gserviceaccount.com \ --description=" UPDATED_SA_DESCRIPTION" \ --display-name=" UPDATED_DISPLAY_NAME" The output is the renamed service account: description: UPDATED_SA_DESCRIPTIONdisplayName: UPDATED_DISPLAY_NAMEname: projects/ PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts/ SA_NAME@ PROJECT_ID.iam.gserviceaccount.com REST The serviceAccounts.patch method updates a service account Before using any of the request data, make the following replacements: : Your Google Cloud project ID. Project IDs are alphanumeric strings, like PROJECT_ID my-project : The ID of your service account. This can either be the service account's email address in the form SA_ID , or the service account's unique numeric ID SA_NAME@ PROJECT_ID.iam.gserviceaccount.com : The alphanumeric ID of your service account. This name must be between 6 and 30 characters, and can contain lowercase alphanumeric characters and dashes SA_NAME - Replace at least one of the following: : A new display name for your service account UPDATED_DISPLAY_NAME : A new description for your service account UPDATED_DESCRIPTION HTTP method and URL: PATCH httpsiam.googleapis.com/v1/projects/ PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts/ SA_ID Request JSON body: { "serviceAccount": { "email": " SA_NAME@ PROJECT_ID.iam.gserviceaccount.com", "displayName": " UPDATED_DISPLAY_NAME", "description": " UPDATED_DESCRIPTION" }, "updateMask": "displayName,description" } To send your request, expand one of these options: curl (Linux, macOS, or Cloud Shell) Save the request body in a file called request.json, and execute the following command: curl -X PATCH -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" -d @request.json "httpsiam.googleapis.com/v1/projects/ PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts/ SA_ID" PowerShell (Windows) Save the request body in a file called request.json, and execute the following command: $cred = gcloud auth print-access-token $headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred" } Invoke-WebRequest ` -Method PATCH ` -Headers $headers ` -ContentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8" ` -InFile request.json ` -Uri "httpsiam.googleapis.com/v1/projects/ PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts/ SA_ID" | Select-Object -Expand Content API Explorer (browser) Copy the request body and open the method reference page The API Explorer panel opens on the right side of the page You can interact with this tool to send requests Paste the request body in this tool, complete any other required fields, and click **Execute** You should receive a JSON response similar to the following: { "name": "projects/my-project/serviceAccounts/my-service-account@my-project.iam.gserviceaccount.com", "displayName": "My updated service account", "description": "An updated description of my service account" } C++ To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM C++ API reference documentation namespace iam = ::google::cloud::iam; std::string const& name, std::string const& display_name) { iam::IAMClient client(iam::MakeIAMConnection google::iam::admin::v1::PatchServiceAccountRequest request; google::iam::admin::v1::ServiceAccount service_account; service_account.set_name(name); service_account.set_display_name(display_name); google::protobuf::FieldMask update_mask; *update_mask.add_paths() = "display_name"; *request.mutable_service_account() = service_account; *request.mutable_update_mask() = update_mask; auto response = client.PatchServiceAccount(request); if (!response) throw std::runtime_error(response.statusmessage std::cout << "ServiceAccount successfully updated: " << response->DebugString() << " "; } C# To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM C# API reference documentation using System; using Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2; using Google.Apis.Iam.v1; using Google.Apis.Iam.v1.Data; public partial class ServiceAccounts { public static ServiceAccount RenameServiceAccount(string email, string newDisplayName) { var credential = GoogleCredential.GetApplicationDefault() .CreateScoped(IamService.Scope.CloudPlatform); var service = new IamService(new IamService.Initializer { HttpClientInitializer = credential// First, get a ServiceAccount using List() or Get string resource = "projectsserviceAccounts/" + email; var serviceAccount = service.Projects.ServiceAccounts.Get(resource) .Execute // Then you can update the display name. serviceAccount.DisplayName = newDisplayName; serviceAccount = service.Projects.ServiceAccounts.Update( serviceAccount, resource).Execute Console.WriteLineUpdated display name for {serviceAccount.Email} " + "to: " + serviceAccount.DisplayName); return serviceAccount; } } Go To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM Go API reference documentation import ( "context" "fmt" "io" iam "google.golang.org/api/iam/v1" ) // renameServiceAccount renames a service account. func renameServiceAccount(w io.Writer, email, newDisplayName string) (*iam.ServiceAccount, error) { ctx := context.Background() service, err := iam.NewService(ctx) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("iam.NewService: %v", err) } // First, get a ServiceAccount using List() or Get resource := "projectsserviceAccounts/" + email serviceAccount, err := service.Projects.ServiceAccounts.Get(resource).Do() if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Projects.ServiceAccounts.Get: %v", err) } // Then you can update the display name. serviceAccount.DisplayName = newDisplayName serviceAccount, err = service.Projects.ServiceAccounts.Update(resource, serviceAccount).Do() if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Projects.ServiceAccounts.Update: %v", err) } fmt.Fprintf(w, "Updated service account: %v", serviceAccount.Email) return serviceAccount, nil } Java To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM Java API reference documentation import com.google.api.client.googleapis.javanet.GoogleNetHttpTransport; import com.google.api.client.json.jackson2.JacksonFactory; import com.google.api.services.iam.v1.Iam; import com.google.api.services.iam.v1.IamScopes; import com.google.api.services.iam.v1.model.ServiceAccount; import com.google.auth.http.HttpCredentialsAdapter; import com.google.auth.oauth2.GoogleCredentials; import java.io.IOException; import java.security.GeneralSecurityException; import java.util.Collections; public class RenameServiceAccount { // Changes a service account's display name. public static void renameServiceAccount(String projectId, String serviceAccountName) { // String projectId = "my-project-id"; // String serviceAccountName = "my-service-account-name"; Iam service = null; try { service = initService } catch (IOException | GeneralSecurityException e) { System.out.println("Unable to initialize service: " + e.toString return; } String serviceAccountEmail = serviceAccountName ++ projectId + ".iam.gserviceaccount.com"; try { // First, get a service account using List() or Get() ServiceAccount serviceAccount = service .projects() .serviceAccounts() .get("projectsserviceAccounts/" + serviceAccountEmail) .execute // Then you can update the display name serviceAccount.setDisplayName("your-new-display-name serviceAccount = service .projects() .serviceAccounts() .update(serviceAccount.getName serviceAccount) .execute System.out.println( "Updated display name for " + serviceAccount.getName() + " to: " + serviceAccount.getDisplayName } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Unable to rename service account: " + e.toString } } private static Iam initService() throws GeneralSecurityException, IOException { // Use the Application Default Credentials strategy for authentication. For more info, see: // httpscloud.google.com/docs/authentication/production#finding_credentials_automatically GoogleCredentials credential = GoogleCredentials.getApplicationDefault() .createScoped(Collections.singleton(IamScopes.CLOUD_PLATFORM // Initialize the IAM service, which can be used to send requests to the IAM API. Iam service = new Iam.Builder( GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport JacksonFactory.getDefaultInstance new HttpCredentialsAdapter(credential)) .setApplicationName("service-accounts") .build return service; } } Python To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM Python API reference documentation import os from google.oauth2 import service_account import googleapiclient.discovery def rename_service_account(email, new_display_name): Changes a service account's display name # First, get a service account using List() or Get() credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file( filename=os.environ['GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS scopeshttpswww.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform service = googleapiclient.discovery.build( 'iam', 'v1', credentials=credentials) resource = 'projectsserviceAccounts/' + email my_service_account = service.projectsserviceAccountsget( name=resource).execute() # Then you can update the display name my_service_account['displayName'] = new_display_name my_service_account = service.projectsserviceAccountsupdate( name=resource, body=my_service_account).execute() print('Updated display name for {} to: format( my_service_account['email my_service_account['displayName return my_service_account ## Disabling a service account Similar to deleting a service account, when you disable a service account, applications will no longer have access to Google Cloud resources through that service account. If you disable the default App Engine and Compute Engine service accounts, the instances will no longer have access to resources in the project. If you attempt to disable an already disabled service account, it will have no effect Unlike deleting a service account, disabled service accounts can easily be re-enabled as necessary. We recommend disabling a service account before deleting it to make sure no critical applications are using the service account Console In the Google Cloud console, go to the Service accountspage Select a project Click the name of the service account that you want to disable Under Service account status, click Disable service account, then click Disableto confirm the change gcloud CLI Execute the gcloud iam service-accounts disable command to disable a service account Command: gcloud iam service-accounts disable SA_NAME@ PROJECT_ID.iam.gserviceaccount.com Output: Disabled service account SA_NAME@ PROJECT_ID.iam.gserviceaccount.com REST The serviceAccounts.disable method immediately disables a service account Before using any of the request data, make the following replacements: : Your Google Cloud project ID. Project IDs are alphanumeric strings, like PROJECT_ID my-project : The ID of your service account. This can either be the service account's email address in the form SA_ID , or the service account's unique numeric ID SA_NAME@ PROJECT_ID.iam.gserviceaccount.com HTTP method and URL: POST httpsiam.googleapis.com/v1/projects/ PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts/ SA_ID:disable To send your request, expand one of these options: curl (Linux, macOS, or Cloud Shell) Execute the following command: curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" -d "" "httpsiam.googleapis.com/v1/projects/ PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts/ SA_ID:disable" PowerShell (Windows) Execute the following command: $cred = gcloud auth print-access-token $headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred" } Invoke-WebRequest ` -Method POST ` -Headers $headers ` -Uri "httpsiam.googleapis.com/v1/projects/ PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts/ SA_ID:disable" | Select-Object -Expand Content API Explorer (browser) Open the method reference page The API Explorer panel opens on the right side of the page You can interact with this tool to send requests Complete any required fields and click **Execute** If successful, the response body will be empty C++ To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM C++ API reference documentation namespace iam = ::google::cloud::iam; std::string const& name) { iam::IAMClient client(iam::MakeIAMConnection google::iam::admin::v1::DisableServiceAccountRequest request; request.set_name(name); auto response = client.DisableServiceAccount(request); if (!response.ok throw std::runtime_error(response.message std::cout << "ServiceAccount successfully disabled. "; } C# To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM C# API reference documentation using System; using Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2; using Google.Apis.Iam.v1; using Google.Apis.Iam.v1.Data; public partial class ServiceAccounts { public static void DisableServiceAccount(string email) { var credential = GoogleCredential.GetApplicationDefault() .CreateScoped(IamService.Scope.CloudPlatform); var service = new IamService(new IamService.Initializer { HttpClientInitializer = credentialvar request = new DisableServiceAccountRequest string resource = "projectsserviceAccounts/" + email; service.Projects.ServiceAccounts.Disable(request, resource).Execute Console.WriteLine("Disabled service account: " + email); } } Go To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM Go API reference documentation import ( "context" "fmt" "io" iam "google.golang.org/api/iam/v1" ) // disableServiceAccount disables a service account. func disableServiceAccount(w io.Writer, email string) error { // email:= service-account@your-project.iam.gserviceaccount.com ctx := context.Background() service, err := iam.NewService(ctx) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("iam.NewService: %v", err) } request := &iam.DisableServiceAccountRequest{} _, err = service.Projects.ServiceAccounts.Disable("projectsserviceAccountsemail, request).Do() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Projects.ServiceAccounts.Disable: %v", err) } fmt.Fprintf(w, "Disabled service account: %v", email) return nil } Java To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM Java API reference documentation import com.google.api.client.googleapis.javanet.GoogleNetHttpTransport; import com.google.api.client.json.jackson2.JacksonFactory; import com.google.api.services.iam.v1.Iam; import com.google.api.services.iam.v1.IamScopes; import com.google.api.services.iam.v1.model.DisableServiceAccountRequest; import com.google.auth.http.HttpCredentialsAdapter; import com.google.auth.oauth2.GoogleCredentials; import java.io.IOException; import java.security.GeneralSecurityException; import java.util.Collections; public class DisableServiceAccount { // Disables a service account. public static void disableServiceAccount(String projectId, String serviceAccountName) { // String projectId = "my-project-id"; // String serviceAccountName = "my-service-account-name"; Iam service = null; try { service = initService } catch (IOException | GeneralSecurityException e) { System.out.println("Unable to initialize service: " + e.toString return; } String serviceAccountEmail = serviceAccountName ++ projectId + ".iam.gserviceaccount.com"; try { DisableServiceAccountRequest request = new DisableServiceAccountRequest service .projects() .serviceAccounts() .disable("projectsserviceAccounts/" + serviceAccountEmail, request) .execute System.out.println("Disabled service account: " + serviceAccountEmail); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Unable to disable service account: " + e.toString } } private static Iam initService() throws GeneralSecurityException, IOException { // Use the Application Default Credentials strategy for authentication. For more info, see: // httpscloud.google.com/docs/authentication/production#finding_credentials_automatically GoogleCredentials credential = GoogleCredentials.getApplicationDefault() .createScoped(Collections.singleton(IamScopes.CLOUD_PLATFORM // Initialize the IAM service, which can be used to send requests to the IAM API. Iam service = new Iam.Builder( GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport JacksonFactory.getDefaultInstance new HttpCredentialsAdapter(credential)) .setApplicationName("service-accounts") .build return service; } } Python To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM Python API reference documentation import os from google.oauth2 import service_account import googleapiclient.discovery def disable_service_account(email): Disables a service account credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file( filename=os.environ['GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS scopeshttpswww.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform service = googleapiclient.discovery.build( 'iam', 'v1', credentials=credentials) service.projectsserviceAccountsdisable( name='projectsserviceAccounts/' + email).execute() print("Disabled service account :" + email) ## Enabling a service account After enabling a disabled service account, applications will regain access to Google Cloud resources through that service account You can enable a disabled service account whenever you need to. If you attempt to enable an already enabled service account, it will have no effect Console In the Google Cloud console, go to the Service accountspage Select a project Click the name of the service account that you want to enable Under Service account status, click Enable service account, then click Enableto confirm the change gcloud CLI Execute the gcloud iam service-accounts enable command to enable a service account Command: gcloud iam service-accounts enable SA_NAME@ PROJECT_ID.iam.gserviceaccount.com Output: Enabled service account SA_NAME@ PROJECT_ID.iam.gserviceaccount.com REST The serviceAccounts.enable method enables a previously disabled service account Before using any of the request data, make the following replacements: : Your Google Cloud project ID. Project IDs are alphanumeric strings, like PROJECT_ID my-project : The ID of your service account. This can either be the service account's email address in the form SA_ID , or the service account's unique numeric ID SA_NAME@ PROJECT_ID.iam.gserviceaccount.com HTTP method and URL: POST httpsiam.googleapis.com/v1/projects/ PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts/ SA_ID:enable To send your request, expand one of these options: curl (Linux, macOS, or Cloud Shell) Execute the following command: curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" -d "" "httpsiam.googleapis.com/v1/projects/ PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts/ SA_ID:enable" PowerShell (Windows) Execute the following command: $cred = gcloud auth print-access-token $headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred" } Invoke-WebRequest ` -Method POST ` -Headers $headers ` -Uri "httpsiam.googleapis.com/v1/projects/ PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts/ SA_ID:enable" | Select-Object -Expand Content API Explorer (browser) Open the method reference page The API Explorer panel opens on the right side of the page You can interact with this tool to send requests Complete any required fields and click **Execute** If successful, the response body will be empty C++ To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM C++ API reference documentation namespace iam = ::google::cloud::iam; std::string const& name) { iam::IAMClient client(iam::MakeIAMConnection google::iam::admin::v1::EnableServiceAccountRequest request; request.set_name(name); auto response = client.EnableServiceAccount(request); if (!response.ok throw std::runtime_error(response.message std::cout << "ServiceAccount successfully enabled. "; } C# To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM C# API reference documentation using System; using Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2; using Google.Apis.Iam.v1; using Google.Apis.Iam.v1.Data; public partial class ServiceAccounts { public static void EnableServiceAccount(string email) { var credential = GoogleCredential.GetApplicationDefault() .CreateScoped(IamService.Scope.CloudPlatform); var service = new IamService(new IamService.Initializer { HttpClientInitializer = credentialvar request = new EnableServiceAccountRequest string resource = "projectsserviceAccounts/" + email; service.Projects.ServiceAccounts.Enable(request, resource).Execute Console.WriteLine("Enabled service account: " + email); } } Go To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM Go API reference documentation import ( "context" "fmt" "io" iam "google.golang.org/api/iam/v1" ) // enableServiceAccount enables a service account. func enableServiceAccount(w io.Writer, email string) error { // email:= service-account@your-project.iam.gserviceaccount.com ctx := context.Background() service, err := iam.NewService(ctx) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("iam.NewService: %v", err) } request := &iam.EnableServiceAccountRequest{} _, err = service.Projects.ServiceAccounts.Enable("projectsserviceAccountsemail, request).Do() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Projects.ServiceAccounts.Enable: %v", err) } fmt.Fprintf(w, "Enabled service account: %v", email) return nil } Java To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM Java API reference documentation import com.google.api.client.googleapis.javanet.GoogleNetHttpTransport; import com.google.api.client.json.jackson2.JacksonFactory; import com.google.api.services.iam.v1.Iam; import com.google.api.services.iam.v1.IamScopes; import com.google.api.services.iam.v1.model.EnableServiceAccountRequest; import com.google.auth.http.HttpCredentialsAdapter; import com.google.auth.oauth2.GoogleCredentials; import java.io.IOException; import java.security.GeneralSecurityException; import java.util.Collections; public class EnableServiceAccount { // Enables a service account. public static void enableServiceAccount(String projectId, String serviceAccountName) { // String projectId = "my-project-id"; // String serviceAccountName = "my-service-account-name"; Iam service = null; try { service = initService } catch (IOException | GeneralSecurityException e) { System.out.println("Unable to initialize service: " + e.toString return; } String serviceAccountEmail = serviceAccountName ++ projectId + ".iam.gserviceaccount.com"; try { EnableServiceAccountRequest request = new EnableServiceAccountRequest service .projects() .serviceAccounts() .enable("projectsserviceAccounts/" + serviceAccountEmail, request) .execute System.out.println("Enabled service account: " + serviceAccountEmail); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Unable to enable service account: " + e.toString } } private static Iam initService() throws GeneralSecurityException, IOException { // Use the Application Default Credentials strategy for authentication. For more info, see: // httpscloud.google.com/docs/authentication/production#finding_credentials_automatically GoogleCredentials credential = GoogleCredentials.getApplicationDefault() .createScoped(Collections.singleton(IamScopes.CLOUD_PLATFORM // Initialize the IAM service, which can be used to send requests to the IAM API. Iam service = new Iam.Builder( GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport JacksonFactory.getDefaultInstance new HttpCredentialsAdapter(credential)) .setApplicationName("service-accounts") .build return service; } } Python To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM Python API reference documentation import os from google.oauth2 import service_account import googleapiclient.discovery def enable_service_account(email): Enables a service account credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file( filename=os.environ['GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS scopeshttpswww.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform service = googleapiclient.discovery.build( 'iam', 'v1', credentials=credentials) service.projectsserviceAccountsenable( name='projectsserviceAccounts/' + email).execute() print("Enabled service account :" + email) ## Deleting a service account When you delete a service account, applications will no longer have access to Google Cloud resources through that service account. If you delete the default App Engine and Compute Engine service accounts, the instances will no longer have access to resources in the project Delete with caution; make sure your critical applications are no longer using a service account before deleting it. If you're not sure whether a service account is being used, we recommend disabling the service account before deleting it. Disabled service accounts can be easily re-enabled if they are still in use If you delete a service account, then create a new service account with the same name, the new service account is treated as a separate identity; it does not inherit the roles granted to the deleted service account. In contrast, when you delete a service account, then undelete it, the service account's identity does not change, and the service account retains its roles When a service account is deleted, its role bindings are not immediately removed; they are automatically purged from the system after a maximum of 60 days. Until that time, the service account appears in role bindings with a deleted: prefix and a ?uid= suffix, where `NUMERIC_ID` is a unique numeric ID for the service account `NUMERIC_ID` Deleted service accounts do not count towards your service account quota Console In the Google Cloud console, go to the Service accountspage Select a project Select the service account you want to delete, and then click Delete gcloud CLI Execute the gcloud iam service-accounts delete command to delete a service account Command: gcloud iam service-accounts delete SA_NAME@ PROJECT_ID.iam.gserviceaccount.com Output: Deleted service account SA_NAME@ PROJECT_ID.iam.gserviceaccount.com REST The serviceAccounts.delete method deletes a service account Before using any of the request data, make the following replacements: : Your Google Cloud project ID. Project IDs are alphanumeric strings, like PROJECT_ID my-project : The ID of your service account. This can either be the service account's email address in the form SA_ID , or the service account's unique numeric ID SA_NAME@ PROJECT_ID.iam.gserviceaccount.com HTTP method and URL: DELETE httpsiam.googleapis.com/v1/projects/ PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts/ SA_ID To send your request, expand one of these options: curl (Linux, macOS, or Cloud Shell) Execute the following command: curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" "httpsiam.googleapis.com/v1/projects/ PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts/ SA_ID" PowerShell (Windows) Execute the following command: $cred = gcloud auth print-access-token $headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred" } Invoke-WebRequest ` -Method DELETE ` -Headers $headers ` -Uri "httpsiam.googleapis.com/v1/projects/ PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts/ SA_ID" | Select-Object -Expand Content API Explorer (browser) Open the method reference page The API Explorer panel opens on the right side of the page You can interact with this tool to send requests Complete any required fields and click **Execute** If successful, the response body will be empty C++ To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM C++ API reference documentation namespace iam = ::google::cloud::iam; std::string const& name) { iam::IAMClient client(iam::MakeIAMConnection auto response = client.DeleteServiceAccount(name); if (!response.ok throw std::runtime_error(response.message std::cout << "ServiceAccount successfully deleted. "; } C# To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM C# API reference documentation using System; using Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2; using Google.Apis.Iam.v1; public partial class ServiceAccounts { public static void DeleteServiceAccount(string email) { var credential = GoogleCredential.GetApplicationDefault() .CreateScoped(IamService.Scope.CloudPlatform); var service = new IamService(new IamService.Initializer { HttpClientInitializer = credentialstring resource = "projectsserviceAccounts/" + email; service.Projects.ServiceAccounts.Delete(resource).Execute Console.WriteLine("Deleted service account: " + email); } } Go To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM Go API reference documentation import ( "context" "fmt" "io" iam "google.golang.org/api/iam/v1" ) // deleteServiceAccount deletes a service account. func deleteServiceAccount(w io.Writer, email string) error { ctx := context.Background() service, err := iam.NewService(ctx) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("iam.NewService: %v", err) } _, err = service.Projects.ServiceAccounts.Delete("projectsserviceAccounts/" + email).Do() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Projects.ServiceAccounts.Delete: %v", err) } fmt.Fprintf(w, "Deleted service account: %v", email) return nil } Java To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM Java API reference documentation import com.google.api.client.googleapis.javanet.GoogleNetHttpTransport; import com.google.api.client.json.jackson2.JacksonFactory; import com.google.api.services.iam.v1.Iam; import com.google.api.services.iam.v1.IamScopes; import com.google.auth.http.HttpCredentialsAdapter; import com.google.auth.oauth2.GoogleCredentials; import java.io.IOException; import java.security.GeneralSecurityException; import java.util.Collections; public class DeleteServiceAccount { // Deletes a service account. public static void deleteServiceAccount(String projectId, String serviceAccountName) { // String projectId = "my-project-id"; // String serviceAccountName = "my-service-account-name"; Iam service = null; try { service = initService } catch (IOException | GeneralSecurityException e) { System.out.println("Unable to initialize service: " + e.toString return; } String serviceAccountEmail = serviceAccountName ++ projectId + ".iam.gserviceaccount.com"; try { service .projects() .serviceAccounts() .delete("projectsserviceAccounts/" + serviceAccountEmail) .execute System.out.println("Deleted service account: " + serviceAccountEmail); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Unable to delete service account: " + e.toString } } private static Iam initService() throws GeneralSecurityException, IOException { // Use the Application Default Credentials strategy for authentication. For more info, see: // httpscloud.google.com/docs/authentication/production#finding_credentials_automatically GoogleCredentials credential = GoogleCredentials.getApplicationDefault() .createScoped(Collections.singleton(IamScopes.CLOUD_PLATFORM // Initialize the IAM service, which can be used to send requests to the IAM API. Iam service = new Iam.Builder( GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport JacksonFactory.getDefaultInstance new HttpCredentialsAdapter(credential)) .setApplicationName("service-accounts") .build return service; } } Python To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM Python API reference documentation import os from google.oauth2 import service_account import googleapiclient.discovery def delete_service_account(email): Deletes a service account credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file( filename=os.environ['GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS scopeshttpswww.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform service = googleapiclient.discovery.build( 'iam', 'v1', credentials=credentials) service.projectsserviceAccountsdelete( name='projectsserviceAccounts/' + email).execute() print('Deleted service account: ' + email) ## Undeleting a service account In some cases, you can use the undelete command to undelete a deleted service account. You can usually undelete a deleted service account if it meets these criteria: The service account was deleted less than 30 days ago After 30 days, IAM permanently removes the service account. Google Cloud cannot recover the service account after it is permanently removed, even if you file a support request There is no existing service account with the same name as the deleted service account For example, suppose that you accidentally delete the service account my-service-account@project-id.iam.gserviceaccount.com. You still need a service account with that name, so you create a new service account with the same name, my-service-account@project-id.iam.gserviceaccount.com The new service account does not inherit the permissions of the deleted service account. In effect, it is completely separate from the deleted service account. However, you cannot undelete the original service account, because the new service account has the same name To address this issue, delete the new service account, then try to undelete the original service account If you are not able to undelete the service account, you can create a new service account with the same name; revoke all of the roles from the deleted service account; and grant the same roles to the new service account. For details, see Policies with deleted principals Finding a deleted service account's numeric ID When you undelete a service account, you must provide its numeric ID. The numeric ID is a 21-digit number, such as 123456789012345678901, that uniquely identifies the service account. For example, if you delete a service account, then create a new service account with the same name, the original service account and the new service account will have different numeric IDs If you know that a binding in an allow policy includes the deleted service account, you can get the allow policy, then find the numeric ID in the allow policy. The numeric ID is appended to the name of the deleted service account. For example, in this allow policy, the numeric ID for the deleted service account is 123456789012345678901: { "version": 1, "etag": "BwUjMhCsNvY "bindings": [ { "members": [ "deleted:serviceAccount:my-service-account@project-id.iam.gserviceaccount.com?uid=123456789012345678901 "role": "roles/iam.serviceAccountUser" }, ] } Numeric IDs are only appended to the names of deleted principals Alternatively, you can search your audit logs for the DeleteServiceAccount operation that deleted the service account: In the Google Cloud console, go to the Logs explorerpage In the query editor, enter the following query, replacing with the email address of your service account (for example, SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL my-service-account@project-id.iam.gserviceaccount.com): resource.type="service_account" resource.labels.email_id=" SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL" "DeleteServiceAccount" If the service account was deleted more than an hour ago, click Last 1 hour, select a longer period of time from the drop-down list, then click Apply Click Run query. The Logs Explorer displays the DeleteServiceAccountoperations that affected service accounts with the name you specified Find and note the numeric ID of the deleted service account by doing one of the following: If the search results include only one DeleteServiceAccountoperation, find the numeric ID in the Unique IDfield of the Log fieldspane If the search results show more than one log, do the following: Find the correct log entry. To find the correct log entry, click theexpander arrow next to a log entry. Review the details of the log entry and determine whether the log entry shows the operation that you want to undo. Repeat this process until you find the correct log entry In the correct log entry, locate the service account's numeric ID. To locate the numeric ID, expand the log entry's protoPayloadfield, then find the resourceNamefield The numeric ID is everything after serviceAccountsin the resourceNamefield - - Undeleting the service account by numeric ID After you find the numeric ID for the deleted service account, you can try to undelete the service account gcloud CLI Execute the gcloud beta iam service-accounts undelete command to undelete a service account Command: gcloud beta iam service-accounts undelete ACCOUNT_ID Output: restoredAccount: email: SA_NAME@ PROJECT_ID.iam.gserviceaccount.com etag: BwWWE7zpApg= name: projects/ PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts/ SA_NAME@ PROJECT_ID.iam.gserviceaccount.com oauth2ClientId: '123456789012345678901' projectId: PROJECT_IDuniqueId: ' ACCOUNT_ID' REST The serviceAccounts.undelete method restores a deleted service account Before using any of the request data, make the following replacements: : Your Google Cloud project ID. Project IDs are alphanumeric strings, like PROJECT_ID my-project : The unique numeric ID of the service account SA_NUMERIC_ID HTTP method and URL: POST httpsiam.googleapis.com/v1/projects/ PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts/ SA_NUMERIC_ID:undelete To send your request, expand one of these options: curl (Linux, macOS, or Cloud Shell) Execute the following command: curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" -d "" "httpsiam.googleapis.com/v1/projects/ PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts/ SA_NUMERIC_ID:undelete" PowerShell (Windows) Execute the following command: $cred = gcloud auth print-access-token $headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred" } Invoke-WebRequest ` -Method POST ` -Headers $headers ` -Uri "httpsiam.googleapis.com/v1/projects/ PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts/ SA_NUMERIC_ID:undelete" | Select-Object -Expand Content API Explorer (browser) Open the method reference page The API Explorer panel opens on the right side of the page You can interact with this tool to send requests Complete any required fields and click **Execute** If the account can be undeleted, you receive a 200 OK response code with details about the restored service account, like the following: { "restoredAccount": { "name": "projects/my-project/serviceAccounts/my-service-account@my-project.iam.gserviceaccount.com", "projectId": "my-project", "uniqueId": "123456789012345678901", "email": "my-service-account@my-project.iam.gserviceaccount.com", "displayName": "My service account", "etag": "BwUp3rVlzes "description": "A service account for running jobs in my project", "oauth2ClientId": "987654321098765432109" } } ## What's next - Learn how to create and manage service account keys - Review the process for granting IAM roles to all types of principals, including service accounts - Explore how you can use role recommendations to downscope permissions for all principals, including service accounts - Understand how to allow principals to impersonate service accounts ## Try it for yourself If you're new to Google Cloud, create an account to evaluate how our products perform in real-world scenarios. 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