Den här sidan förklarar hur du skapar och hanterar tjänstekonton med hjälp av Identity and Access Management (IAM) API, Google Cloud-konsolen och gcloud kommando- linjeverktyg Som standard kan varje projekt ha upp till 100 tjänstekonton som styr åtkomsten till dina resurser. Du kan begära en kvothöjning vid behov. Läs mer om kvoter och begränsningar ## Innan du börjar Aktivera IAM API Förstå IAM-tjänstkonton Installera Google Cloud CLI Nödvändiga roller För att få de behörigheter som du behöver för att hantera tjänstekonton, be din administratör att ge dig följande IAM-roller i projektet: - Så här visar du tjänstkonton och tjänstkontometadata: Visa tjänstekonton ( roles/iam.serviceAccountViewer) - Så här visar och skapar du tjänstekonton: Skapa tjänstekonton ( roles/iam.serviceAccountCreator) - Så här visar och raderar du tjänstkonton: Ta bort tjänstekonton ( roles/iam.serviceAccountDeleter) - För att fullständigt hantera (visa, skapa, uppdatera, inaktivera, aktivera, ta bort, återställa och hantera åtkomst till) tjänstkonton: Service Account Admin ( roles/iam.serviceAccountAdmin) Mer information om att bevilja roller finns i Hantera åtkomst Om du vill veta mer om dessa roller, se Roller för tjänstekonton IAMs grundläggande roller innehåller också behörigheter att hantera tjänstekonton. Du ska inte bevilja grundläggande roller i en produktionsmiljö, men du kan bevilja dem i en utvecklings- eller testmiljö ## Skapa ett tjänstekonto När du skapar ett tjänstkonto måste du ange ett alfanumeriskt ID ( i exemplen nedan), såsom `SA_NAME` mitt-tjänst-konto. ID:t måste vara mellan 6 och 30 tecken och kan innehåller små alfanumeriska tecken och bindestreck. När du har skapat en tjänst konto kan du inte ändra dess namn Tjänstkontots namn visas i e-postadressen som tillhandahålls under skapandet, i formatet `SA_NAME`@ `PROJECT_ID` Varje tjänstkonto har också ett permanent, unikt numeriskt ID, som genereras automatiskt Du tillhandahåller även följande information när du skapar ett tjänstekonto: är en valfri beskrivning för tjänstekontot SA_DESCRIPTION är ett vänligt namn för tjänstekontot SA_DISPLAY_NAME är ID:t för ditt Google Cloud-projekt PROJECT_ID När du har skapat ett tjänstkonto kan du behöva vänta i 60 sekunder eller mer innan du använder tjänstekontot. Det här beteendet uppstår eftersom läsoperationerna så småningom är konsekventa; det kan ta tid innan det nya tjänstekontot blir synligt. Om du försöker läsa eller använda ett tjänstkonto direkt efter att du har skapat det, och du får ett felmeddelande, kan du försöka med begäran igen med exponentiell backoff Trösta Gå till Google Cloud-konsolen Skapa tjänstekontosida Gå till Skapa servicekonto Välj ett molnprojekt Ange ett tjänstkontonamn som ska visas i Google Cloud-konsolen Google Cloud-konsolen genererar ett tjänstkonto-ID baserat på detta namn. Redigera ID vid behov. Du kan inte ändra ID senare Valfritt: Ange en beskrivning av tjänstkontot Om du inte vill ställa in åtkomstkontroller nu, klicka Klart för att slutföra skapandet av tjänstkontot Klicka på för att ställa in åtkomstkontroller nu Skapa och fortsätt och fortsätt till nästa steg Valfritt: Välj en eller flera IAM-roller att tilldela tjänstkontot i projektet När du är klar med att lägga till roller klickar du Fortsätta Valfritt: I Tjänstkontoanvändare rollfält, lägg till medlemmar som kan imitera tjänstekontot Valfritt: I Rollfält för tjänstkontoadministratörer, lägg till medlemmar som kan hantera tjänstekontot Klick Klart för att slutföra skapandet av tjänstkontot gcloud CLI För att skapa tjänstekontot, kör gcloud iam service-accounts createcommand: gcloud iam service-konton skapas SA_NAME\ --description="DESCRIPTION"\ --display-name="DISPLAY_NAME"Byt ut följande värden: : namnet på tjänstekontot SA_NAME : en valfri beskrivning av tjänstkontot BESKRIVNING : ett tjänstkontonamn som ska visas i Google Cloud-konsolen DISPLAY_NAME - Valfritt: För att ge ditt tjänstekonto en IAM-roll i ditt projekt, kör gcloud projekterar add-iam-policy-bindingcommand: gcloud-projekt add-iam-policy-bindande PROJECT_ID\ --member="serviceAccount: SA_NAME@"\ --role="ROLE_NAME"Byt ut följande värden: : projektets ID PROJECT_ID : namnet på tjänstekontot SA_NAME : ett rollnamn, t.ex ROLLNAMN roles/compute.osLogin - Valfritt: För att tillåta användare att utge sig för tjänstekontot, kör gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-bindingcommand för att ge en användare tjänstekontot Användarrollen ( roles/iam.serviceAccountUser) på tjänstkontot: gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding SA_NAME@ \ --member="användare: USER_EMAIL"\ --role="roles/iam.serviceAccountUser"Byt ut följande värden: : projektets ID PROJECT_ID : namnet på tjänstekontot SA_NAME : e-postadressen för användaren USER_EMAIL - RESTEN De serviceAccounts.create metoden skapar ett tjänstekonto Innan du använder någon av förfrågningsdata, gör följande ersättningar: : Ditt Google Cloud-projekt-ID. Projekt-ID:n är alfanumeriska strängar, t.ex PROJECT_ID mitt projekt : Det alfanumeriska ID:t för ditt tjänstkonto. Detta namn måste vara mellan 6 och 30 tecken och kan innehålla gemener, alfanumeriska tecken och bindestreck SA_NAME : Valfritt. En beskrivning för tjänstekontot SA_DESCRIPTION : Ett mänskligt läsbart namn för tjänstkontot SA_DISPLAY_NAME HTTP-metod och URL: POST PROJECT_ID/servicekonton Begäran JSON-kropp: { "konto-id": "SA_NAME", "serviceAccount": { "description": "SA_DESCRIPTION", "displayName": "SA_DISPLAY_NAME"} } För att skicka din förfrågan, expandera ett av dessa alternativ: curl (Linux, macOS eller Cloud Shell) Spara förfrågningstexten i en fil som heter request.json, och kör följande kommando: curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)"-H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8"-d @request.json " /v1/projekt/ PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts"PowerShell (Windows) Spara förfrågningstexten i en fil som heter request.json, och kör följande kommando: $cred = gcloud auth print-access-token $headers = @{ "Authorization"= "Bärare $cred"} Invoke-WebRequest ` -Metod POST ` -Headers $headers ` -ContentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8"` -InFile request.json ` -Uri " PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts"| Välj-Objekt -Utöka innehåll API Explorer (webbläsare) Kopiera förfrågningstexten och öppna metodreferenssida API Explorer-panelen öppnas till höger på sidan Du kan interagera med det här verktyget för att skicka förfrågningar Klistra in förfrågningstexten i det här verktyget, fyll i andra obligatoriska fält och klicka **Kör** Du bör få ett JSON-svar som liknar följande: { "name": "projects/my-project/serviceAccounts/", "projectId": "mitt-projekt", "uniqueId": "123456789012345678901", "email": "", "displayName": "Mitt tjänstkonto", "etag": "BwUp3rVlzes "description": "Ett servicekonto för att köra jobb i min project", "oauth2ClientId": "987654321098765432109"} C++ För att lära dig hur du installerar och använder klientbiblioteket för IAM, se IAM-klientbibliotek. Mer information finns i referensdokumentationen för IAM C++ API namnutrymme iam = ::google::moln::iam; std::string const& project_id, std::string const& konto-id, std::strängkonst& display_name, std::string const& beskrivning) { iam::IAMClient client(iam::MakeIAMConnection google::iam::admin::v1::ServiceAccount service_account; service_account.set_display_name(display_name); service_account.set_description(description); auto response = client.CreateServiceAccount("projects/"+ project_id, account_id, service_account); if (!response) throw std::runtime_error(response.statusmessage std::cout<< "ServiceAccount har skapats: "<< svar->DebugString()<< ""; } C# För att lära dig hur du installerar och använder klientbiblioteket för IAM, se IAM-klientbibliotek. För mer information, se referensdokumentationen för IAM C# API använder System; använder Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2; använder Google.Apis.Iam.v1; använder Google.Apis.Iam.v1.Data; public partial class ServiceAccounts { public static ServiceAccount CreateServiceAccount(string projectId, string name, string displayName) { var credential = GoogleCredential.GetApplicationDefault() .CreateScoped(IamService.Scope.CloudPlatform); var service = new IamService(new IamService.Initializer { HttpClientInitializer = credentialvar request = new CreateServiceAccountRequest { AccountId = name, ServiceAccount = new ServiceAccount { DisplayName = displayName } }; var serviceAccount = service.Projects.ServiceAccounts.Create( request, "projects/ "+ projectId).Execute Console.WriteLine("Skapat tjänstkonto: "+ serviceAccount.Email); returnera serviceAccount; } } Gå För att lära dig hur du installerar och använder klientbiblioteket för IAM, se IAM-klientbibliotek. Mer information finns i referensdokumentationen för IAM Go API import ( "context""fmt""io"iam "") // createServiceAccount skapar ett tjänstkonto. func createServiceAccount(w io.Writer, projectID, name, displayName string) (*iam.ServiceAccount, error) { ctx := context.Background() service, err := iam.NewService(ctx) if err != noll { return nil, fmt.Errorf("iam.NewService: %v", err) } request := &iam.CreateServiceAccountRequest { AccountId: name, ServiceAccount: &iam.ServiceAccount{ DisplayName: displayName, }, } account, err := service.Projects.ServiceAccounts.Create("projectsprojectID, request).Do() if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Projects.ServiceAccounts.Create: %v", err) } fmt.Fprintf(w, "Skapat tjänstkonto: %v", konto) returkonto, noll } Java För att lära dig hur du installerar och använder klientbiblioteket för IAM, se IAM-klientbibliotek. Mer information finns i referensdokumentationen för IAM Java API importera; importera; importera; importera; importera; importera; importera; importera Credentials; importera; importera; importera java.util.Collections; public class CreateServiceAccount {// Skapar ett tjänstekonto. public static void createServiceAccount(String projectId, String serviceAccountName) { // String projectId = "mitt-projekt-id"; // String serviceAccountName = "my-service-account-name"; Iam-tjänst = null; prova { service = initService } catch (IOException | GeneralSecurityException e) { System.out.println("Det går inte att initiera tjänsten: "+ e.toString return; } prova { ServiceAccount serviceAccount = new ServiceAccount serviceAccount.setDisplayName("ditt-visningsnamn CreateServiceAccountRequest request = new CreateServiceAccountRequest request.setAccountId(serviceAccountName); request.setServiceAccount(serviceAccount); serviceAccount = service.projectsserviceAccountscreate( "projects/"+ projectId, request).execute System.out.println("Skapat tjänstkonto: "+ serviceAccount.getEmail } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Det går inte att skapa tjänstekonto: "+ e.toString } } privat statisk Iam initService() kastar GeneralSecurityException, IOException {// Använd strategin Application Default Credentials för autentisering. För mer information, se: // GoogleCredentials credential = GoogleCredentials.getApplicationDefault() .createScoped(Collections.singleton(IamScopes.CLOUD_PLATFORM // Initiera IAM-tjänsten, som kan användas för att skicka förfrågningar till IAM API. Iam-tjänsten = new Iam.Builder.JacksonHTTransport.JacksonHTTTransport.JacksonnewTransport. getDefaultInstance ny HttpCredentialsAdapter(credential)) .setApplicationName("service-accounts") .build returtjänst; } } Pytonorm För att lära dig hur du installerar och använder klientbiblioteket för IAM, se IAM-klientbibliotek. Mer information finns i referensdokumentationen för IAM Python API importera OS från google.oauth2 import service_account import googleapiclient.discovery def create_service_account(project_id, name, display_name): Skapar ett tjänstekonto referenser = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file( filename=os.environ['GOOGLE_ENTwwwLICATION_CREDis.https/www molnplattformstjänst = 'iam', 'v1', credentials=credentials) my_service_account = service.projectsserviceAccountscreate( name='projects/'+ project_id, body={ 'accountId': name, 'serviceAccount': { 'displayName': display_name } execute() print('Skapat tjänstkonto: '+ my_service_account['email return my_service_account När du har skapat ett tjänstkonto tilldelar du tjänstkontot en eller flera roller så att det kan agera å dina vägnar Om tjänstekontot behöver komma åt resurser i andra projekt måste du vanligtvis aktivera API:erna för de resurserna i projektet där du skapade tjänstekontot ## Listar tjänstkonton Du kan lista dina tjänstekonton för att hjälpa dig granska tjänstekonton och nycklar, eller som en del av ett anpassat verktyg för att hantera tjänstekonton Trösta Gå till Google Cloud-konsolen Servicekontosidan Välj ett projekt De Service accountspage listar alla användarhanterade tjänstkonton i det projekt du valde. Sidan visar inte Google-hanterade tjänstkonton gcloud CLI Utför gcloud iam tjänst-konton lista kommando för att lista alla tjänstkonton i ett projekt Kommando: gcloud iam tjänst-konton lista Utdata är listan över alla tjänstekonton i projektet: NAMN E-POST SA_DISPLAY_NAME_1 SA_NAME_1@ SA_DISPLAY_NAME_2 SA_NAME_2@ RESTEN De serviceAccounts.list metod listar alla tjänstekonton i ditt projekt Innan du använder någon av förfrågningsdata, gör följande ersättningar: : Ditt Google Cloud-projekt-ID. Projekt-ID:n är alfanumeriska strängar, t.ex PROJECT_ID mitt projekt HTTP-metod och URL: HÄMTA PROJECT_ID/servicekonton För att skicka din förfrågan, expandera ett av dessa alternativ: curl (Linux, macOS eller Cloud Shell) Kör följande kommando: curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)"" PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts"PowerShell (Windows) Kör följande kommando: $cred = gcloud auth print-access-token $headers = @{ "Authorization"= "Bärare $cred"} Invoke-WebRequest ` -Metod GET ` -Headers $headers ` -Uri " PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts"| Välj-Objekt -Utöka innehåll API Explorer (webbläsare) Öppna metodreferenssida API Explorer-panelen öppnas till höger på sidan Du kan interagera med det här verktyget för att skicka förfrågningar Fyll i alla obligatoriska fält och klicka **Kör** Du bör få ett JSON-svar som liknar följande: { "accounts": [ { "name": "projects/my-project/serviceAccounts/", "projectId": "mitt-projekt", "uniqueId": "123456789012345678901", "email": "", "description": "Mitt första tjänstekonto", "displayName": "Tjänstkonto 1", "etag": "BwUpTsLVUkQ "oauth2ClientId": "987654321098765432109"}, { "name": "projects/my-project/serviceAccounts/", "projectId": "mitt-projekt", "uniqueId"": "234567890123456789012", "email": "", "description": "Mitt andra tjänstkonto", "displayName": "Tjänstkonto 2", "etag": "UkQpTwBVUsL "oauth2ClientId": "876543210987654321098"} ] } C++ För att lära dig hur du installerar och använder klientbiblioteket för IAM, se IAM-klientbibliotek. Mer information finns i referensdokumentationen för IAM C++ API namnutrymme iam = ::google::moln::iam; std::string const& project_id) { iam::IAMClient client(iam::MakeIAMCconnection int count = 0; for (auto const& sa : client.ListServiceAccounts("projects/"+ project_id)) { if (!sa) throw std::runtime_error(sa.statusmessage std::cout<< "Servicekontot har hämtats: "<< sa->namn()<< ""; ++count; } if (count == 0) { std::cout<< "Inga tjänstekonton hittades i projektet: "<< project_id<< ""; } } C# För att lära dig hur du installerar och använder klientbiblioteket för IAM, se IAM-klientbibliotek. För mer information, se referensdokumentationen för IAM C# API använder System; använder System.Collections.Generic; använder Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2; använder Google.Apis.Iam.v1; använder Google.Apis.Iam.v1.Data; public partial class ServiceAccounts { public static IList ListServiceAccounts(string projectId) { var credential = GoogleCredential.GetApplicationDefault() .CreateScoped(IamService.Scope.CloudPlatform); var service = new IamService(new IamService.Initializer { HttpClientInitializer = credentialvar response = service.Projects.ServiceAccounts.List( "projects/" + projectId).Execute foreach (ServiceAccount account in response.Accounts) { Console.WriteLine("Name: " + account.Name); Console.WriteLine("Display Name: " + account.DisplayName); Console.WriteLine("Email: " + account.Email); Console.WriteLine } return response.Accounts; } } Go To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM Go API reference documentation import ( "context" "fmt" "io" iam "" ) // listServiceAccounts lists a project's service accounts. func listServiceAccounts(w io.Writer, projectID string) iam.ServiceAccount, error) { ctx := context.Background() service, err := iam.NewService(ctx) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("iam.NewService: %v", err) } response, err := service.Projects.ServiceAccounts.List("projects/" + projectID).Do() if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Projects.ServiceAccounts.List: %v", err) } for _, account := range response.Accounts { fmt.Fprintf(w, "Listing service account: %v ", account.Name) } return response.Accounts, nil } Java To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM Java API reference documentation import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; public class ListServiceAccounts { // Lists all service accounts for the current project. public static void listServiceAccounts(String projectId) { // String projectId = "my-project-id" Iam service = null; try { service = initService } catch (IOException | GeneralSecurityException e) { System.out.println("Unable to initialize service: " + e.toString return; } try { ListServiceAccountsResponse response = service.projectsserviceAccountslist("projects/" + projectId).execute List serviceAccounts = response.getAccounts for (ServiceAccount account : serviceAccounts) { System.out.println("Name: " + account.getName System.out.println("Display Name: " + account.getDisplayName System.out.println("Email: " + account.getEmail System.out.println } } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Unable to list service accounts: " + e.toString } } private static Iam initService() throws GeneralSecurityException, IOException { // Use the Application Default Credentials strategy for authentication. For more info, see: // GoogleCredentials credential = GoogleCredentials.getApplicationDefault() .createScoped(Collections.singleton(IamScopes.CLOUD_PLATFORM // Initialize the IAM service, which can be used to send requests to the IAM API. Iam service = new Iam.Builder( GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport JacksonFactory.getDefaultInstance new HttpCredentialsAdapter(credential)) .setApplicationName("service-accounts") .build return service; } } Python To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM Python API reference documentation import os from google.oauth2 import service_account import googleapiclient.discovery def list_service_accounts(project_id): Lists all service accounts for the current project credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file( filename=os.environ['GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS service = 'iam', 'v1', credentials=credentials) service_accounts = service.projectsserviceAccountslist( name='projects/' + project_id).execute() for account in service_accounts['accounts print('Name: ' + account['name print('Email: ' + account['email print(' ') return service_accounts ## Updating a service account The display name (friendly name) and description of a service account are commonly used to capture additional information about the service account, such as the purpose of the service account or a contact person for the account Console In the Google Cloud console, go to the Service accountspage Select a project Click the email address of the service account that you want to rename Enter the new name in the Namebox, then click Save gcloud CLI Execute the gcloud iam service-accounts update command to update a service account Command: gcloud iam service-accounts update SA_NAME@ \ --description=" UPDATED_SA_DESCRIPTION" \ --display-name=" UPDATED_DISPLAY_NAME" The output is the renamed service account: description: UPDATED_SA_DESCRIPTIONdisplayName: UPDATED_DISPLAY_NAMEname: projects/ PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts/ SA_NAME@ REST The serviceAccounts.patch method updates a service account Before using any of the request data, make the following replacements: : Your Google Cloud project ID. Project IDs are alphanumeric strings, like PROJECT_ID my-project : The ID of your service account. This can either be the service account's email address in the form SA_ID , or the service account's unique numeric ID SA_NAME@ : The alphanumeric ID of your service account. This name must be between 6 and 30 characters, and can contain lowercase alphanumeric characters and dashes SA_NAME - Replace at least one of the following: : A new display name for your service account UPDATED_DISPLAY_NAME : A new description for your service account UPDATED_DESCRIPTION HTTP method and URL: PATCH PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts/ SA_ID Request JSON body: { "serviceAccount": { "email": " SA_NAME@", "displayName": " UPDATED_DISPLAY_NAME", "description": " UPDATED_DESCRIPTION" }, "updateMask": "displayName,description" } To send your request, expand one of these options: curl (Linux, macOS, or Cloud Shell) Save the request body in a file called request.json, and execute the following command: curl -X PATCH -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" -d @request.json " PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts/ SA_ID" PowerShell (Windows) Save the request body in a file called request.json, and execute the following command: $cred = gcloud auth print-access-token $headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred" } Invoke-WebRequest ` -Method PATCH ` -Headers $headers ` -ContentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8" ` -InFile request.json ` -Uri " PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts/ SA_ID" | Select-Object -Expand Content API Explorer (browser) Copy the request body and open the method reference page The API Explorer panel opens on the right side of the page You can interact with this tool to send requests Paste the request body in this tool, complete any other required fields, and click **Execute** You should receive a JSON response similar to the following: { "name": "projects/my-project/serviceAccounts/", "displayName": "My updated service account", "description": "An updated description of my service account" } C++ To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM C++ API reference documentation namespace iam = ::google::cloud::iam; std::string const& name, std::string const& display_name) { iam::IAMClient client(iam::MakeIAMConnection google::iam::admin::v1::PatchServiceAccountRequest request; google::iam::admin::v1::ServiceAccount service_account; service_account.set_name(name); service_account.set_display_name(display_name); google::protobuf::FieldMask update_mask; *update_mask.add_paths() = "display_name"; *request.mutable_service_account() = service_account; *request.mutable_update_mask() = update_mask; auto response = client.PatchServiceAccount(request); if (!response) throw std::runtime_error(response.statusmessage std::cout << "ServiceAccount successfully updated: " << response->DebugString() << " "; } C# To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM C# API reference documentation using System; using Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2; using Google.Apis.Iam.v1; using Google.Apis.Iam.v1.Data; public partial class ServiceAccounts { public static ServiceAccount RenameServiceAccount(string email, string newDisplayName) { var credential = GoogleCredential.GetApplicationDefault() .CreateScoped(IamService.Scope.CloudPlatform); var service = new IamService(new IamService.Initializer { HttpClientInitializer = credential// First, get a ServiceAccount using List() or Get string resource = "projectsserviceAccounts/" + email; var serviceAccount = service.Projects.ServiceAccounts.Get(resource) .Execute // Then you can update the display name. serviceAccount.DisplayName = newDisplayName; serviceAccount = service.Projects.ServiceAccounts.Update( serviceAccount, resource).Execute Console.WriteLineUpdated display name for {serviceAccount.Email} " + "to: " + serviceAccount.DisplayName); return serviceAccount; } } Go To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM Go API reference documentation import ( "context" "fmt" "io" iam "" ) // renameServiceAccount renames a service account. func renameServiceAccount(w io.Writer, email, newDisplayName string) (*iam.ServiceAccount, error) { ctx := context.Background() service, err := iam.NewService(ctx) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("iam.NewService: %v", err) } // First, get a ServiceAccount using List() or Get resource := "projectsserviceAccounts/" + email serviceAccount, err := service.Projects.ServiceAccounts.Get(resource).Do() if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Projects.ServiceAccounts.Get: %v", err) } // Then you can update the display name. serviceAccount.DisplayName = newDisplayName serviceAccount, err = service.Projects.ServiceAccounts.Update(resource, serviceAccount).Do() if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("Projects.ServiceAccounts.Update: %v", err) } fmt.Fprintf(w, "Updated service account: %v", serviceAccount.Email) return serviceAccount, nil } Java To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM Java API reference documentation import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; public class RenameServiceAccount { // Changes a service account's display name. public static void renameServiceAccount(String projectId, String serviceAccountName) { // String projectId = "my-project-id"; // String serviceAccountName = "my-service-account-name"; Iam service = null; try { service = initService } catch (IOException | GeneralSecurityException e) { System.out.println("Unable to initialize service: " + e.toString return; } String serviceAccountEmail = serviceAccountName ++ projectId + ""; try { // First, get a service account using List() or Get() ServiceAccount serviceAccount = service .projects() .serviceAccounts() .get("projectsserviceAccounts/" + serviceAccountEmail) .execute // Then you can update the display name serviceAccount.setDisplayName("your-new-display-name serviceAccount = service .projects() .serviceAccounts() .update(serviceAccount.getName serviceAccount) .execute System.out.println( "Updated display name for " + serviceAccount.getName() + " to: " + serviceAccount.getDisplayName } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Unable to rename service account: " + e.toString } } private static Iam initService() throws GeneralSecurityException, IOException { // Use the Application Default Credentials strategy for authentication. For more info, see: // GoogleCredentials credential = GoogleCredentials.getApplicationDefault() .createScoped(Collections.singleton(IamScopes.CLOUD_PLATFORM // Initialize the IAM service, which can be used to send requests to the IAM API. Iam service = new Iam.Builder( GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport JacksonFactory.getDefaultInstance new HttpCredentialsAdapter(credential)) .setApplicationName("service-accounts") .build return service; } } Python To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM Python API reference documentation import os from google.oauth2 import service_account import googleapiclient.discovery def rename_service_account(email, new_display_name): Changes a service account's display name # First, get a service account using List() or Get() credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file( filename=os.environ['GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS service = 'iam', 'v1', credentials=credentials) resource = 'projectsserviceAccounts/' + email my_service_account = service.projectsserviceAccountsget( name=resource).execute() # Then you can update the display name my_service_account['displayName'] = new_display_name my_service_account = service.projectsserviceAccountsupdate( name=resource, body=my_service_account).execute() print('Updated display name for {} to: format( my_service_account['email my_service_account['displayName return my_service_account ## Disabling a service account Similar to deleting a service account, when you disable a service account, applications will no longer have access to Google Cloud resources through that service account. If you disable the default App Engine and Compute Engine service accounts, the instances will no longer have access to resources in the project. If you attempt to disable an already disabled service account, it will have no effect Unlike deleting a service account, disabled service accounts can easily be re-enabled as necessary. We recommend disabling a service account before deleting it to make sure no critical applications are using the service account Console In the Google Cloud console, go to the Service accountspage Select a project Click the name of the service account that you want to disable Under Service account status, click Disable service account, then click Disableto confirm the change gcloud CLI Execute the gcloud iam service-accounts disable command to disable a service account Command: gcloud iam service-accounts disable SA_NAME@ Output: Disabled service account SA_NAME@ REST The serviceAccounts.disable method immediately disables a service account Before using any of the request data, make the following replacements: : Your Google Cloud project ID. Project IDs are alphanumeric strings, like PROJECT_ID my-project : The ID of your service account. This can either be the service account's email address in the form SA_ID , or the service account's unique numeric ID SA_NAME@ HTTP method and URL: POST PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts/ SA_ID:disable To send your request, expand one of these options: curl (Linux, macOS, or Cloud Shell) Execute the following command: curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" -d "" " PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts/ SA_ID:disable" PowerShell (Windows) Execute the following command: $cred = gcloud auth print-access-token $headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred" } Invoke-WebRequest ` -Method POST ` -Headers $headers ` -Uri " PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts/ SA_ID:disable" | Select-Object -Expand Content API Explorer (browser) Open the method reference page The API Explorer panel opens on the right side of the page You can interact with this tool to send requests Complete any required fields and click **Execute** If successful, the response body will be empty C++ To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM C++ API reference documentation namespace iam = ::google::cloud::iam; std::string const& name) { iam::IAMClient client(iam::MakeIAMConnection google::iam::admin::v1::DisableServiceAccountRequest request; request.set_name(name); auto response = client.DisableServiceAccount(request); if (!response.ok throw std::runtime_error(response.message std::cout << "ServiceAccount successfully disabled. "; } C# To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM C# API reference documentation using System; using Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2; using Google.Apis.Iam.v1; using Google.Apis.Iam.v1.Data; public partial class ServiceAccounts { public static void DisableServiceAccount(string email) { var credential = GoogleCredential.GetApplicationDefault() .CreateScoped(IamService.Scope.CloudPlatform); var service = new IamService(new IamService.Initializer { HttpClientInitializer = credentialvar request = new DisableServiceAccountRequest string resource = "projectsserviceAccounts/" + email; service.Projects.ServiceAccounts.Disable(request, resource).Execute Console.WriteLine("Disabled service account: " + email); } } Go To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM Go API reference documentation import ( "context" "fmt" "io" iam "" ) // disableServiceAccount disables a service account. func disableServiceAccount(w io.Writer, email string) error { // email:= ctx := context.Background() service, err := iam.NewService(ctx) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("iam.NewService: %v", err) } request := &iam.DisableServiceAccountRequest{} _, err = service.Projects.ServiceAccounts.Disable("projectsserviceAccountsemail, request).Do() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Projects.ServiceAccounts.Disable: %v", err) } fmt.Fprintf(w, "Disabled service account: %v", email) return nil } Java To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM Java API reference documentation import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; public class DisableServiceAccount { // Disables a service account. public static void disableServiceAccount(String projectId, String serviceAccountName) { // String projectId = "my-project-id"; // String serviceAccountName = "my-service-account-name"; Iam service = null; try { service = initService } catch (IOException | GeneralSecurityException e) { System.out.println("Unable to initialize service: " + e.toString return; } String serviceAccountEmail = serviceAccountName ++ projectId + ""; try { DisableServiceAccountRequest request = new DisableServiceAccountRequest service .projects() .serviceAccounts() .disable("projectsserviceAccounts/" + serviceAccountEmail, request) .execute System.out.println("Disabled service account: " + serviceAccountEmail); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Unable to disable service account: " + e.toString } } private static Iam initService() throws GeneralSecurityException, IOException { // Use the Application Default Credentials strategy for authentication. For more info, see: // GoogleCredentials credential = GoogleCredentials.getApplicationDefault() .createScoped(Collections.singleton(IamScopes.CLOUD_PLATFORM // Initialize the IAM service, which can be used to send requests to the IAM API. Iam service = new Iam.Builder( GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport JacksonFactory.getDefaultInstance new HttpCredentialsAdapter(credential)) .setApplicationName("service-accounts") .build return service; } } Python To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM Python API reference documentation import os from google.oauth2 import service_account import googleapiclient.discovery def disable_service_account(email): Disables a service account credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file( filename=os.environ['GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS service = 'iam', 'v1', credentials=credentials) service.projectsserviceAccountsdisable( name='projectsserviceAccounts/' + email).execute() print("Disabled service account :" + email) ## Enabling a service account After enabling a disabled service account, applications will regain access to Google Cloud resources through that service account You can enable a disabled service account whenever you need to. If you attempt to enable an already enabled service account, it will have no effect Console In the Google Cloud console, go to the Service accountspage Select a project Click the name of the service account that you want to enable Under Service account status, click Enable service account, then click Enableto confirm the change gcloud CLI Execute the gcloud iam service-accounts enable command to enable a service account Command: gcloud iam service-accounts enable SA_NAME@ Output: Enabled service account SA_NAME@ REST The serviceAccounts.enable method enables a previously disabled service account Before using any of the request data, make the following replacements: : Your Google Cloud project ID. Project IDs are alphanumeric strings, like PROJECT_ID my-project : The ID of your service account. This can either be the service account's email address in the form SA_ID , or the service account's unique numeric ID SA_NAME@ HTTP method and URL: POST PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts/ SA_ID:enable To send your request, expand one of these options: curl (Linux, macOS, or Cloud Shell) Execute the following command: curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" -d "" " PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts/ SA_ID:enable" PowerShell (Windows) Execute the following command: $cred = gcloud auth print-access-token $headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred" } Invoke-WebRequest ` -Method POST ` -Headers $headers ` -Uri " PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts/ SA_ID:enable" | Select-Object -Expand Content API Explorer (browser) Open the method reference page The API Explorer panel opens on the right side of the page You can interact with this tool to send requests Complete any required fields and click **Execute** If successful, the response body will be empty C++ To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM C++ API reference documentation namespace iam = ::google::cloud::iam; std::string const& name) { iam::IAMClient client(iam::MakeIAMConnection google::iam::admin::v1::EnableServiceAccountRequest request; request.set_name(name); auto response = client.EnableServiceAccount(request); if (!response.ok throw std::runtime_error(response.message std::cout << "ServiceAccount successfully enabled. "; } C# To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM C# API reference documentation using System; using Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2; using Google.Apis.Iam.v1; using Google.Apis.Iam.v1.Data; public partial class ServiceAccounts { public static void EnableServiceAccount(string email) { var credential = GoogleCredential.GetApplicationDefault() .CreateScoped(IamService.Scope.CloudPlatform); var service = new IamService(new IamService.Initializer { HttpClientInitializer = credentialvar request = new EnableServiceAccountRequest string resource = "projectsserviceAccounts/" + email; service.Projects.ServiceAccounts.Enable(request, resource).Execute Console.WriteLine("Enabled service account: " + email); } } Go To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM Go API reference documentation import ( "context" "fmt" "io" iam "" ) // enableServiceAccount enables a service account. func enableServiceAccount(w io.Writer, email string) error { // email:= ctx := context.Background() service, err := iam.NewService(ctx) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("iam.NewService: %v", err) } request := &iam.EnableServiceAccountRequest{} _, err = service.Projects.ServiceAccounts.Enable("projectsserviceAccountsemail, request).Do() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Projects.ServiceAccounts.Enable: %v", err) } fmt.Fprintf(w, "Enabled service account: %v", email) return nil } Java To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM Java API reference documentation import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; public class EnableServiceAccount { // Enables a service account. public static void enableServiceAccount(String projectId, String serviceAccountName) { // String projectId = "my-project-id"; // String serviceAccountName = "my-service-account-name"; Iam service = null; try { service = initService } catch (IOException | GeneralSecurityException e) { System.out.println("Unable to initialize service: " + e.toString return; } String serviceAccountEmail = serviceAccountName ++ projectId + ""; try { EnableServiceAccountRequest request = new EnableServiceAccountRequest service .projects() .serviceAccounts() .enable("projectsserviceAccounts/" + serviceAccountEmail, request) .execute System.out.println("Enabled service account: " + serviceAccountEmail); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Unable to enable service account: " + e.toString } } private static Iam initService() throws GeneralSecurityException, IOException { // Use the Application Default Credentials strategy for authentication. For more info, see: // GoogleCredentials credential = GoogleCredentials.getApplicationDefault() .createScoped(Collections.singleton(IamScopes.CLOUD_PLATFORM // Initialize the IAM service, which can be used to send requests to the IAM API. Iam service = new Iam.Builder( GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport JacksonFactory.getDefaultInstance new HttpCredentialsAdapter(credential)) .setApplicationName("service-accounts") .build return service; } } Python To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM Python API reference documentation import os from google.oauth2 import service_account import googleapiclient.discovery def enable_service_account(email): Enables a service account credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file( filename=os.environ['GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS service = 'iam', 'v1', credentials=credentials) service.projectsserviceAccountsenable( name='projectsserviceAccounts/' + email).execute() print("Enabled service account :" + email) ## Deleting a service account When you delete a service account, applications will no longer have access to Google Cloud resources through that service account. If you delete the default App Engine and Compute Engine service accounts, the instances will no longer have access to resources in the project Delete with caution; make sure your critical applications are no longer using a service account before deleting it. If you're not sure whether a service account is being used, we recommend disabling the service account before deleting it. Disabled service accounts can be easily re-enabled if they are still in use If you delete a service account, then create a new service account with the same name, the new service account is treated as a separate identity; it does not inherit the roles granted to the deleted service account. In contrast, when you delete a service account, then undelete it, the service account's identity does not change, and the service account retains its roles When a service account is deleted, its role bindings are not immediately removed; they are automatically purged from the system after a maximum of 60 days. Until that time, the service account appears in role bindings with a deleted: prefix and a ?uid= suffix, where `NUMERIC_ID` is a unique numeric ID for the service account `NUMERIC_ID` Deleted service accounts do not count towards your service account quota Console In the Google Cloud console, go to the Service accountspage Select a project Select the service account you want to delete, and then click Delete gcloud CLI Execute the gcloud iam service-accounts delete command to delete a service account Command: gcloud iam service-accounts delete SA_NAME@ Output: Deleted service account SA_NAME@ REST The serviceAccounts.delete method deletes a service account Before using any of the request data, make the following replacements: : Your Google Cloud project ID. Project IDs are alphanumeric strings, like PROJECT_ID my-project : The ID of your service account. This can either be the service account's email address in the form SA_ID , or the service account's unique numeric ID SA_NAME@ HTTP method and URL: DELETE PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts/ SA_ID To send your request, expand one of these options: curl (Linux, macOS, or Cloud Shell) Execute the following command: curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" " PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts/ SA_ID" PowerShell (Windows) Execute the following command: $cred = gcloud auth print-access-token $headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred" } Invoke-WebRequest ` -Method DELETE ` -Headers $headers ` -Uri " PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts/ SA_ID" | Select-Object -Expand Content API Explorer (browser) Open the method reference page The API Explorer panel opens on the right side of the page You can interact with this tool to send requests Complete any required fields and click **Execute** If successful, the response body will be empty C++ To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM C++ API reference documentation namespace iam = ::google::cloud::iam; std::string const& name) { iam::IAMClient client(iam::MakeIAMConnection auto response = client.DeleteServiceAccount(name); if (!response.ok throw std::runtime_error(response.message std::cout << "ServiceAccount successfully deleted. "; } C# To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM C# API reference documentation using System; using Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2; using Google.Apis.Iam.v1; public partial class ServiceAccounts { public static void DeleteServiceAccount(string email) { var credential = GoogleCredential.GetApplicationDefault() .CreateScoped(IamService.Scope.CloudPlatform); var service = new IamService(new IamService.Initializer { HttpClientInitializer = credentialstring resource = "projectsserviceAccounts/" + email; service.Projects.ServiceAccounts.Delete(resource).Execute Console.WriteLine("Deleted service account: " + email); } } Go To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM Go API reference documentation import ( "context" "fmt" "io" iam "" ) // deleteServiceAccount deletes a service account. func deleteServiceAccount(w io.Writer, email string) error { ctx := context.Background() service, err := iam.NewService(ctx) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("iam.NewService: %v", err) } _, err = service.Projects.ServiceAccounts.Delete("projectsserviceAccounts/" + email).Do() if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Projects.ServiceAccounts.Delete: %v", err) } fmt.Fprintf(w, "Deleted service account: %v", email) return nil } Java To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM Java API reference documentation import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; public class DeleteServiceAccount { // Deletes a service account. public static void deleteServiceAccount(String projectId, String serviceAccountName) { // String projectId = "my-project-id"; // String serviceAccountName = "my-service-account-name"; Iam service = null; try { service = initService } catch (IOException | GeneralSecurityException e) { System.out.println("Unable to initialize service: " + e.toString return; } String serviceAccountEmail = serviceAccountName ++ projectId + ""; try { service .projects() .serviceAccounts() .delete("projectsserviceAccounts/" + serviceAccountEmail) .execute System.out.println("Deleted service account: " + serviceAccountEmail); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Unable to delete service account: " + e.toString } } private static Iam initService() throws GeneralSecurityException, IOException { // Use the Application Default Credentials strategy for authentication. For more info, see: // GoogleCredentials credential = GoogleCredentials.getApplicationDefault() .createScoped(Collections.singleton(IamScopes.CLOUD_PLATFORM // Initialize the IAM service, which can be used to send requests to the IAM API. Iam service = new Iam.Builder( GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport JacksonFactory.getDefaultInstance new HttpCredentialsAdapter(credential)) .setApplicationName("service-accounts") .build return service; } } Python To learn how to install and use the client library for IAM, see IAM client libraries. For more information, see the IAM Python API reference documentation import os from google.oauth2 import service_account import googleapiclient.discovery def delete_service_account(email): Deletes a service account credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file( filename=os.environ['GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS service = 'iam', 'v1', credentials=credentials) service.projectsserviceAccountsdelete( name='projectsserviceAccounts/' + email).execute() print('Deleted service account: ' + email) ## Undeleting a service account In some cases, you can use the undelete command to undelete a deleted service account. You can usually undelete a deleted service account if it meets these criteria: The service account was deleted less than 30 days ago After 30 days, IAM permanently removes the service account. Google Cloud cannot recover the service account after it is permanently removed, even if you file a support request There is no existing service account with the same name as the deleted service account For example, suppose that you accidentally delete the service account You still need a service account with that name, so you create a new service account with the same name, The new service account does not inherit the permissions of the deleted service account. In effect, it is completely separate from the deleted service account. However, you cannot undelete the original service account, because the new service account has the same name To address this issue, delete the new service account, then try to undelete the original service account If you are not able to undelete the service account, you can create a new service account with the same name; revoke all of the roles from the deleted service account; and grant the same roles to the new service account. For details, see Policies with deleted principals Finding a deleted service account's numeric ID When you undelete a service account, you must provide its numeric ID. The numeric ID is a 21-digit number, such as 123456789012345678901, that uniquely identifies the service account. For example, if you delete a service account, then create a new service account with the same name, the original service account and the new service account will have different numeric IDs If you know that a binding in an allow policy includes the deleted service account, you can get the allow policy, then find the numeric ID in the allow policy. The numeric ID is appended to the name of the deleted service account. For example, in this allow policy, the numeric ID for the deleted service account is 123456789012345678901: { "version": 1, "etag": "BwUjMhCsNvY "bindings": [ { "members": [ " "role": "roles/iam.serviceAccountUser" }, ] } Numeric IDs are only appended to the names of deleted principals Alternatively, you can search your audit logs for the DeleteServiceAccount operation that deleted the service account: In the Google Cloud console, go to the Logs explorerpage In the query editor, enter the following query, replacing with the email address of your service account (for example, SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL resource.type="service_account" resource.labels.email_id=" SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL" "DeleteServiceAccount" If the service account was deleted more than an hour ago, click Last 1 hour, select a longer period of time from the drop-down list, then click Apply Click Run query. The Logs Explorer displays the DeleteServiceAccountoperations that affected service accounts with the name you specified Find and note the numeric ID of the deleted service account by doing one of the following: If the search results include only one DeleteServiceAccountoperation, find the numeric ID in the Unique IDfield of the Log fieldspane If the search results show more than one log, do the following: Find the correct log entry. To find the correct log entry, click theexpander arrow next to a log entry. Review the details of the log entry and determine whether the log entry shows the operation that you want to undo. Repeat this process until you find the correct log entry In the correct log entry, locate the service account's numeric ID. To locate the numeric ID, expand the log entry's protoPayloadfield, then find the resourceNamefield The numeric ID is everything after serviceAccountsin the resourceNamefield - - Undeleting the service account by numeric ID After you find the numeric ID for the deleted service account, you can try to undelete the service account gcloud CLI Execute the gcloud beta iam service-accounts undelete command to undelete a service account Command: gcloud beta iam service-accounts undelete ACCOUNT_ID Output: restoredAccount: email: SA_NAME@ etag: BwWWE7zpApg= name: projects/ PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts/ SA_NAME@ oauth2ClientId: '123456789012345678901' projectId: PROJECT_IDuniqueId: ' ACCOUNT_ID' REST The serviceAccounts.undelete method restores a deleted service account Before using any of the request data, make the following replacements: : Your Google Cloud project ID. Project IDs are alphanumeric strings, like PROJECT_ID my-project : The unique numeric ID of the service account SA_NUMERIC_ID HTTP method and URL: POST PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts/ SA_NUMERIC_ID:undelete To send your request, expand one of these options: curl (Linux, macOS, or Cloud Shell) Execute the following command: curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $(gcloud auth print-access-token)" -H "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" -d "" " PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts/ SA_NUMERIC_ID:undelete" PowerShell (Windows) Execute the following command: $cred = gcloud auth print-access-token $headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer $cred" } Invoke-WebRequest ` -Method POST ` -Headers $headers ` -Uri " PROJECT_ID/serviceAccounts/ SA_NUMERIC_ID:undelete" | Select-Object -Expand Content API Explorer (browser) Open the method reference page The API Explorer panel opens on the right side of the page You can interact with this tool to send requests Complete any required fields and click **Execute** If the account can be undeleted, you receive a 200 OK response code with details about the restored service account, like the following: { "restoredAccount": { "name": "projects/my-project/serviceAccounts/", "projectId": "my-project", "uniqueId": "123456789012345678901", "email": "", "displayName": "My service account", "etag": "BwUp3rVlzes "description": "A service account for running jobs in my project", "oauth2ClientId": "987654321098765432109" } } ## What's next - Learn how to create and manage service account keys - Review the process for granting IAM roles to all types of principals, including service accounts - Explore how you can use role recommendations to downscope permissions for all principals, including service accounts - Understand how to allow principals to impersonate service accounts ## Try it for yourself If you're new to Google Cloud, create an account to evaluate how our products perform in real-world scenarios. New customers also get $300 in free credits to run, test, and deploy workloads.Get started for free