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What are the trading requirements for a CMC Markets VPS subscription?
VPS subscription is an exclusive, free* service for CMC Markets clients. To qualify for a Beeks account, you will need to have a CMC Markets CFD account and trade a minimum 15 standard lots per calendar month

Do I need a CMC Markets account for access to a VPS?
You need to set up a live account with CMC Markets before applying for a VPS subscription

If you already have a live account with CMC Markets you can contact our customer support team on 1 866 884 2608
What are the benefits of a VPS?
A VPS subscription allows you to run expert advisors and other automated algorithmic strategies via a virtual private server. Further you can access ultra-low latency and minimize the risk of connectivity issues

What are the trading requirements for a CMC Markets VPS subscription?
VPS subscription is an exclusive, free* service for CMC Markets clients. To qualify for a Beeks account, you will need to have a CMC Markets CFD account and trade a minimum 15 standard lots per calendar month

I've joined in the middle of the month – do I still need to meet the threshold?
The monthly volume requirement is pro-rata. If you joined halfway through the month, you would only have to trade half the month's volume requirement

What happens if I don't meet the trading threshold?
What is a VPS?
VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosting allows traders to run automated algorithmic strategies, including expert advisors 24 hours a day 7 days a week on a virtual machine

Can I re-apply for a VPS subscription if my access has been revoked?
If we have switched off your VPS subscription, you can re-apply after 60 days

Who is our VPS partner?
Our VPS is hosted by Beeks Financial Cloud who have dedicated racks, strategically placed in London, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Frankfurt, Chicago and New York Data Centres to provide one of the fastest, most reliable VPS on the market

How do I cancel my VPS?
If you change your mind, get in touch with our support team on 1 866 884 2608 and we will terminate your VPS subscription. If we have switched off your VPS subscription, you can re-apply after 60 days by emailing our customer support team here

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