What is VPS hosting? For those of you who want to learn more about Virtual Private Server (VPS) or those of you who currently have a website using shared hosting and plan to move to VPS Hosting, then you are in the right article. Because in this article , will be discussed about:
- How VPS Hosting Works
- Difference Between VPS and Shared Hosting
- When do I need VPS Hosting? - How to know the right VPS specifications for a website with "so many" visitors? NGELAG.com will try to explain very simply to make it easier to understand. ## What is VPS Hosting? Virtual Private Server (VPS) is a a server that is on a Master server, or it can also be interpreted as a Master Server that is partitioned virtually. The VPS is like a hard drive with a capacity of 100 GB and then partitioned into 4 parts, each getting 25 GB. Each partition is used by one user onlyHow VPS Hosting Works
In VPS Hosting, every website hosted in it will have good performance. This is because each partition from the Master server has its own configuration according to what is needed by the customer. So that the VPS works optimally without outside intervention, this is what called Isolated Environment. To make it easier to understand, here is a picture that describes the difference between shared hosting and VPS Hosting:

Basically, if you host a website on a VPS, you use 1 server together with other customers/websites. However, each customer will get a virtual machine each with resources (processor, storage, memory and bandwidth) dedicated only to 1 customer. .Customers or other websites that are on other partitions or virtual machines will not affect the performance of your website. Unlike shared hosting where 1 master server is crowded, this is what causes instability in shared hosting, because when a website belonging to someone else is use large resources, then your website will be affected. Virtual Private Server is almost similar to a dedicated server, where you really pay for the resources you use without interference from other customers. To make it easier to understand, we liken this server to a house Shared Hosting : is a shared house n 1 room, 1 dining room and 1 bathroom inhabited by 10 people. Every person who lives in this house, every morning has to queue for the bathroom, sleep huddled together and fight for food **VPS Hosting: ** **is a house made into boarding houses, each boarding house has a mattress, dining room and 1 bathroom. 1 boarding house can only be occupied by 1 person, so that person cansleep and shower at any time without having to spend time queuing.* *
 When Do I Need VPS Hosting? This question is often a dilemma when having a website. Some of you feel confused when you have to choose between Shared and VPS Hosting. Shared hosting does have a very cheap price, but with very good service and performance. minimal. Whereas VPS has a price that tends to be more expensive, but its performance is no longer in doubt. Here are some things that can be used as signs or characteristics of a website should be moved to VPS. **1. Website Visitors Increase**
If your website visitors reach 2,000 to 3,000 every day with pageviews reaching 6,000 per day, then VPS is the right choice for you. Even with the amount of traffic, shared hosting can actually still handle it, but we never know what those 3,000 visitors are. feel comfortable with the speed that our website offers? Are there any potential pageviews that are wasted because shared hosting is suddenly unstable? By using VPS, the potential to increase the number of visits is very large, this is because our website becomes faster and Google search engines like websites over time short load to be placed on the first page of google search results. **2. Backend Feels Heavy**
Usually if our website uses CMS, then when website visitors are at their peak, the backend of the website will feel very heavy. Posting articles and uploading pictures will take longer. If you also feel the above, then immediately move to VPS Hosting, with a backend the faster your productivity will increase. The faster an article is published, the faster visitors will come3.Security and Root Access**
If you are a web developer who manages several client websites, then it is better to store the client's website on a VPS server. By using a VPS server, security and stability will be very high, this will minimize complaints from clients who complain because the website is old. VPS servers also provide full root access for the user, this allows you to do the configuration according to what the client wants. for 1 month and feel the performance. If it is heavy then scale/upgrade, if it feels lighter and comfortable then that is the VPS server specification that is suitable for your website at the moment. **Is there a VPS free trial
Yes, but you usually need a credit card before you can use the VPS trial. But don't worry, for those of you who want to learn and try to experience VPS Hosting for your website, NGELAG.com has provided a tutorial in the previous article:

**How ​​to Get Digital Ocean's Free VPS Without a Credit Card**