This tutorial describes how to configure a Cloud Storage bucket to host a static website for a domain you own. Static web pages can contain client-side technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. They cannot contain dynamic content such as server-side scripts like PHP.

Because Cloud Storage doesn't support custom domains with HTTPS on its own, this tutorial uses Cloud Storage with HTTP(S) Load Balancing to serve content from a custom domain over HTTPS. For more ways to serve content from a custom domain over HTTPS, see the related troubleshooting topic. You can also use Cloud Storage to serve custom domain content over HTTP, which doesn't require a load balancer.

For examples and tips on static web pages, including how to host static assets for a dynamic website, see the Static Website page.

== Objectives ==This tutorial shows you how to:

- Create a bucket.

- Upload and share your site's files.

- Set up a load balancer and SSL certificate.

- Connect your load balancer to your bucket.

- Point your domain to your load balancer using an


- Test the website.

== Costs ==

This tutorial uses the following billable components of Google Cloud:

See the Monitoring your charges tip for details on what charges may be incurred when hosting a static website.

== Before you begin ==

- Sign in to your Google Cloud account. If you're new to Google Cloud, create an account to evaluate how our products perform in real-world scenarios. New customers also get $300 in free credits to run, test, and deploy workloads.

In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

Make sure that billing is enabled for your Cloud project. Learn how to check if billing is enabled on a project.

In the Google Cloud console, on the project selector page, select or create a Google Cloud project.

Make sure that billing is enabled for your Cloud project. Learn how to check if billing is enabled on a project.

- Have a domain that you own or manage. If you don't have an existing domain, there are many services through which you can register a new domain, such as Google Domains and Cloud Domains.

This tutorial uses the domain

- Have a few website files you want to serve. This tutorial works best if you have at least an index page (

index.html) and a 404 page (


- Have the following Identity and Access Management roles: Storage Object Admin and Network Admin.

- (Optional) If you want your Cloud Storage bucket to have the same name as your domain, you must Verify that you own or manage the domain that you will be using. Make sure you are verifying the top-level domain, such as, and not a subdomain, such as If you purchased your domain through Google Domains, verification is automatic.

== Create a bucket ==

To create a bucket:


- In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud Storage Browserpage.

- Click Create bucket.

- On the Create a bucketpage, enter your bucket information. To go to the next step, click Continue.

- For Name your bucket, enter a name that meets the bucket name requirements.

- For Choose where to store your data, select a Location typeand Locationwhere the bucket data will be permanently stored.

- For Choose a default storage class for your data, select a storage class for the bucket. The default storage class is assigned by default to all objects uploaded to the bucket. Note:The Monthly cost estimatepanel in the right pane estimates the bucket's monthly costs based on your selected storage class and location, as well as your expected data size and operations.

- For Choose how to control access to objects, select whether or not your bucket enforces public access prevention, and select an Access controlmodel for your bucket's objects. Note:If public access prevention is already enforced by your project's organization policy, the Prevent public accesstoggle is locked.

- For Choose how to protect object data, configure Protection toolsif desired, and select a Data encryptionmethod.

- Click Create.

To learn how to get detailed error information about failed operations in the Cloud Storage browser, see Troubleshooting.

 Command line 

Use the

gsutil mb


gsutil mb gs BUCKET_NAME


is the name you want to give your bucket, subject to naming requirements. For example, BUCKET_NAME


If the request is successful, the command returns the following message:

Creating gs BUCKET_NAME

Set the following optional flags to have greater control over the creation of your bucket:

-p: Specify the project ID or project number with which your bucket will be associated. For example,


-c: Specify the default storage class of your bucket. For example,


-l: Specify the location of your bucket. For example,


-b: Specify the uniform bucket-level access setting for your bucket. For example,


For a complete list of options for gsutil bucket creation, see mb options.

For example:


 Code samples 


For more information, see the Cloud Storage C++ API reference documentation.

namespace gcs = ::google::cloud::storage; using ::google::cloud::StatusOr; gcs::Client client, std::string const& bucket_name, std::string const& storage_class, std::string const& location) { StatusOr bucket_metadata = client.CreateBucket(bucket_name, gcs::BucketMetadata() .set_storage_class(storage_class) .set_location(location if (!bucket_metadata) { throw std::runtime_error(bucket_metadata.statusmessage } std::cout << "Bucket " << bucket_metadata->name() << " created." << "
Full Metadata: " << *bucket_metadata << "
"; }


For more information, see the Cloud Storage C# API reference documentation.

using Google.Apis.Storage.v1.Data; using Google.Cloud.Storage.V1; using System; public class CreateRegionalBucketSample {Creates a storage bucket with region.The ID of the project to create the buckets inparam>The location of the bucket. Object data for objects in the bucket resides inphysical storage within this region. Defaults to USparam>The name of the bucket to createparam>The bucket's default storage class, used whenever no storageClass is specifiedfor a newly-created object. This defines how objects in the bucket are storedand determines the SLA and the cost of storage. Values include MULTI_REGIONAL,REGIONAL, STANDARD, NEARLINE, COLDLINE, ARCHIVE, and DURABLE_REDUCED_AVAILABILITY.If this value is not specified when the bucket is created, it will default toSTANDARDparam> public Bucket CreateRegionalBucket( string projectId = "your-project-id", string bucketName = "your-unique-bucket-name", string location = "us-west1", string storageClass = "REGIONAL") { var storage = StorageClient.Create Bucket bucket = new Bucket { Location = location, Name = bucketName, StorageClass = storageClass }; var newlyCreatedBucket = storage.CreateBucket(projectId, bucket); Console.WriteLineCreated {bucketName return newlyCreatedBucket; } }


For more information, see the Cloud Storage Go API reference documentation.

import ( "context" "fmt" "io" "time" "" ) // createBucketClassLocation creates a new bucket in the project with Storage class and // location. func createBucketClassLocation(w io.Writer, projectID, bucketName string) error { // projectID := "my-project-id" // bucketName := "bucket-name" ctx := context.Background() client, err := storage.NewClient(ctx) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("storage.NewClient: %v", err) } defer client.Close() ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, time.Second*10) defer cancel() storageClassAndLocation := &storage.BucketAttrs{ StorageClass: "COLDLINE", Location: "asia", } bucket := client.Bucket(bucketName) if err := bucket.Create(ctx, projectID, storageClassAndLocation); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("Bucket(%q).Create: %v", bucketName, err) } fmt.Fprintf(w, "Created bucket %v in %v with storage class %v

", bucketName, storageClassAndLocation.Location, storageClassAndLocation.StorageClass) return nil }


For more information, see the Cloud Storage Java API reference documentation.

import; import; import; import; import; public class CreateBucketWithStorageClassAndLocation { public static void createBucketWithStorageClassAndLocation(String projectId, String bucketName) { // The ID of your GCP project // String projectId = "your-project-id"; // The ID to give your GCS bucket // String bucketName = "your-unique-bucket-name"; Storage storage = StorageOptions.newBuildersetProjectId(projectId).buildgetService // See the StorageClass documentation for other valid storage classes: // StorageClass storageClass = StorageClass.COLDLINE; // See this documentation for other valid locations: // String location = "ASIA"; Bucket bucket = storage.create( BucketInfo.newBuilder(bucketName) .setStorageClass(storageClass) .setLocation(location) .build System.out.println( "Created bucket " + bucket.getName() + " in " + bucket.getLocation() + " with storage class " + bucket.getStorageClass } }


For more information, see the Cloud Storage Node.js API reference documentation.

 * TODO(developer): Uncomment the following lines before running the sample. */ // The ID of your GCS bucket // const bucketName = 'your-unique-bucket-name'; // The name of a storage class // See the StorageClass documentation for other valid storage classes: // // const storageClass = 'coldline'; // The name of a location // See this documentation for other valid locations: // // const location = 'ASIA'; // Imports the Google Cloud client library const {Storage} = requiregoogle-cloud/storage // Creates a client // The bucket in the sample below will be created in the project associated with this client. // For more information, please see or const storage = new Storage async function createBucketWithStorageClassAndLocation() { // For default values see: and // const [bucket] = await storage.createBucket(bucketName, { location, [storageClass]: true,console.log(} created with ${storageClass} class in ${location}` ); } createBucketWithStorageClassAndLocationcatch(console.error);


For more information, see the Cloud Storage PHP API reference documentation.

use Google\Cloud\Storage\StorageClient;* Create a new bucket with a custom default storage class and location. * * @param string $bucketName The name of your Cloud Storage bucket. */ function create_bucket_class_location($bucketName) { // $bucketName = 'my-bucket'; $storage = new StorageClient $storageClass = 'COLDLINE'; $location = 'ASIA'; $bucket = $storage->createBucket($bucketName, [ 'storageClass' => $storageClass, 'location' => $location,$objects = $bucket->objects([ 'encryption' => [ 'defaultKmsKeyName' => null, ]printf('Created bucket %s in %s with storage class %s', $bucketName, $storageClass, $location); }


For more information, see the Cloud Storage Python API reference documentation.

from import storage def create_bucket_class_location(bucket_name):Create a new bucket in the US region with the coldline storage class# bucket_name = "your-new-bucket-name" storage_client = storage.Client() bucket = storage_client.bucket(bucket_name) bucket.storage_class = "COLDLINE" new_bucket = storage_client.create_bucket(bucket, location="us") print( "Created bucket {} in {} with storage class format(, new_bucket.location, new_bucket.storage_class ) ) return new_bucket


For more information, see the Cloud Storage Ruby API reference documentation.

def create_bucket_class_location bucket_name: # The ID to give your GCS bucket # bucket_name = "your-unique-bucket-name" require "google/cloud/storage" storage = bucket = storage.create_bucket bucket_name, location: "ASIA", storage_class: "COLDLINE" puts "Created bucket #{} in #{bucket.location} with #{bucket.storage_class} class" end


You can use a Terraform resource to create a storage bucket.

# Create new storage bucket in the US multi-region # with coldline storage resource "google_storage_bucket" "static" { name = "new-bucket" location = "US" storage_class = "COLDLINE" uniform_bucket_level_access = true }



- Get an authorization access token from the OAuth 2.0 Playground. Configure the playground to use your own OAuth credentials. For instructions, see API authentication.

- Create a .json file that contains the settings for the bucket, which must include a

namefor the bucket. See the Buckets:Insert documentation for a complete list of settings. The following are common settings to include:

{ "name": " BUCKET_NAME", "location": " BUCKET_LOCATION", "storageClass": " STORAGE_CLASS", "iamConfiguration": { "uniformBucketLevelAccess": { "enabled": true }, } }


is the name you want to give your bucket, subject to naming requirements. For example, BUCKET_NAME


is the location where you want to store your bucket's object data. For example, BUCKET_LOCATION


is the default storage class of your bucket. For example, STORAGE_CLASS


cURLto call the JSON API:

curl -X POST --data-binary @ JSON_FILE_NAME.json \ -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH2_TOKEN" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ " PROJECT_IDENTIFIER"


is name of the JSON file you created in Step 2. JSON_FILE_NAME

is the access token you generated in Step 1. OAUTH2_TOKEN

is the ID or number of the project with which your bucket will be associated. For example, PROJECT_IDENTIFIER



- Get an authorization access token from the OAuth 2.0 Playground. Configure the playground to use your own OAuth credentials. For instructions, see API authentication.

- Create a .xml file that contains the following information:



is the location where you want to store your bucket's object data. For example, BUCKET_LOCATION


is the default storage class of your bucket. For example, STORAGE_CLASS


cURLto call the XML API:

curl -X PUT --data-binary @ XML_FILE_NAME.xml \ -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH2_TOKEN" \ -H "x-goog-project-id: PROJECT_ID" \ " BUCKET_NAME"


is name of the XML file you created in Step 2. XML_FILE_NAME

is the access token you generated in Step 1. OAUTH2_TOKEN

is the ID of the project with which your bucket will be associated. For example, PROJECT_ID


is the name you want to give your bucket, subject to naming requirements. For example, BUCKET_NAME


== Upload your site's files ==

Add the files you want your website to serve to the bucket:


- In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud Storage Browserpage.

In the list of buckets, click the name of the bucket that you created.

TheBucket detailspage opens with the Objectstab selected.

Click theUpload filesbutton.

In the file dialog, browse to the desired file and select it.

After the upload completes, you should see the filename along with file information displayed in the bucket.

To learn how to get detailed error information about failed operations in the Cloud Storage browser, see Troubleshooting.


Use the

gsutil cp command to copy files to your bucket. For example,

to copy the file

index.html from its current location

Desktop to the



gsutil cp Desktop/index.html gsmy-static-assets

If successful, the command returns:

Copying fileDesktop/index.html [Content-Type=text/html Uploading gsmy-static-assets/index.html: 0 B/2.58 KiB Uploading gsmy-static-assets/index.html: 2.58 KiB/2.58 KiB

 Code samples 

For more information, see the

Cloud Storage C++ API reference documentation.

The following sample uploads an object from a file: The following sample uploads an object from memory:

For more information, see the

Cloud Storage C# API reference documentation.

The following sample uploads an object from a file: The following sample uploads an object from memory:

For more information, see the

Cloud Storage Go API reference documentation.

The following sample uploads an object from a file: The following sample uploads an object from memory:

For more information, see the

Cloud Storage Java API reference documentation.

The following sample uploads an object from a file: The following sample uploads an object from memory:

For more information, see the

Cloud Storage Node.js API reference documentation.

The following sample uploads an object from a file: The following sample uploads an object from memory:

For more information, see the

Cloud Storage PHP API reference documentation.

The following sample uploads an object from a file: The following sample uploads an object from memory:

For more information, see the

Cloud Storage Python API reference documentation.

The following sample uploads an object from a file: The following sample uploads an object from memory:

For more information, see the

Cloud Storage Ruby API reference documentation.

The following sample uploads an object from a file: The following sample uploads an object from memory:

== C++ ==

namespace gcs = ::google::cloud::storage;

using ::google::cloud::StatusOr;

gcs::Client client, std::string const& file_name,

std::string const& bucket_name, std::string const& object_name) {

// Note that the client library automatically computes a hash on the

// client-side to verify data integrity during transmission.

StatusOr metadata = client.UploadFile(

file_name, bucket_name, object_name, gcs::IfGenerationMatch(0

if (!metadata) throw std::runtime_error(metadata.statusmessage

std::cout << "Uploaded " << file_name << " to object " << metadata->name()

<< " in bucket " << metadata->bucket()

<< "
Full metadata: " << *metadata << "



namespace gcs = ::google::cloud::storage;

using ::google::cloud::StatusOr;

gcs::Client client, std::string const& bucket_name,

std::string const& object_name) {

std::string const text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet";

std::vector v(100, text);

gcs::ObjectWriteStream stream =

client.WriteObject(bucket_name, object_name);

std::copy(v.begin v.end std::ostream_iterator(stream


StatusOr metadata = std::move(stream).metadata

if (!metadata) throw std::runtime_error(metadata.statusmessage

std::cout << "Successfully wrote to object " << metadata->name()

<< " its size is: " << metadata->size()

<< "
Full metadata: " << *metadata << "


== C# ==

using Google.Cloud.Storage.V1;

using System;

using System.IO;

public class UploadFileSample


public void UploadFile(

string bucketName = "your-unique-bucket-name",

string localPath = "my-local-path/my-file-name",

string objectName = "my-file-name")


var storage = StorageClient.Create

using var fileStream = File.OpenRead(localPath);

storage.UploadObject(bucketName, objectName, null, fileStream);

Console.WriteLineUploaded {objectName



using Google.Cloud.Storage.V1;

using System;

using System.IO;

using System.Text;

public class UploadObjectFromMemorySample


public void UploadObjectFromMemory(

string bucketName = "unique-bucket-name",

string objectName = "file-name",

string contents = "Hello world


var storage = StorageClient.Create

byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(contents);

MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(byteArray);

storage.UploadObject(bucketName, objectName, "application/octet-stream" , stream);

Console.WriteLine {objectName} uploaded to bucket {bucketName} with contents: {contents



== Go ==

import (








// uploadFile uploads an object.

func uploadFile(w io.Writer, bucket, object string) error {

// bucket := "bucket-name"

// object := "object-name"

ctx := context.Background()

client, err := storage.NewClient(ctx)

if err != nil {

return fmt.Errorf("storage.NewClient: %v", err)


defer client.Close()

// Open local file.

f, err := os.Open("notes.txt")

if err != nil {

return fmt.Errorf("os.Open: %v", err)


defer f.Close()

ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, time.Second*50)

defer cancel()

o := client.Bucket(bucket).Object(object)

// Optional: set a generation-match precondition to avoid potential race

// conditions and data corruptions. The request to upload is aborted if the

// object's generation number does not match your precondition.

// For an object that does not yet exist, set the DoesNotExist precondition.

o = o.If(storage.Conditions{DoesNotExist: true})

// If the live object already exists in your bucket, set instead a

// generation-match precondition using the live object's generation number.

// attrs, err := o.Attrs(ctx)

// if err != nil {

// return fmt.Errorf("object.Attrs: %v", err)

// }

// o = o.If(storage.Conditions{GenerationMatch: attrs.Generation})

// Upload an object with storage.Writer.

wc := o.NewWriter(ctx)

if _, err = io.Copy(wc, f); err != nil {

return fmt.Errorf("io.Copy: %v", err)


if err := wc.Close err != nil {

return fmt.Errorf("Writer.Close: %v", err)


fmt.Fprintf(w, "Blob %v uploaded.
", object)

return nil


import (








// streamFileUpload uploads an object via a stream.

func streamFileUpload(w io.Writer, bucket, object string) error {

// bucket := "bucket-name"

// object := "object-name"

ctx := context.Background()

client, err := storage.NewClient(ctx)

if err != nil {

return fmt.Errorf("storage.NewClient: %v", err)


defer client.Close()

b := []byte("Hello world

buf := bytes.NewBuffer(b)

ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, time.Second*50)

defer cancel()

// Upload an object with storage.Writer.

wc := client.Bucket(bucket).Object(object).NewWriter(ctx)

wc.ChunkSize = 0 // note retries are not supported for chunk size 0.

if _, err = io.Copy(wc, buf); err != nil {

return fmt.Errorf("io.Copy: %v", err)


// Data can continue to be added to the file until the writer is closed.

if err := wc.Close err != nil {

return fmt.Errorf("Writer.Close: %v", err)


fmt.Fprintf(w, "%v uploaded to %v.
", object, bucket)

return nil


== Java ==






import java.nio.file.Files;

import java.nio.file.Paths;

public class UploadObject {

public static void uploadObject(

String projectId, String bucketName, String objectName, String filePath) throws IOException {

// The ID of your GCP project

// String projectId = "your-project-id";

// The ID of your GCS bucket

// String bucketName = "your-unique-bucket-name";

// The ID of your GCS object

// String objectName = "your-object-name";

// The path to your file to upload

// String filePath = "path/to/your/file"

Storage storage = StorageOptions.newBuildersetProjectId(projectId).buildgetService

BlobId blobId = BlobId.of(bucketName, objectName);

BlobInfo blobInfo = BlobInfo.newBuilder(blobId).build

storage.create(blobInfo, Files.readAllBytes(Paths.get(filePath


"File " + filePath + " uploaded to bucket " + bucketName + " as " + objectName);









import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;

public class UploadObjectFromMemory {

public static void uploadObjectFromMemory(

String projectId, String bucketName, String objectName, String contents) throws IOException {

// The ID of your GCP project

// String projectId = "your-project-id";

// The ID of your GCS bucket

// String bucketName = "your-unique-bucket-name";

// The ID of your GCS object

// String objectName = "your-object-name";

// The string of contents you wish to upload

// String contents = "Hello world

Storage storage = StorageOptions.newBuildersetProjectId(projectId).buildgetService

BlobId blobId = BlobId.of(bucketName, objectName);

BlobInfo blobInfo = BlobInfo.newBuilder(blobId).build

byte[] content = contents.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);

storage.createFrom(blobInfo, new ByteArrayInputStream(content


"Object "

+ objectName

+ " uploaded to bucket "

+ bucketName

+ " with contents "

+ contents);



== Node.js ==

* TODO(developer): Uncomment the following lines before running the sample.


// The ID of your GCS bucket

// const bucketName = 'your-unique-bucket-name';

// The path to your file to upload

// const filePath = 'path/to/your/file';

// The new ID for your GCS file

// const destFileName = 'your-new-file-name';

// Imports the Google Cloud client library

const {Storage} = requiregoogle-cloud/storage

// Creates a client

const storage = new Storage

async function uploadFile() {

await storage.bucket(bucketName).upload(filePath, {

destination: destFileName,

console.logfilePath} uploaded to ${bucketName



* TODO(developer): Uncomment the following lines before running the sample.


// The ID of your GCS bucket

// const bucketName = 'your-unique-bucket-name';

// The contents that you want to upload

// const contents = 'these are my contents';

// The new ID for your GCS file

// const destFileName = 'your-new-file-name';

// Imports the Google Cloud Node.js client library

const {Storage} = requiregoogle-cloud/storage

// Creates a client

const storage = new Storage

async function uploadFromMemory() {

await storage.bucket(bucketName).file(destFileName).save(contents);


destFileName} with contents ${contents} uploaded to ${bucketName




== PHP ==

use Google\Cloud\Storage\StorageClient;

* Upload a file.


* @param string $bucketName The name of your Cloud Storage bucket.

* @param string $objectName The name of your Cloud Storage object.

* @param string $source The path to the file to upload.


function upload_object($bucketName, $objectName, $source)


// $bucketName = 'my-bucket';

// $objectName = 'my-object';

// $source = '/path/to/your/file';

$storage = new StorageClient

$file = fopen($source, 'r

$bucket = $storage->bucket($bucketName);

$object = $bucket->upload($file, [

'name' => $objectName

printf('Uploaded %s to gss/%s' . PHP_EOL, basename($source), $bucketName, $objectName);


use Google\Cloud\Storage\StorageClient;

* Upload an object from memory buffer.


* @param string $bucketName The name of your Cloud Storage bucket.

* @param string $objectName The name of your Cloud Storage object.

* @param string $contents The contents to upload to the file.


function upload_object_from_memory(

string $bucketName,

string $objectName,

string $contents

): void {

// $bucketName = 'my-bucket';

// $objectName = 'my-object';

// $contents = 'these are my contents';

$storage = new StorageClient

$stream = fopen('datatext/plain,' . $contents, 'r

$bucket = $storage->bucket($bucketName);

$bucket->upload($stream, [

'name' => $objectName,

printf('Uploaded %s to gss/%s' . PHP_EOL, $contents, $bucketName, $objectName);


== Python ==

from import storage

def upload_blob(bucket_name, source_file_name, destination_blob_name):

Uploads a file to the bucket

# The ID of your GCS bucket

# bucket_name = "your-bucket-name"

# The path to your file to upload

# source_file_name = "local/path/to/file"

# The ID of your GCS object

# destination_blob_name = "storage-object-name"

storage_client = storage.Client()

bucket = storage_client.bucket(bucket_name)

blob = bucket.blob(destination_blob_name)



"File {} uploaded to format(

source_file_name, destination_blob_name



from import storage

def upload_blob_from_memory(bucket_name, contents, destination_blob_name):

Uploads a file to the bucket

# The ID of your GCS bucket

# bucket_name = "your-bucket-name"

# The contents to upload to the file

# contents = "these are my contents"

# The ID of your GCS object

# destination_blob_name = "storage-object-name"

storage_client = storage.Client()

bucket = storage_client.bucket(bucket_name)

blob = bucket.blob(destination_blob_name)



 with contents {} uploaded to format(

destination_blob_name, contents, bucket_name



== Ruby ==

def upload_file bucket_name:, local_file_path:, file_name: nil

# The ID of your GCS bucket

# bucket_name = "your-unique-bucket-name"

# The path to your file to upload

# local_file_path = "/local/path/to/file.txt"

# The ID of your GCS object

# file_name = "your-file-name"

require "google/cloud/storage"

storage =

bucket = storage.bucket bucket_name, skip_lookup: true

file = bucket.create_file local_file_path, file_name

puts "Uploaded #{local_file_path} as #{} in bucket #{bucket_name}"


# The ID of your GCS bucket

# bucket_name = "your-unique-bucket-name"

# The ID of your GCS object

# file_name = "your-file-name"

# The contents to upload to your file

# file_content = "Hello, world!"

require "google/cloud/storage"

storage =

bucket = storage.bucket bucket_name, skip_lookup: true

file = bucket.create_file, file_name

puts "Uploaded file #{} to bucket #{bucket_name} with content: #{file_content}"

For more information, see the Cloud Storage C++ API reference documentation.

The following sample uploads an object from a file:

The following sample uploads an object from memory:

For more information, see the Cloud Storage C# API reference documentation.

The following sample uploads an object from a file:

The following sample uploads an object from memory:

For more information, see the Cloud Storage Go API reference documentation.

The following sample uploads an object from a file:

The following sample uploads an object from memory:

For more information, see the Cloud Storage Java API reference documentation.

The following sample uploads an object from a file:

The following sample uploads an object from memory:

For more information, see the Cloud Storage Node.js API reference documentation.

The following sample uploads an object from a file:

The following sample uploads an object from memory:

For more information, see the Cloud Storage PHP API reference documentation.

The following sample uploads an object from a file:

The following sample uploads an object from memory:

For more information, see the Cloud Storage Python API reference documentation.

The following sample uploads an object from a file:

The following sample uploads an object from memory:

For more information, see the Cloud Storage Ruby API reference documentation.

The following sample uploads an object from a file:

The following sample uploads an object from memory:



- Get an authorization access token from the OAuth 2.0 Playground. Configure the playground to use your own OAuth credentials. For instructions, see API authentication.


cURLto call the JSON API with a

POSTObject request. For the file

index.htmluploaded to a bucket named


curl -X POST --data-binary @index.html \ -H "Content-Type: text/html" \ -H "Authorization: Bearer ya29.AHES6ZRVmB7fkLtd1XTmq6mo0S1wqZZi3-Lh_s-6Uw7p8vtgSwg" \ ""


- Get an authorization access token from the OAuth 2.0 Playground. Configure the playground to use your own OAuth credentials. For instructions, see API authentication.


cURLto call the XML API with a

PUTObject request. For the file

index.htmluploaded to a bucket named


curl -X PUT --data-binary @index.html \ -H "Authorization: Bearer ya29.AHES6ZRVmB7fkLtd1XTmq6mo0S1wqZZi3-Lh_s-6Uw7p8vtgSwg" \ -H "Content-Type: text/html" \ ""

== Share your files ==

To make all objects in your bucket readable to anyone on the public internet:


- In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud Storage Browserpage.

In the list of buckets, click the name of the bucket that you want to make public.

Select thePermissionstab near the top of the page.

Click the + Addbutton.

TheAdd principalsdialog box appears.

In theNew principalsfield, enter


In theSelect a roledrop down, select the Cloud Storagesub-menu, and click the Storage Object Vieweroption.


ClickAllow public access.

Once shareda **link** icon appears for each object in the *public

access* column. You can click this icon to get the URL for the object.

To learn how to get detailed error information about failed operations in the Cloud Storage browser, see Troubleshooting.


Use the

gsutil iam ch command:

gsutil iam ch allUsers:objectViewer gsmy-static-assets

 Code samples 

For more information, see the

Cloud Storage C++ API reference documentation.

For more information, see the

Cloud Storage Go API reference documentation.

For more information, see the

Cloud Storage Java API reference documentation.

For more information, see the

Cloud Storage Node.js API reference documentation.

For more information, see the

Cloud Storage Python API reference documentation.

For more information, see the

Cloud Storage Ruby API reference documentation.

== C++ ==

namespace gcs = ::google::cloud::storage;

using ::google::cloud::StatusOr;

gcs::Client client, std::string const& bucket_name) {

auto current_policy = client.GetNativeBucketIamPolicy(

bucket_name, gcs::RequestedPolicyVersion(3

if (!current_policy) {

throw std::runtime_error(current_policy.statusmessage




gcs::NativeIamBinding("roles/storage.objectViewer", {"allUsers

auto updated =

client.SetNativeBucketIamPolicy(bucket_name, *current_policy);

if (!updated) throw std::runtime_error(updated.statusmessage

std::cout << "Policy successfully updated: " << *updated << "


== Go ==

import (






iampb ""


// setBucketPublicIAM makes all objects in a bucketreadable.

func setBucketPublicIAM(w io.Writer, bucketName string) error {

// bucketName := "bucket-name"

ctx := context.Background()

client, err := storage.NewClient(ctx)

if err != nil {

return fmt.Errorf("storage.NewClient: %v", err)


defer client.Close()

policy, err := client.Bucket(bucketName).IAMV3Policy(ctx)

if err != nil {

return fmt.Errorf("Bucket(%q).IAMV3Policy: %v", bucketName, err)


role := "roles/storage.objectViewer"

policy.Bindings = append(policy.Bindings, &iampb.Binding{

Role: role,

Members: []string{iam.AllUsers},


if err := client.Bucket(bucketName).IAMV3SetPolicy(ctx, policy); err != nil {

return fmt.Errorf("Bucket(%q).IAMSetPolicy: %v", bucketName, err)


fmt.Fprintf(w, "Bucket %v is nowreadable
", bucketName)

return nil


== Java ==






public class MakeBucketPublic {

public static void makeBucketPublic(String projectId, String bucketName) {

// The ID of your GCP project

// String projectId = "your-project-id";

// The ID of your GCS bucket

// String bucketName = "your-unique-bucket-name";

Storage storage = StorageOptions.newBuildersetProjectId(projectId).buildgetService

Policy originalPolicy = storage.getIamPolicy(bucketName);





.addIdentity(StorageRoles.objectViewer Identity.allUsers // All users can view


System.out.println("Bucket " + bucketName + " is nowreadable



== Node.js ==

* TODO(developer): Uncomment the following lines before running the sample.


// The ID of your GCS bucket

// const bucketName = 'your-unique-bucket-name';

// Imports the Google Cloud client library

const {Storage} = requiregoogle-cloud/storage

// Creates a client

const storage = new Storage

async function makeBucketPublic() {

await storage.bucket(bucketName).makePublic

console.log(`Bucket ${bucketName} is nowreadable



== Python ==

from typing import List

from import storage

def set_bucket_public_iam(

bucket_name: str = "your-bucket-name",

members: List[str] = ["allUsers


Set a public IAM Policy to bucket

# bucket_name = "your-bucket-name"

storage_client = storage.Client()

bucket = storage_client.bucket(bucket_name)

policy = bucket.get_iam_policy(requested_policy_version=3)


{"role": "roles/storage.objectViewer", "members": members}



print("Bucket {} is nowreadable".format(

== Ruby ==

def set_bucket_public_iam bucket_name:

# The ID of your GCS bucket

# bucket_name = "your-unique-bucket-name"

require "google/cloud/storage"

storage =

bucket = storage.bucket bucket_name

bucket.policy do |p|

p.add "roles/storage.objectViewer", "allUsers"


puts "Bucket #{bucket_name} is nowreadable"


For more information, see the Cloud Storage C++ API reference documentation.

For more information, see the Cloud Storage Go API reference documentation.

For more information, see the Cloud Storage Java API reference documentation.

For more information, see the Cloud Storage Node.js API reference documentation.

For more information, see the Cloud Storage Python API reference documentation.

For more information, see the Cloud Storage Ruby API reference documentation.



- Get an authorization access token from the OAuth 2.0 Playground. Configure the playground to use your own OAuth credentials. For instructions, see API authentication.

Create a JSON file that contains the following information:

{ "bindings { "role": "roles/storage.objectViewer", "membersallUsers"] } ] }


cURLto call the JSON API with a

PUTBucket request:

curl -X PUT --data-binary @ JSON_FILE_NAME\ -H "Authorization: Bearer OAUTH2_TOKEN" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ " BUCKET_NAME/iam"


is the path for the JSON file that you created in Step 2. JSON_FILE_NAME

is the access token you created in Step 1. OAUTH2_TOKEN

is the name of the bucket whose objects you want to make public. For example, BUCKET_NAME



Making all objects in a bucketreadable is not supported by the XML API. Use gsutil or the JSON API instead, or set ACLs for each individual object.

To make individual objects in your bucketaccessible, you need to

switch your bucket's **Access control** mode to **Fine-grained Generally,

making all files in your bucketaccessible is easier and faster.

Visitors receive a

http 403 response code when requesting the URL for a

non-public or non-existent file. See the next section for information on how to

add an error page that uses a

http 404 response code.

== Recommended: Assign specialty pages ==

You can assign an index page suffix, which is controlled by the


property, and a custom error page, which is controlled by the


property. Assigning either is optional, but without an index page, nothing is

served when users access your top-level site, for example, For more information about the

MainPageSuffix and

NotFoundPage properties, see Specialty pages.

In the following sample, the

MainPageSuffix is set to

index.html and

NotFoundPage is set to



- In the Google Cloud console, go to the Cloud Storage Browserpage.

In the list of buckets, find the bucket you created.

Click theBucket overflowmenu (

) associated with the bucket and select Edit website configuration.

In the website configuration dialog, specify the main page and error page.


To learn how to get detailed error information about failed operations in the Cloud Storage browser, see Troubleshooting.


Use the

gsutil web set command to set the

MainPageSuffix property

with the

-m flag and the

NotFoundPage with the

-e flag:

gsutil web set -m index.html -e 404.html gsmy-static-assets

If successful, the command returns:

Setting website config on gsmy-static-assets

 Code samples 

For more information, see the

Cloud Storage C++ API reference documentation.

For more information, see the

Cloud Storage C# API reference documentation.

For more information, see the

Cloud Storage Go API reference documentation.

For more information, see the

Cloud Storage Java API reference documentation.

For more information, see the

Cloud Storage Node.js API reference documentation.

For more information, see the

Cloud Storage PHP API reference documentation.

For more information, see the

Cloud Storage Python API reference documentation.

For more information, see the

Cloud Storage Ruby API reference documentation.

== C++ ==

namespace gcs = ::google::cloud::storage;

using ::google::cloud::StatusOr;

gcs::Client client, std::string const& bucket_name,

std::string const& main_page_suffix, std::string const& not_found_page) {

StatusOr original =


if (!original) throw std::runtime_error(original.statusmessage

StatusOr patched_metadata = client.PatchBucket(



gcs::BucketWebsite{main_page_suffix, not_found_page


if (!patched_metadata) {

throw std::runtime_error(patched_metadata.statusmessage


if (!patched_metadata->has_website {

std::cout << "Static website configuration is not set for bucket "

<< patched_metadata->name() << "



std::cout << "Static website configuration successfully set for bucket "

<< patched_metadata->name() << "
New main page suffix is: "

<< patched_metadata->websitemain_page_suffix

<< "
New not found page is: "

<< patched_metadata->websitenot_found_page << "


== C# ==

using Google.Apis.Storage.v1.Data;

using Google.Cloud.Storage.V1;

using System;

public class BucketWebsiteConfigurationSample


public Bucket BucketWebsiteConfiguration(

string bucketName = "your-bucket-name",

string mainPageSuffix = "index.html",

string notFoundPage = "404.html")


var storage = StorageClient.Create

var bucket = storage.GetBucket(bucketName);

if (bucket.Website == null)


bucket.Website = new Bucket.WebsiteData


bucket.Website.MainPageSuffix = mainPageSuffix;

bucket.Website.NotFoundPage = notFoundPage;

bucket = storage.UpdateBucket(bucket);

Console.WriteLineStatic website bucket {bucketName} is set up to use {mainPageSuffix} as the index page and {notFoundPage} as the 404 not found page

return bucket;



== Go ==

import (







// setBucketWebsiteInfo sets website configuration on a bucket.

func setBucketWebsiteInfo(w io.Writer, bucketName, indexPage, notFoundPage string) error {

// bucketName := ""

// indexPage := "index.html"

// notFoundPage := "404.html"

ctx := context.Background()

client, err := storage.NewClient(ctx)

if err != nil {

return fmt.Errorf("storage.NewClient: %v", err)


defer client.Close()

ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, time.Second*10)

defer cancel()

bucket := client.Bucket(bucketName)

bucketAttrsToUpdate := storage.BucketAttrsToUpdate{

Website: &storage.BucketWebsite{

MainPageSuffix: indexPage,

NotFoundPage: notFoundPage,



if _, err := bucket.Update(ctx, bucketAttrsToUpdate); err != nil {

return fmt.Errorf("Bucket(%q).Update: %v", bucketName, err)


fmt.Fprintf(w, "Static website bucket %v is set up to use %v as the index page and %v as the 404 page
", bucketName, indexPage, notFoundPage)

return nil


== Java ==




public class SetBucketWebsiteInfo {

public static void setBucketWesbiteInfo(

String projectId, String bucketName, String indexPage, String notFoundPage) {

// The ID of your GCP project

// String projectId = "your-project-id";

// The ID of your static website bucket

// String bucketName = "";

// The index page for a static website bucket

// String indexPage = "index.html";

// The 404 page for a static website bucket

// String notFoundPage = "404.html";

Storage storage = StorageOptions.newBuildersetProjectId(projectId).buildgetService

Bucket bucket = storage.get(bucketName);



"Static website bucket "

+ bucketName

+ " is set up to use "

+ indexPage

+ " as the index page and "

+ notFoundPage

+ " as the 404 page



== Node.js ==

* TODO(developer): Uncomment the following lines before running the sample.


// The ID of your GCS bucket

// const bucketName = 'your-unique-bucket-name';

// The name of the main page

// const mainPageSuffix = '';

// The Name of a 404 page

// const notFoundPage = '';

// Imports the Google Cloud client library

const {Storage} = requiregoogle-cloud/storage

// Creates a client

const storage = new Storage

async function addBucketWebsiteConfiguration() {

await storage.bucket(bucketName).setMetadata({

website: {





`Static website bucket ${bucketName} is set up to use ${mainPageSuffix} as the index page and ${notFoundPage} as the 404 page`




== PHP ==

use Google\Cloud\Storage\StorageClient;

* Update the given bucket's website configuration.


* @param string $bucketName The name of your Cloud Storage bucket.

* @param string $indexPageObject the name of an object in the bucket to use as

* an index page for a static website bucket.

* @param string $notFoundPageObject the name of an object in the bucket to use

* as the 404 Not Found page.


function define_bucket_website_configuration($bucketName, $indexPageObject, $notFoundPageObject)


// $bucketName = 'my-bucket';

// $indexPageObject = 'index.html';

// $notFoundPageObject = '404.html';

$storage = new StorageClient

$bucket = $storage->bucket($bucketName);


'website' => [

'mainPageSuffix' => $indexPageObject,

'notFoundPage' => $notFoundPageObject



'Static website bucket %s is set up to use %s as the index page and %s as the 404 page






== Python ==

from import storage

def define_bucket_website_configuration(bucket_name, main_page_suffix, not_found_page):

Configure website-related properties of bucket

# bucket_name = "your-bucket-name"

# main_page_suffix = "index.html"

# not_found_page = "404.html"

storage_client = storage.Client()

bucket = storage_client.get_bucket(bucket_name)

bucket.configure_website(main_page_suffix, not_found_page)



"Static website bucket {} is set up to use {} as the index page and {} as the 404 page".format(, main_page_suffix, not_found_page



return bucket

== Ruby ==

def define_bucket_website_configuration bucket_name:, main_page_suffix:, not_found_page:

# The ID of your static website bucket

# bucket_name = ""

# The index page for a static website bucket

# main_page_suffix = "index.html"

# The 404 page for a static website bucket

# not_found_page = "404.html"

require "google/cloud/storage"

storage =

bucket = storage.bucket bucket_name

bucket.update do |b|

b.website_main = main_page_suffix

b.website_404 = not_found_page


puts "Static website bucket #{bucket_name} is set up to use #{main_page_suffix} as the index page and " 
not_found_page} as the 404 page"


For more information, see the Cloud Storage C++ API reference documentation.

For more information, see the Cloud Storage C# API reference documentation.

For more information, see the Cloud Storage Go API reference documentation.

For more information, see the Cloud Storage Java API reference documentation.

For more information, see the Cloud Storage Node.js API reference documentation.

For more information, see the Cloud Storage PHP API reference documentation.

For more information, see the Cloud Storage Python API reference documentation.

For more information, see the Cloud Storage Ruby API reference documentation.



- Get an authorization access token from the OAuth 2.0 Playground. Configure the playground to use your own OAuth credentials. For instructions, see API authentication.

Create a JSON file that sets the


notFoundPageproperties in a

websiteobject to the desired pages:

{ "website "mainPageSuffix": "index.html", "notFoundPage": "404.html" } }


cURLto call the JSON API with a

PATCHBucket request. For the bucket


curl -X PATCH --data-binary @web-config.json \ -H "Authorization: Bearer ya29.AHES6ZRVmB7fkLtd1XTmq6mo0S1wqZZi3-Lh_s-6Uw7p8vtgSwg" \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ ""


- Get an authorization access token from the OAuth 2.0 Playground. Configure the playground to use your own OAuth credentials. For instructions, see API authentication.

Create an XML file that sets the


NotFoundPageelements in a

WebsiteConfigurationelement to the desired pages:

 index.html 404.html 


cURLto call the XML API with a

PUTBucket request and

websiteConfigquery string parameter. For my-static-assets:

curl -X PUT --data-binary @web-config.xml \ -H "Authorization: Bearer ya29.AHES6ZRVmB7fkLtd1XTmq6mo0S1wqZZi3-Lh_s-6Uw7p8vtgSwg" \

== Set up your load balancer and SSL certificate ==

Cloud Storage doesn't support custom domains with HTTPS on its own, so you also need to set up an SSL certificate attached to an HTTPS load balancer to serve your website through HTTPS. This section shows you how to add your bucket to a load balancer's backend and how to add a new Google-managed SSL certificate to the load balancer's front end.

- Go to the Load balancing page in the Google Cloud console.

Go to the Load balancing page

- Under HTTP(S) load balancing, click Start configuration.

- Select From Internet to my VMs or serverless services.

- Select Global HTTP(S) Load Balancer.

Click Continue.

The configuration window for your load balancer appears.

Before continuing with the configuration, give you load balancer aName, such as


 Configure the backend 

- Click Backend configuration.

- In the Backend services & backend bucketsdropdown, click Create a backend bucket.

- Choose a Backend bucket name, such as

example-bucket. The name you choose can be different from the name of the bucket you created earlier.

- Click Browse, found in the Cloud Storage bucketfield.

- Select the

my-static-assetsbucket you created earlier, and click Select.

- (Optional) If you want to use Cloud CDN, select the checkbox for Enable Cloud CDNand configure Cloud CDN as desired. Note that Cloud CDN may incur additional costs.

- Click Create.

 Configure routing rules 

Routing rules are the components of a external HTTP(S) load balancer's URL map. For this tutorial, you should skip this portion of the load balancer configuration, because it is automatically set to use the backend you just configured.

 Configure the frontend 

This section shows you how to configure the HTTPS protocol and create an SSL certificate. You can also select an existing certificate or upload a self-managed SSL certificate.

- Click Frontend configuration.

- (Optional) Give your frontend configuration a Name.

- For Protocol, select HTTPS (includes HTTP/2).

- For Network Service Tier, select Premium.

- For IP version, select IPv4. If you prefer IPv6, see IPv6 termination for additional information.

For the IP addressfield:

- In the dropdown, click Create IP address.

- In the Reserve a new static IP addresspop-up, enter a name, such as

example-ipfor the Nameof the IP address.

- Click Reserve.

ForPort, select 443.

In the Certificatefield dropdown, select Create a new certificate. The certificate creation form appears in a panel. Configure the following:

- Give your certificate a Name, such as


- For Create mode, select Create Google-managed certificate.

- For Domains, enter your website name, such as If you want to serve your content through additional domains such as the root domain, press Enterto add them on additional lines. Each certificate has a limit of 100 domains.



 Review the configuration 

- Click Review and finalize.

- Review the Frontend, Routing rules, and Backend.

- Click Create.

You may need to wait a few minutes for the load balancer to be created.

== Connect your domain to your load balancer ==

After the load balancer is created, click the name of your load balancer:

example-lb. Note the IP address associated with the load balancer: for

example, To point your domain to your load balancer, create an

A record using your domain registration service. If you added multiple domains

to your SSL certificate, you must add an

A record for each one, all pointing

to the load balancer's IP address. For example, to create

A records for and


If you are using Google Domains, see the Google Domains Help page for more information.

== Recommended: Monitor the SSL certificate status ==

It might take up to 60-90 minutes for Google Cloud to provision the certificate and make the site available through the load balancer. To monitor the status of your certificate:


- Go to the Load balancing page in the Google Cloud console.

Go to the Load balancing page

- Click the name of your load balancer:


- Click the name of the SSL certificate associated with the load balancer:


- The Statusand Domain statusrows show the certificate status. Both must be active in order for the certificate to be valid for your website.


To check the certificate status, run the following command:

gcloud beta compute ssl-certificates describeCERTIFICATE_NAME\ --global \ --format="get(name,managed.status)"

To check the domain status, run the following command:

gcloud beta compute ssl-certificates describeCERTIFICATE_NAME\ --global \ --format="get(managed.domainStatus)"

See Troubleshooting SSL certificates for more information about certificate status.

== Test the website ==

Once the SSL certificate is active, verify that content is served from the

bucket by going to, where

test.html is an

object stored in the bucket that you're using as the backend. If you set the

MainPageSuffix property, goes to


== Clean up ==

After you finish the tutorial, you can clean up the resources that you created so that they stop using quota and incurring charges. The following sections describe how to delete or turn off these resources.

 Delete the project 

The easiest way to eliminate billing is to delete the project that you created for the tutorial.

To delete the project:

- In the Cloud console, go to the Manage resourcespage.

- In the project list, select the project that you want to delete, and then click Delete.

- In the dialog, type the project ID, and then clickdownto delete the project.

 Delete the load balancer and bucket 

If you don't want to delete the entire project, delete the load balancer and bucket that you created for the tutorial:

- Go to the Load balancing page in the Google Cloud console.

Go to the Load balancing page

- Select the checkbox next to


- Click Delete.

- (Optional) Select the checkbox next to the resources you want to delete along with the load balancer, such as the

my-static-assetsbucket or the

example-sslSSL certificate.

- Click Delete load balanceror Delete load balancer and the selected resources.

 Release a reserved IP address 

To delete the reserved IP address you used for the tutorial:

In the Cloud console, go to the External IP addressespage.

Go to External IP addresses

Select the checkboxes next to


ClickRelease static address.

In the confirmation window, clickDelete.

== What's next ==

- Learn how to serve your static website over HTTP.

- See examples and tips for using buckets to host a static website.

- Visit the troubleshooting section for hosting a static website.

- Learn about hosting static assets for a dynamic website.

- Learn about other Google Cloud web serving solutions.

- Try other Google Cloud tutorials that use Cloud Storage.

== Try it for yourself ==

If you're new to Google Cloud, create an account to evaluate how Cloud Storage performs in real-world scenarios. New customers also get $300 in free credits to run, test, and deploy workloads.Try Cloud Storage free