= Dedicated server with cheap IPv4 Subnet in Europe =

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Hello folks,

I'm looking for a hoster (in Europe) for a project where I can get a cheap dedicated server (128GB RAM or more) but also cheap IPv4 subnets (at least /27 [30 addresses]. I wanted to go to Hetzner because the servers there are relatively cheap, but the subnet costs over 700 euros setup fee, which is way too much setup fee.

Do any of you know a provider that you can recommend to me?


![ ](httpswww.redditstatic.com/desktop2x/img/renderTimingPixel.png)

IPv4 is an extremely limited resource and I'm having trouble understanding your use case here. Is there any particular reason you need an entire /27?

Was gonna say. 700 Euros for

*30* unusedroutable IPv4 addresses is *cheap* all things considered.


Disclosure: one ovh node that due to location/offer I've not yet replaced. I handle my backups there with a degree of paranoia.

Try to go for IPv6 as much as possible. That will make it cheaper.

So either you pay more for servers, or more for Adress-Space.

OVH. Been with them since 2014. So far so good. Just check their unmanaged dedicated baremetals.

I don t know about the costs for ipv4 subnets, but I found that contabo is the cheapest VPS.

Are you joking? 128GB of Ddr4 ecc ram costs 300-700$ alone. What you are looking for at the price you are looking for doesn’t exist. You’re welcome.

eeeh no? This has not been the case for probably over 5 years now. OVH, hetzner and probably most other hosters offer 128GB DDR4 with decent CPUs for around 100$-120$/month

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