= Backup VPS to my Windows computer? =

Hi! I'm new to self-hosting, and I have a single VPS running aof docker containers that I'd like to back up. My provider lets me create snapshots, but they expire after 90 days and I can't download them myself, so I want a more robust backup solution just for peace of mind

I'm wondering, what is the most straightforward way to back up an image of my entire VPS (running on Debian, btw) to my Windows computer? I see this "pull mode" method through Borg, and I think that would work, but I am a little lost on how to actually do it. Any guidance or advice, or a different method, would be appreciated!
PS: I don't think I've organized my docker containers well enough to be able to just back up a single folder, for example. I'm okay with having a larger back up for now instead of just my config files etc, until I get a little more familiar with Docker and Linux. :)

If you want to backup to a Windows computer, I think one of the easiest ways might be use a WSL2 and something like rsync, dirvish, or some other rsync based backup

So a really simplistic thing would be to just do something like installing Debian as a WSL2 distro and just runing something like this occasionally

rsync--delete vps.fqdn.example.org:/ /srv/vbs_backup/
Dirvish is a tool that can do a rsync backup, can pretty easily keep multiple backups, and will use the link-dest rsync feature to de-duplicate versions

Another option might be to just backup from your VPS a different cloud service. You mentioned borg, so maybe using something like borgbase as a backup target might be an option?
Thank you! Borgbase looks simple enough, but I'll look into WSL2 and rsync first because that solution looks awesome (and I'd rather it be free)

If I'm understanding it correctly, I'd basically be running Debian inside Windows and using rsync that way? And I'd set up rsync on my server beforehand as well so they can communicate?
Use built-in rsync + tar to make a backup copy. Then download the backup using any SFTP/SCP client, e.g, WinSCP. httpswww.marksanborn.net/howto/use-rsync-for-daily-weekly-and-full-monthly-backups/
Duplicacy and duplicacy can be considered as alternatives. httpswww.vmwareblog.org/single-cloud-enough-secure-backups-5-cool-cross-cloud-solutions-consider/

Thank you! This solution seems the most straightforward, I've been procrastinating doing the backups so I'll try this first. It's a good idea to also automate stopping my docker containers before doing the back ups right?
90 days kind ofindeed!
Rsync is what you need! Ideally, you'd combine that with database (if any) backups and snapshots (with proper retention) and store it on a good (and cheap) S3 provider

We have aof articles explaining all of that on simplebackups.com/blog

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