= I work at EMEA OVH cloud support center. AMA =

For more information on our refunds policy you can contact our billing department as I do not want to mislead you with wrong information:)
The response time truly depends on the topic of the contact and your support level. The technical incidents are handled within our guaranteed response time and billing questions are handled little slower. I highly recommend upgrading to Premium support, the response time is much better

I like OVH too
For the first time when detecting activity against our terms of service we suspend the server, allowing you to take actions and report on what you have done to avoid this happening again in future. Statistically you need more than 3 of such notices for your service to be ruptured

We hardly ever immediatelydown all servers. Your abusive actions would have to cause much harm to our infrastructure for such thing to happen

This is the most often asked question ever:)
At the moment we do not have any plans nor any ETA
You can follow our network infrastructure roadmap, to see if anything changes in the future:
ECO is coming soon to OVHcloud US. Once available, you will be able to see the offers here: httpeco.us.ovhcloud.com/