VPS stands for Virtual Private Server. It is a private server that has high processing speed, so VPS works faster, stronger than general hosting, suitable for games with many people playing. This needs high speed and can control and manage private servers quickly

Once there is a server the client can easily manage the server. Will have full root control rights, not to be shared with anyone. No problems with installing programs, installing plug-ins and extracting data

Or add additional Minecraft extensions by yourself. We also have a team ready to help customers on the Vpshispeed Colo Minecraft main page. If there is a problem opening the Minecraft server, contact us immediately

For new customers or need Linux Server, we recommend Linux Mcmyadmin. [see more] We have completed the installation. Ready to use Without having to add anything at all

Customers who want to use Windows Server can rent a Windows Server. We have uploaded the Minecraft file and installed the program for Minecraft server and you can run the game straight away.