The CloudNativePG community has released a new update for the supported 1.18, 1.17 and 1.16 versions of the CloudNativePG operator. Version 1.16 has reached End-of-Life (EOL)
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SpotOn is hiring Data Engineer. Skills wanted: Kafka, Python, PostgreSQL, API, SQL, Docker, Kubernetes. Work locations: Kraków, Poland,
Komodo Health is hiring Senior Data Engineer. Skills wanted: Redis, Docker, Kubernetes, SQL, Python, Java, PostgreSQL, Terraform, Spark, Scala, Elasticsearch, DynamoDB. Work locations:
Komodo Health is hiring Senior Data Engineer. Skills wanted: Python, Scala, Elasticsearch, Terraform, Kubernetes, Spark, SQL, Java, PostgreSQL, Redis, DynamoDB, Docker. Work locations: New York,
Les traffics Nord-Sud sont : les communications réseaux initiées et émises par le cluster ou les applications instanciées dans celui-ci. On parle ici de Egress ou flux sortantsLes communi…