Brightbox have been exceptional since the day that we signed up

*Incredibly responsive support* and uptime so good that I don't even think about it

Really love using the Brightbox control panel to manage our cloud servers, ips, firewall and cloud storage

*Much easier to use than Amazon AWS.* Also customer support is just excellent, with incredible response times

I’m not really an ops-guy, but the
*simplicity of the interface and the helpful Brightbox team* made me think that I could do it. It’s been 5 years!
We have used Brightbox for the last 8 years and have been grateful for the
*rock solid infrastructure, expertise and thoughtful support* they have provided. Thank you!
# Create a server $ curl \ -X POST \ -H 'Authorization: Bearer 414028a4b75139fc1b03b51dc294d1b4c591d666' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -d imageimg-xxxxxnameTest server from API { "resource_type" : "server", "id" : "srv-mcj3x", "created_at" : "2020-08-03T13:54:21Z", "console_token" : null, "started_at" : null, "cloud_ips" :"snapshots" :"name" : "Test server from API",}
$ brightbox servers create -n "Test server from CLI" img-xxxxx Creating a 1gb.ssd (typ-w0hf9) server with image ubuntu-bionic-18.04-amd64-server (img-xxxxx) id status type zone created_on image_id cloud_ips namesrv-zx1hd creating 1gb.ssd gb1-b 2020-08-02 img-xxxxx Test server from CLI 
require 'fog' compute = :provider => :brightbox, :brightbox_client_id => "cli-xyzab", :brightbox_secret => "some_secret" ) zone = compute.zones.first compute.servers.create(:zone_id =>, :image_id => 'img-s0jtd')
func main() { apiUrl := "" // Setup OAuth2 authentication conf := clientcredentials.Config{ ClientID: "cli-xxxxx", ClientSecret: "somesecret", Scopes: []string TokenURL: apiUrl + "/token", } oc := conf.Client(oauth2.NoContext) // Setup connection to API client, err := brightbox.NewClient(apiUrl,oc) // Get a list of servers servers, err := client.Servers() for _, server := range servers { fmt.Printf("id:%s name:%s
", server.Id, server.Name) } }

$ docker-machine create -d brightbox \ --brightbox-client cli-xyzab \ --brightbox-client-secret some_secret Running pre-create checks Creating machine Waiting for machine to be running, this may take a few minutes Machine is running, waiting for SSH to be available Detecting operating system of created instance Provisioning created instance Copying certs to the local machine directory Copying certs to the remote machine Setting Docker configuration on the remote daemon To see how to connect Docker to this machine, run: docker-machine env example
provider "brightbox" { version =1.4" username = var.user_email_address password = var.user_secret_password account = var.account_to_work_on }
$ terraform init Initializing provider plugins - Checking for available provider plugins - Downloading plugin for provider "brightbox" (terraform-providers/brightbox) 1.4.2 Terraform has been successfully initialized! You may now begin working with Terraform. Try running "terraform plan" to see any changes that are required for your infrastructure. All Terraform commands should now work. ..

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