The bare metal server is primarily geared towards users that want to implement
**sophisticated web projects **on a customized hosting platform. A server with dedicated hardware is recommended for online shops and websites with consistently high traffic. However, bare metal servers are also the preferred hosts for database and application servers with specific security requirements

Root access allows
**individual configuration** without compromise. Depending on the project in question, users can decide whether they want to allocate the server's hardware resources to a single operating system or whether they want to distribute them across multiple systems using self-managed virtualization software

Like shared hosting packages, there are also different kinds of bare metal server available that offer various levels of performance. However, while the traditional virtual server primarily serves the mid-range price segment, the cost of providing dedicated hardware is usually reflected in higher costs. Bare metal is aimed at
**business customers** and professional web projects. Individuals who run hobby websites or semi-professional web shops, on the other hand, are usually better off using shared hosting.