Tutorial iki nuduhake sampeyan carane ngemas aplikasi web ing gambar wadhah Docker, lan mbukak gambar wadhah kasebut ing kluster Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). Banjur, sampeyan masang aplikasi web minangka replika imbang-muatan sing bisa ukurane kanggo kabutuhan pangguna. ## Tujuan - Paket aplikasi web sampel menyang gambar Docker - Unggah gambar Docker menyang Registry Artifact - Nggawe klompok GKE - Pasang aplikasi sampel menyang kluster - Ngatur autoscaling kanggo panyebaran - Mbukak conto app menyang internet - Pasang versi anyar saka app sampel ## Biaya Tutorial iki nggunakake komponen Google Cloud sing bisa ditagih ing ngisor iki: Kanggo nggawe prakiraan biaya adhedhasar proyeksi panggunaan sampeyan, nggunakake kalkulator rega Yen wis rampung tutorial iki, sampeyan bisa ngindhari tagihan terus kanthi mbusak sumber daya sing digawe. Kanggo informasi luwih lengkap, waca Ngresiki ## Sadurunge miwiti, tindakake langkah ing ngisor iki kanggo ngaktifake API Kubernetes Engine: - Mlebu menyang akun Google Cloud. Yen sampeyan anyar karo Google Cloud, gawe akun kanggo ngevaluasi kinerja produk ing skenario nyata. Pelanggan anyar uga entuk kridit gratis $300 kanggo mbukak, nyoba, lan masang beban kerja - Ing konsol Google Cloud, ing kaca pamilih proyek, pilih utawa gawe proyek Google Cloud - Priksa manawa tagihan diaktifake kanggo proyek Cloud sampeyan. Sinau carane mriksa yen tagihan diaktifake ing proyek - Aktifake Artifact Registry lan Google Kubernetes Engine API - Ing konsol Google Cloud, ing kaca pamilih proyek, pilih utawa gawe proyek Google Cloud - Priksa manawa tagihan diaktifake kanggo proyek Cloud sampeyan. Sinau carane mriksa yen tagihan diaktifake ing proyek - Aktifake Artifact Registry lan Google Kubernetes Engine API Pilihan A: Gunakake Cloud Shell Sampeyan bisa tindakake tutorial iki nggunakake Cloud Shell, kang teka wis diinstal karo gcloud, docker, lan alat baris perintah kubectl digunakake ing tutorial iki. Yen sampeyan nggunakake Cloud Shell, sampeyan ora perlu nginstal iki alat baris perintah ing workstation sampeyan Kanggo nggunakake Cloud Shell: - Pindhah menyang konsol Google Cloud Klik ing Aktifake Cloud Shell tombol ing sisih ndhuwur jendela konsol Google Cloud Sesi Cloud Shell mbukak ing pigura anyar ing sisih ngisor konsol Google Cloud lan nampilake pituduh baris perintah Opsi B: Gunakake alat baris perintah sacara lokal Yen luwih seneng ngetutake tutorial iki ing workstation, tindakake langkah iki kanggo nginstal alat sing dibutuhake Instal Google Cloud CLI Nggunakake CLI gcloud, instal alat baris perintah Kubernetes kubectlis digunakake kanggo komunikasi karo Kubernetes, yaiku sistem orkestrasi kluster saka kluster GKE: komponen gcloud nginstal kubectl Instal Docker Community Edition (CE) ing workstation sampeyan. Sampeyan nggunakake iki kanggo mbangun gambar wadhah kanggo aplikasi Instal alat kontrol sumber Git kanggo njupuk aplikasi sampel saka GitHub ## Gawe repositori Ing tutorial iki, sampeyan nyimpen gambar ing Registry Artifact lan nyebarake saka pendaptaran. Registry Artefak minangka registri wadah sing disaranake Google Cloud. Kanggo wiwitan cepet iki, sampeyan bakal nggawe repositori kanthi jeneng salam-repo Setel ing PROJECT_IDvariabel lingkungan menyang ID proyek Google Cloud sampeyan ( ). Sampeyan bakal nggunakake variabel lingkungan iki nalika nggawe gambar wadhah lan push menyang repositori PROJECT_ID ekspor PROJECT_ID= PROJECT_ID Konfirmasi yen ing Variabel PROJECT_IDenvironment nduweni nilai sing bener: echo $PROJECT_ID Setel ID proyek kanggo Google Cloud CLI: gcloud config nyetel proyek $PROJECT_ID Output: Properti sing dianyari [inti/proyek] Nggawe hello-repository kanthi printah ing ngisor iki: repositori artefak gcloud nggawe hello-repo \ --repository-format=docker \ --location= REGION\ --description="Repositori Docker"Ganti karo wilayah kanggo repositori, kayata DAERAH us-kulon1. Kanggo ndeleng dhaptar lokasi sing kasedhiya, jalanake printah: dhaptar lokasi artefak gcloud ## Mbangun gambar wadhah Ing tutorial iki, sampeyan masang conto web aplikasi disebut hello-app, server web sing ditulis ing Go sing nanggapi kabeh panjalukan karo pesen Hello, World! ing port 8080 GKE nampa gambar Docker minangka format panyebaran aplikasi Sadurunge deploying hello-app kanggo GKE, sampeyan kudu paket ing kode sumber hello-app minangka gambar Docker Kanggo nggawe gambar Docker, sampeyan butuh kode sumber lan file Docker. A Dockerfile ngemot instruksi babagan carane gambar dibangun Ngundhuh kode hello-appsource lan Dockerfile kanthi nglakokake perintah ing ngisor iki: git clone httpsgithub.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes-engine-samples cd kubernetes-engine-samples/hello-app Mbangun lan menehi tag gambar Docker kanggo Hello-app: docker mbangun -t REGION-docker.pkg.devPROJECT_ID}/hello-repo/hello-app:v1 Printah iki nuntun Docker kanggo mbangun gambar nggunakake file Dockerfile ing direktori saiki, simpen menyang lingkungan lokal, lan tag nganggo jeneng, kayata us-west1-docker.pkg.dev/my-project/hello-repo/hello-app:v1. Gambar kasebut di-push menyang Registry Artefak ing bagean sabanjure - Ing PROJECT_IDvariable nggandhengake gambar wadhah karo hello-repository ing proyek Google Cloud sampeyan - Ing us-west1-docker.pkg.devprefix nuduhake Registry Artifact, host regional kanggo repositori sampeyan - Ing Run ing docker imagescommand kanggo verifikasi manawa bangunan kasebut sukses: gambar docker Output: TAG REPOSITORI ID GAMBAR DIBUAT UKURAN us-west1-docker.pkg.dev/my-project/hello-repo/hello-app v1 25cfadb1bf28 10 detik kepungkur 54 MB ## Nganggo wadhah sampeyan sacara lokal (opsional) Tes gambar wadhah sampeyan nggunakake mesin Docker lokal: docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 REGION-docker.pkg.devPROJECT_ID}/hello-repo/hello-app:v1 Yen sampeyan nggunakake Cloud Shell, klik tombol kasebut Tombol Pratinjau Web banjur pilih 8080 nomer port. GKE mbukak URL pratinjau ing layanan proxy ing jendhela browser anyar Yen ora, bukak jendhela terminal anyar (utawa tab Cloud Shell) lan jalanake printah ing ngisor iki kanggo verifikasi manawa wadhah kasebut bisa digunakake lan nanggapi panjaluk nganggo "Hello, World curl httplocalhost:8080 Sawise sampeyan ndeleng respon sing sukses, sampeyan bisa nyelehake wadhah kanthi mencet Ctrl + Cin tab ing ngendi docker runcommand lagi mlaku ## Nyorong gambar Docker menyang Registry Artifact Sampeyan kudu ngunggah gambar wadhah menyang registri supaya kluster GKE sampeyan bisa ngundhuh lan mbukak gambar wadhah kasebut. Ing tutorial iki, sampeyan bakal nyimpen wadhah ing Registry Artifact Konfigurasi alat baris perintah Docker kanggo otentikasi menyang Registry Artifact: gcloud auth configure-docker REGION-docker.pkg.dev Push gambar Docker sing wis digawe ing repositori: docker push REGION-docker.pkg.devPROJECT_ID}/hello-repo/hello-app:v1 ## Nggawe kluster GKE Saiki yen gambar Docker disimpen ing Registry Artifact, gawe GKE kluster kanggo mbukak hello-app. Kluster GKE kasusun saka kumpulan conto VM Compute Engine mlaku Kubernetes, orkestrasi kluster open source sistem sing daya GKE Cangkang Awan Setel zona utawa wilayah Compute Engine. Gumantung ing mode operasi sing sampeyan pilih digunakake ing GKE, nemtokake zona gawan utawa wilayah. Yen sampeyan nggunakake mode Standar, kluster sampeyan zonal (kanggo tutorial iki), mula nyetel zona komputasi standar. Yen sampeyan nggunakake mode Autopilot, kluster sampeyan dadi regional, mula setel wilayah komputasi standar. Pilih zona utawa wilayah sing paling cedhak karo repositori Registry Artifact sing digawe Klaster standar, kayata us-west1-a: gcloud config nyetel komputasi / zona COMPUTE_ZONE Autopilotcluster, kayata us-kulon 1: gcloud config nyetel komputasi / wilayah COMPUTE_REGION - Nggawe kluster jenenge hello-cluster: Klaster standar: kluster wadhah gcloud nggawe kluster hello Autopilotcluster: kluster wadhah gcloud create-auto hello-cluster Butuh sawetara menit kanggo nggawe kluster GKE lan mriksa kesehatan - Sawise printah rampung, jalanake printah ing ngisor iki kanggo ndeleng telung Node kluster: kubectl njaluk simpul Output: NAMA STATUS PERANAN VERSI UMUR gke-hello-cluster-default-pool-229c0700-cbtd Siap 92s v1.18.12-gke.1210 gke-hello-cluster-default-pool-229c0700-fc5j Ready 91s v1.18.12-gke.1210 gke-hello-cluster-default-pool-229c0700-n9l7 Ready 92s v1.18.12-gke.1210 Console Go to the Google Kubernetes Enginepage in the Google Cloud console Go to Google Kubernetes Engine Click Create Choose Standard or Autopilot mode and click Configure In the Namefield, enter the name hello-cluster Select a zone or region: Standardcluster: Under Location type, select Zonaland then select a Compute Engine zone from the Zonedrop-down list, such as us-west1-a Autopilotcluster: Select a Compute Engine region from the Regiondrop-down list, such as us-west1 - Click Create. This creates a GKE cluster Wait for the cluster to be created. When the cluster is ready, a green check mark appears next to the cluster name ## Deploying the sample app to GKE You are now ready to deploy the Docker image you built to your GKE cluster Kubernetes represents applications as Pods, which are scalable units holding one or more containers. The Pod is the smallest deployable unit in Kubernetes. Usually, you deploy Pods as a set of replicas that can be scaled and distributed together across your cluster. One way to deploy a set of replicas is through a Kubernetes Deployment In this section, you create a Kubernetes Deployment to run hello-app on your cluster. This Deployment has replicas (Pods). One Deployment Pod contains only one container: the hello-app Docker image You also create a HorizontalPodAutoscaler resource that scales the number of Pods from 3 to a number between 1 and 5, based on CPU load Cloud Shell Ensure that you are connected to your GKE cluster gcloud container clusters get-credentials hello-cluster --zone COMPUTE_ZONE Create a Kubernetes Deployment for your hello-appDocker image kubectl create deployment hello-app --image= REGION-docker.pkg.devPROJECT_ID}/hello-repo/hello-app:v1 Set the baseline number of Deployment replicas to 3 kubectl scale deployment hello-app --replicas=3 Create a HorizontalPodAutoscalerresource for your Deployment kubectl autoscale deployment hello-app --cpu-percent=80 --min=1 --max=5 To see the Pods created, run the following command: kubectl get pods Output: NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE hello-app-784d7569bc-hgmpx 1/1 Running 0 10s hello-app-784d7569bc-jfkz5 1/1 Running 0 10s hello-app-784d7569bc-mnrrl 1/1 Running 0 15s Console Go to the Workloadspage in the Google Cloud console Click Deploy In the Specify containersection, select Existing container image In the Image pathfield, click Select In the Select container imagepane, select the hello-appimage you pushed to Artifact Registry and click Select In the Containersection, click Done, then click Continue In the Configurationsection, under Labels, enter appfor Keyand hello-appfor Value Under Configuration YAML, click View YAML. This opens a YAML configuration file representing the two Kubernetes API resources about to be deployed into your cluster: one Deployment, and one HorizontalPodAutoscalerfor that Deployment Click Close, then click Deploy When the Deployment Pods are ready, the Deployment detailspage opens Under Managed pods, note the three running Pods for the hello-appDeployment ## Exposing the sample app to the internet While Pods do have individually-assigned IP addresses, those IPs can only be reached from inside your cluster. Also, GKE Pods are designed to be ephemeral, starting or stopping based on scaling needs. And when a Pod crashes due to an error, GKE automatically redeploys that Pod, assigning a new Pod IP address each time What this means is that for any Deployment, the set of IP addresses corresponding to the active set of Pods is dynamic. We need a way to 1) group Pods together into one static hostname, and 2) expose a group of Pods outside the cluster, to the internet Kubernetes Services solve for both of these problems Services group Pods into one static IP address, reachable from any Pod inside the cluster GKE also assigns a DNS hostname to that static IP. For example, hello-app.default.svc.cluster.local The default Service type in GKE is called ClusterIP, where the Service gets an IP address reachable only from inside the cluster To expose a Kubernetes Service outside the cluster, create a Service of type LoadBalancer This type of Service spawns an External Load Balancer IP for a set of Pods, reachable through the internet In this section, you expose the hello-app Deployment to the internet using a Service of type LoadBalancer Cloud Shell Use the kubectl exposecommand to generate a Kubernetes Service for the hello-appdeployment: kubectl expose deployment hello-app --name=hello-app-service --type=LoadBalancer --port 80 --target-port 8080 Here, the --portflag specifies the port number configured on the Load Balancer, and the --target-portflag specifies the port number that the hello-appcontainer is listening on Run the following command to get the Service details for hello-app-service: kubectl get service Output: NAME CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE hello-app-service 80:30877/TCP 10s Copy the EXTERNAL_IPaddress to the clipboard (for instance: Console Go to the Workloadspage in the Google Cloud console Click hello-app From the Deployment details page, click Actions > Expose In the Exposedialog, set the Target portto 8080. This is the port the hello-appcontainer listens on From the Service typedrop-down list, select Load balancer Click Exposeto create a Kubernetes Service for hello-app When the Load Balancer is ready, the Service detailspage opens Scroll down to the External endpointsfield, and copy the IP address Now that the hello-app Pods are exposed to the internet through a Kubernetes Service, you can open a new browser tab, and navigate to the Service IP address you copied to the clipboard. A Hello, World! message appears, along with a Hostname field. The Hostname corresponds to one of the three hello-app Pods serving your HTTP request to your browser ## Deploying a new version of the sample app In this section, you upgrade hello-app to a new version by building and deploying a new Docker image to your GKE cluster GKE's rolling update feature lets you update your Deployments without downtime. During a rolling update, your GKE cluster incrementally replaces the existing hello-app Pods with Pods containing the Docker image for the new version During the update, your load balancer service routes traffic only into available Pods Return to Cloud Shell, where you have cloned the hello app source code and Dockerfile. Update the function hello()in the main.gofile to report the new version 2.0.0 Build and tag a new hello-appDocker image docker build -t REGION-docker.pkg.devPROJECT_ID}/hello-repo/hello-app:v2 Push the image to Artifact Registry docker push REGION-docker.pkg.devPROJECT_ID}/hello-repo/hello-app:v2 Now you're ready to update your hello-app Kubernetes Deployment to use a new Docker image Cloud Shell Apply a rolling update to the existing hello-appDeployment with an image update using the kubectl set imagecommand: kubectl set image deployment/hello-app hello-app= REGION-docker.pkg.devPROJECT_ID}/hello-repo/hello-app:v2 Watch the running Pods running the v1image stop, and new Pods running the v2image start watch kubectl get pods Output: NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE hello-app-89dc45f48-5bzqp 1/1 Running 0 2m42s hello-app-89dc45f48-scm66 1/1 Running 0 2m40s In a separate tab, navigate again to the hello-app-serviceExternal IP. You should now see the Versionset to 2.0.0 Console Go to the Workloadspage in the Google Cloud console Click hello-app On the Deployment detailspage, click Actions > Rolling update In the Rolling updatedialog, set the Image of hello-appfield to REGION-docker.pkg.dev/ PROJECT_ID/hello-repo/hello-app:v2 Click Update On the Deployment detailspage, inspect the Active Revisionssection. You should now see two Revisions, 1 and 2. Revision 1 corresponds to the initial Deployment you created earlier. Revision 2 is the rolling update you just started After a few moments, refresh the page. Under Managed pods, all of the replicas of hello-appnow correspond to Revision 2 In a separate tab, navigate again to the Service IP address you copied. The Versionshould be 2.0.0 ## Clean up To avoid incurring charges to your Google Cloud account for the resources used in this tutorial, either delete the project that contains the resources, or keep the project and delete the individual resources Delete the Service:This deallocates the Cloud Load Balancer created for your Service: kubectl delete service hello-app-service Delete the cluster:This deletes the resources that make up the cluster, such as the compute instances, disks, and network resources: gcloud container clusters delete hello-cluster --zone COMPUTE_ZONE Delete your container images:This deletes the Docker images you pushed to Artifact Registry gcloud artifacts docker images delete REGION-docker.pkg.devPROJECT_ID}/hello-repo/hello-app:v1 \ --delete-tags --quiet gcloud artifacts docker images delete \ REGION-docker.pkg.devPROJECT_ID}/hello-repo/hello-app:v2 \ --delete-tags --quiet ## What's next Learn about Pricing for GKE and use the Pricing Calculator to estimate costs Read the Load Balancers tutorial, which demonstrates advanced load balancing configurations for web applications Configure a static IP and domain name for your application Explore other Kubernetes Engine tutorials Explore reference architectures, diagrams, tutorials, and best practices about Google Cloud. Take a look at our Cloud Architecture Center ## Try it for yourself If you're new to Google Cloud, create an account to evaluate how GKE performs in real-world scenarios. New customers also get $300 in free credits to run, test, and deploy workloads.Try GKE free