If you are a webmaster looking for a host hosting a website, or a developer, you need to set up a server environment and purchase VPs. We strongly recommend that you do not use VPs products in China. It has no cost performance, poor maintenance level, or even some so-called cloud host VPs installation backdoors in China to monitor your data.Vultr, digitalocean, and linode vps are strongly recommended overseas. Vultr is the most recommended on this site for the following reasons: vultr is the cheapest among the three, with a large number of overseas data centers and support Paypal payment without binding a credit card

Currently, I have dozens of VPs, with vultr and digitalocean accounting for the majority. Digitalocean is still an optional manufacturer of cost-effective VPs, but digitalocean is not very friendly to Chinese users recently. New users often encounter requirements for identity verification during registration. I guess the reason is, in the past, GitHub discounts were compromised by Chinese users. If you are not tired of using VPs, you can still choose digitalocean VPs server

Registering vultr is very simple. Click to register vultr VPs for free, as long as you have a mailbox and password. Log on to the backend and click deploy to select the location of the VPs data center. The memory, system, and performance requirements are billed Based on the Usage duration. After registering a new user, you can also perform background tasks to earn USD. For example, vultr will give you $1 for forwarding to your Twitter account. (Please use the hongbao account to register Twitter to break through the access restrictions)
In May 2015, vultr launched a high-performance VPs package, which allows up to 24-core CPU, 64 GB memory, and 10 Gb server bandwidth

Click to view vultr registration and background detailed tutorial
Vultr free VPs registration and use simple tutorial