= Looking for cheap vps I can run public monero node on =

VPS needs to accept crypto as payment and be able to hold unpruned blockchain size. Any suggestions? The one I have is charging $75/month for 250gb ssd. Feels kinda high
Oracle cloud free tier

Only issue with OCI is that they arbitrarily rug-pull the free accounts and also the signup process is super hard. Everything you said about them is valid but one caveat we should add is that if you rely on your node to be always there i.e. for a BTCpayserver implementation or a mining pool then OCI is a bad choice as they cannot be trusted

I really wanted to do that but a couple people scared me off saying it could be dangerous to open ports on your home network and hackers can take over the node. Not sure how true this is and if there is someway I can harden the setup for piece of mind
id love to just make my monerd public on my miner but not sure how to go about it safely
quote from /u/endorxmr
Also: NEVER expose the UNrestricted RPC port (18081 by default) to the
internet, it's a security risk. If you do this, make sure you use the --restricted-rpc options and expose the restricted RPC port (18089 by default). Check out httpsmonerodocs.org for more info

Running a public node == exposing the (restricted) rpc port so that wallets can connect to it

metaDedi and Server Hunter are both great for looking for bargain VPS or dedicated servers. There's a lot of what you'd find on LowEndTalk without having to dig through the forum, although I'd recommend searching there for reviews and feedback before ordering anything

Following on what waiiai said, NOCIX and Wholesaleinternet "take crypto" and have Xeon with 480GB SSD on clearance for US$35.00 a month with unlimited 1Bgit/s bandwidth. Their crypto acceptance isyou need to log in every month and pay each invoice, BTC only and via Bitpay

Edit: Forgot to mention a non-US option: BAcloud in Lithuania have Xeon with 480 GB SSd for just under $50.00 with 50TB Bandwidth and accept crypto currency via Coingate. They do not accept XMR :(