== Overview ==
**Vultr VPS For WHMCS** will allow you to automate the entire workflow between provisioning and various management tasks around your Vultr virtual machines. Thanks to choosing from a range of available components, such as rDNS and block storage technology, your clients will easily order servers suited to their personal preferences in every respect

Thanks to this module, it will no longer be a must for customers to exit your website so as to regulate the status of the acquired instance or rebuild it with the selected distribution of the operating system. Along with easy access to the remote console, your client area will enable the handling of automatic backups, firewall rules as well as machine snapshots created within the controllable size. Another key component is a graph that will keep your customers up to speed on the used bandwidth. Furthermore, the module will guarantee you the possibility to supply your own scripts used for the server configuration upon the first boot as well as decide on the exact features offered to your clients

Save yourself from the headache of manual work overload by ordering
**Vultr VPS For WHMCS and provide your business with a brighter vision of success!
== Features ==
== Admin Area ==
- Create/Suspend/Unsuspend/Terminate Server
- Change Package
- Start/Stop/Reboot/Reinstall Server
- Access noVNC Console
- View Instance Status And Details
- View Assigned Public IPv4 And IPv6 Network Details
- View/Schedule/Restore Automatic Backups
- View/Create Firewall Rules
- View/Create/Restore Snapshots
- View/Create/Manage Reverse DNS Records
- View Assigned Reserved IP Addresses
- Configure Product Details:
- Choose Region
- Choose Plan
- Choose Operation System
- Choose ISO Image
- Choose Snapshot
- Toggle IPv6 Address
- Toggle Automatic Backups
- Toggle DDOS Protection
- Provide Cloud-Init User-Data Initiation Script
- Choose Features Available In Client Area:
- Backups
- Firewall
- Rebuild
- Reverse DNS
- User Data
- Available Images To Rebuild
- Console
- Graphs
- Snapshots
- Reserved IPs
- Custom ISO
- Available ISO Images To Mount
- Enable Instance Block Storage With Defined Size
- Enable Reserved IPv4 And IPv6 Addresses Within Defined Limits
- Generate Configurable Options
- Run API Connection Test
== Client Area ==
- Start/Stop/Reboot/Reinstall Server
- Access noVNC Console
- View Instance Status And Details
- View Assigned Public IPv4 And IPv6 Network Details
- View/Schedule/Restore Automatic Backups
- Mount Custom ISO Images
- View/Create Firewall Rules

- View Bandwidth Usage Graph
- Rebuild Server With Chosen OS Distribution
- View Assigned Reserved IP Addresses
- View/Create/Manage Reverse DNS Records
- View/Create/Restore Snapshots
- Provide Cloud-Init User-Data Initiation Script
== Configurable Options ==
- Region
- Plan
- OS
- ISO Image
- Snapshot
- IPv6
- Backups
- Block Storage
- Reserved IPv4
- Reserved IPv6
- DDOS Protection
== Available Images ==
- Linux OS:
- AlmaLinux
- Arch Linux
- CentOS
- Debian
- Fedora
- FreeBSD
- OpenBSD
- Rocky Linux
- Ubuntu
- VzLinux
- Microsoft Windows:
- Windows Core 2022
- Windows Core 2019
- Windows Core 2016
- Windows Server 2022
- Windows Server 2019
- Windows Server 2016
- Windows Server 2012 RS
- Custom ISO To Mount:
- Alpine Linux
- Arch Linux
- CentOS
- Clear Linux
- Debian
- Devuan Linux
- Fedora
- Finnix
- FreeBSD
- GParted
- Gentoo
- Hiren's BootCD PE
- NixOS
- OPNsense
- OpenBSD
- openSUSE
- pfSense
- Rocky Linux
- Slackware
- SystemRescue
- TrueNAS
- Ubuntu Server
- Void Linux
- VyOS
- VzLinux
- Any Other OS Platforms And Solutions When Made Available By Vultr
== General Info ==
- Fully Integrated With Lagom Client Theme
- Multi-Language Support
- Supports PHP 7.2 Up To PHP 7.4
- Supports WHMCS Themes "Six" And "Twenty-One"
- Supports WHMCS V8.2 And Later
- Easy Module Upgrade To Open Source Version
== Changelog ==
 v1.1.2 Released: Sep 8th, 2022
- Option to set "DDOS Protection" for product configuration and configurable options - case #90
- "Disk Usage" statistics will no longer be updated for overage billing due to lack of information about current usage in API - case #92
- Eliminated problem with importing existing VM to WHMCS due to firewall group ID being empty - if a firewall group does not exist, it will be created upon server import - case #88
- Fixed critical error that might have appeared when using the "Change Package" module command - case #91
- Eliminated "Bad request" error that might have occurred for the "Create Reserved IPv4" scheduled task upon upgrading the product
- Resolved problem with loading the "Upgrade/Downgrade" product window in the admin area - case #98
- Solved issue with setting up "Reserved IP" and "Block Storage" from module commands if there are any other configurable options for other choices
- Eliminated "Syntax error or access violation" SQL notice that might have shown up when performing cron job for obtaining reserved IP addresses
 v1.1.1 Released: Jun 14th, 2022
- Eliminated critical error that might have occurred with the "Update Reverse DNS" functionality - case #86
 v1.1.0 Released: May 25th, 2022
- WHMCS V8.5 support

- Allow clients to mount custom ISO images with operating systems and applications
- Clients can now provide their own initialization scripts into the Cloud-Init User-Data field
- Support for reserved IPv4 and IPv6 addresses assignment (note: new cron setup is required)
- Deploy and define "Block Storage" size to an instance (note: new cron setup is required)
- Allow clients to create and manage their IPv4 and IPv6 reverse DNS records within the defined limits - case #54
- Manage instance firewall rules, snapshots, reverse DNS, and reserved IP addresses from the service page in the admin area
- Instance plans will be now presented with friendly names in the product configuration and when generating configurable options - case #55
- Support for WHMCS V8.1 and previous
- Fixed problem with restoring instances from snapshots - case #63
- Other code corrections, language, and UI improvements
 v1.0.1 Released: Jan 12th, 2022
- WHMCS V8.4 support
- Eliminated "FirewallGroup 'description' - cannot be empty" error that occurred when trying to create a service with an empty domain field - case #53
 v1.0.0 Released: Nov 17th, 2021
- Stable Release
== Reviews ==
- Vultr VPS For WHMCSRodrigo Cuadra (VitalPBX LLC) 1 month agoThe module for the integration of Vultr is the most complete that I could see after researching for more than a week on the internet

The support is excellent, they respond quickly and help you clarify any questions

The documentation is quite complete and updated. Very important

We are using it for the integration of our Cloud PBX service (vitalpbx.cloud)

Definitely, the integration between Vultr and WHMCS is very complete, it facilitates the sale and management of your PBX to the end customer

- Vultr VPS For WHMCSMichael Ramsey (What The Server) 8 months agoPretty great way to transition from the old opensource module which was stuck on the v1 API. Was able to add a new customfield "instanceId|Instance ID" to existing Vultr products and then switch the module over after having populating that custom field for each existing order to reconnect the existingin whmcs. This made it a seamless transition over.