Cheapest VPS servers in South Africa: Benefits of VPS Hosting in 2020
Looking for the cheapest VPS servers in South Africa?
Let me guess, you are ready to start a website and that is why you are looking for a reliable web hosting in South Africa

Well, you are in the right place

Here, I will reveal why VPS hosting is the right choice for your website and why you should choose Truehost as your VPS web hosting provider in South Africa

For the sake of beginners, I will start with the definition of terms

**What is a VPS server
VPS stands for Virtual Private Network

You see, when you start building a website, you will be uploading pages, content (posts, images, videos)

All of these require storage space, and hence the need for a server

**How does a server work
A server, therefore, is a computer that stores your website data and files. It doesn’t stop there

Whenever a user goes to your website and starts reading a blog post or downloads a file (like a free ebook), the same server will ‘serve’ the visitor per the request

For instance:
If the visitor wants to download a free Ebook, the server will access your folder, retrieve the ebook (you uploaded in there) and make it easy for the visitor to download it

Where am I going with all these?
I want you to understand how a server works so you can be in a position to understand what a VPS is

Though this is a basic explanation, but you get the idea

**Types of servers**
Now that you understand how a server work, there is one more thing

Web hosting servers come in three types:
- Shared web hosting – this is where you share the server resources with other users. For instance, you share the storage space, the CPU, etc
- Dedicated hosting – the opposite of shared hosting. Here, you have all the server resources to yourself. Simply put, the server is solely there to handle your website’s needs
- VPS hosting – has both dedicated and shared hosting qualities. Think of it as a ‘hybrid’ web hosting. Continue reading to learn more

**VPS web hosting in South Africa explained**
So far, we have looked at two types of web hosting servers: shared hosting and dedicated hosting

VPS hosting is in between the shared hosting servers and dedicated servers

Let me explain

VPS uses virtualization technology to partition a server into multiple independent servers

Independent because they no longer rely on the main server’s resources, rather, they can run their own. For example, they have a separate CPU, disk storage space, etc

They are called virtual servers because they are there, but you can’t see them and private because you can host your website in them without sharing with any other user

Sound interesting?
Continue reading to find out more including how to get the cheapest VPS servers in South Africa

**Benefits of VPS servers in South Africa**
Here is the thing:
Shared hosting even though cheap, has its share of drawbacks. A good example is when one user is having a spike in traffic

This means that he will be using more server resources like the RAM and storage space, leaving the rest of you scrambling for the remaining bits

When that happens, it leads to a slow-loading website, which in turn scares your visitor and Google penalizes you

On the flip side, dedicated hosting tramps shared hosting by far

In fact, it is the best web hosting plan you can get, especially if your website is attracting a ton of traffic or you’d love to install custom software

But there is a catch:
It costs more than shared hosting. But the benefits cloud the cost

For this reason, VPS servers in South Africa is the sweet spot you are looking for

Here is why:
**VPS benefit 1: increased performance**
Unlike shared hosting where there are hundreds, if not thousands of users in the same server, VPS server gives you a private room to run and manage your website

Remember users sharing a server affect each other. But with a VPS hosting plan in South Africa, your website’s performance will never be tired of your next-door neighbor’s performance

Additionally, the reliability of your website increases tremendously. There will be no downtimes as a result of server issues

In fact, reliability is what you need to think about any time you are starting a website

For example:
If you are running an online business, eCommerce website, you need to be available all the time

Because every minute you are down is a customer lost. Lose customers and you will be out of business sooner

**VPS benefit 2: saves you web hosting costs in South Africa**
VPS server empowers you to enjoy the benefits of a dedicated server at a lower cost

I don’t know about you, but I would rather pay to make sure my website is working perfectly and making me money

In addition, VPS hosting saves you the time and resources you would have lost if you were using shared hosting

For example:
Losing visitors because your site is down and inaccessible

**VPS benefit 3: fully managed services**
Let me guess:
You probably don’t know how to code, configure a server, right?
Well, don’t fret

Because we offer managed VPS hosting. Here, we handle everything from server configuration to managing so you don’t have to

But of course, if you want to manage your own VPS server, well and good. We have unmanaged VPS hosting as well

We will take care of the security patches, virtualization procedures, and even maintain as well as update your VPS server hardware

Interesting, right? Look at our VPS hosting pricing here

Moving on:
**VPS hosting benefit 4: multiple domain hosting**
With our VPS servers, you can build and host multiple websites because you have enough CPU, disk space, and RAM

This is something unheard of when running on shared hosting

Having more websites on such a server takes a toll on its reliability, thanks to limited resources

But with a VPS hosting plan availability of resources is not an issue. In fact, you can even start web hosting reselling in South Africa

**Benefit 5: round the clock support**
We are offering our customers 24/07 access to our team of experts to stand by ready to walk with you

This means that in case you encounter a problem or need some technical help with your VPS hosting account, we are a phone call, email, or chat message away to help you out

**Benefit 6: scaling your business**
If you own a small business, you may be able to predict the size of traffic coming to your website

When the time comes to scale, your customer base will stand expanding and so does your traffic

This is a good thing. But becomes a problem if you are hosting your website on a shared server because of the reasons we have already discussed, including limited resources

At such times, VPS servers in South Africa will come in handy to help you scale your business and serve even bigger customer base comfortably

**Benefit 7: you gain greater control**
A very common issue I see most entrepreneurs who aren’t on a VPS hosting plan is a lack of access to the root environment

Without root access, you are left with no choice but to work with the software you are given by the hosting provider

This becomes a problem if your business is running on industry-specific software and may not be supported by the web hosting provider in South Africa. As a result, your business will suffer

It doesn’t have to be like this

A VPS server gives you access to the root folder. Therefore, you can easily install and run custom software without conflicting with anyone

**VPS server benefit 8: security**
In a shared environment, a breach of security in one siteall the other websites because you are sharing resources

This is not the case with VPS

Here, though you are in a shared server, your website and its files are all locked away in a private environment

And this is what makes VPS server the best web hosting plan in South Africa

**Final thoughts on VPS web hosting in South Africa**
In a nutshell, VPS hosting gives your online business wings to fly as you have seen with these benefits

There is no doubt it plays a crucial role in growing your online business because you have flexibility, security, and unlimited resources

With that said, here is what you should do next:
Follow this link to view Truehost VPS hosting packages. And Cheapest VPS servers in South Africa.