How do i install Cent Os web panel and wordpress in my droplet? I would like to manage the droplet using Cent OS web panel. What are the security measures that i should take?

What is CentOS web panel?

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Hello, @akaab

The installation is pretty straight forward. You can see the instructions via this link: or see the bellow:

**CentOS 7: Installer for CentOS 7**

cd /usr/local/src



If the download link doesn’t work then you can use the following: CentOS 6: CentOS 7:

Reboot Server Reboot your server so that all updates can take effect and CWP gets started.


OPTIONAL: INSTALLER ARGUMENTS Available long name arguments –restart yes (for automatic restart after successfull install) –phpfpm [5.3|5.4|5.5|5.6|7.0|7.1|7.2|7.3] (you can use only one) –softaculous yes (install softaculous – script installer)

Available short name arguments -r yes (for automatic restart after successfull install) -p [5.3|5.4|5.5|5.6|7.0|7.1|7.2|7.3] (you can use only one) -s yes (install softaculous – script installer)

Example for centos 7 (you can combine short and long name arguments)

cwp-el7-latest -r yes --phpfpm 5.6 --softaculous yes

Any of this additionals can be also installed later from cwp gui.

Once CWP is installed you can tweak the sever security using CSF. Additionally you can disable the password login authentication for ssh and allow login only with ssh keys as well.

Hope this helps.

Regards, Alex