= Wordpress hosting on Google Cloud -- minimal setup =

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I've been playing around with Wordpress hosting on Google, using the free E2 instance. It's working pretty well, but I'm just using CloudDNS straight to my instance, using LetsEncrypt for HTTPS traffic. This is a really basic configuration and it works great for my low-level projects. However, I'd kind of like to have a WAF enabled on my site, but it seems like I would need to setup a load balancer and that would mean configuring a managed Instance Group (even if I don't want to scale out my instance right now). Is there anything else I can do to support better security and efficiency at this point?

![ ](httpswww.redditstatic.com/desktop2x/img/renderTimingPixel.png)

You’ve diagnosed this fairly well. On GCP there’s not much more you could do without incurring extra expenses. Off platform, you could consider adding Cloudflare in front and get some basic DDoS protection for free.

One small note: You'll want to setup an unmanaged instance group /u/OhhhhhSHNAP -- this is an instance group in which you manually add VM's to put behind a load balancer. No need to scale, but you will have to pay for the load balancer. :)

If you are willing to manage it yourself, you can set up Modsecurity as a WAF.

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