= Best free resources or advice to learn and understand Python? =

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A few years ago I was on a course that briefly taught Python and while I wasn't terrible at it, I struggled to actually understand the concepts. I was just able to copy what I seen but I didn't really understand it.

Fast forward to now, I work in a pretty dead end job and I'm looking to pick Python back up as a hobby in hopes in the future I can make some sort of portfolio that can get me into the IT field

Given that it's been a few years, I'm looking to just start from scratch and looking for advice or good resources that will help with actually understanding and remember what I'm learning. What I was doing before I was able to make very simple programs but because I didn't really get how it worked, I would never remember it and it would only take me so far

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I can recommend you these resources:

Automate The Boring Stuff - free book

Corey Schafer youtube channel

Hyperskill - learning platform

Also check out wiki of this sub. Good luck learning! :)

I wrote this up a couple years ago, some aspects might be dated, but the general gist and links are still active.


I would recommend to start with automate the boring stuff or python crash course. Choose depeding on which projects resonate more with you. ATBS if you are working and want to learn about web scrapping, manipulating excel, word, pdf and emails, basically having repetitive task at a office job. PCC if you don't know what to do you can learn how create 2d games, data analysis and creating a simple website.

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