I am a web developer and I am looking at hosting solutions. I currently use a basic Digital Ocean droplet with weekly backups to host my site and do a few things with DNS. I also register my domains separately, with different registrars and point the NS to my droplet. I am also well versed in Linux OS and System Admin

However, I am looking at expanding business operations, potentially needing dedicated servers, to host services that I’ve developed, hosting for clients (web mainly, and sometimes mail, etc as well as other solutions for myself (Git repositories, mail servers, etc.)

My main question is, what would be the best solution for me, in particular hosting for my clients? I am not a fan of cPanel reseller accounts, like most digital agencies use, and prefer to have strict control over the servers, as though they are in the room with me. It would only be managed by myself or people who have experience with server management (literally, CLI use only)

Could anyone help me get my thoughts in order, suggest recommendations, and what could be the best case use? I’ve tried to read up on DigitalOcean’s Reseller, but I’ve had limited success in understanding it (or contacting support)

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In my experience using a panel is the best option available. You mentioned you dislike cPanel but have you thought about Plesk, centOS Web panel and other similar panels or is it you don’t like such panels at all?
Please note that these panels are there to help you manage your products a lot better and easier

Additionally, you’ll need to think of configuration management with tools like Ansible, Puppet and so on. Imagine you have 10 servers and you need to do some security change on all of them or you want all servers to have the same configuration. These tools come in handy as well

Regards, KFSys