This is the maximum size of the files you can upload on your web hosting account. On the Free hosting there is 2 MB file size limit, preventing uploading of songs and movies which usually imact with copyright issues because of the Free service anonymity. File Size Limit

Hosting is storing data on a server which is available online anytime. Servers are machines and sometimes it may happen they crash. Restoring data in such case is absolutely necessary. Paid hosting plans has backup for last 2 days. In case of technical problem and data loss we restore backup from the previous day. Free hosting plans does not have this extra. Backups

php.ini is the configuration file of the PHP interpreter. By editing the php.ini file you can customize the PHP configuration of your web hosting account. This very useful feature is available on the Paid hosting rather than Free, where limitations are a must based on the free of charge service utilized by hundreds of thosands users. Custom php.ini

An MX (Mail exchanger) record is a record in the Domain Name System (DNS) specifying how Internet e-mail should be routed. Generally MX records point to the servers that should receive an e-mail. Having this feature avaibale in Paid hosting you can receive your emails elsewhere than site's hosted. Custom MX records

A 404 error page is displayed when someone enters a URL or follows a link that does not exist. You can customize your 404 page i.e. put anything you like on it such as friendly statement that the requested page could not be found, using the same look and feel as for the rest of your site. This 404 error page enables you to track where your visitors come from and where the source of the broken link is. On Paid hosting you have this feature whilst on Free hosting on 404 hits an advertisment is displayed. Custom 404 pages