**Watch tutorial on YouTube 
In this quick tutorial I will explain how you can do a SiteGround Backup restore for your WordPress website

In case you didn’t know already, SiteGround creates a daily backup for your website automatically. That is very useful because if for whatever reason something has gone wrong or for some reason you want to create a backup for your website or you want to restore it then you can do this very easily in the Siteground dashboard

 Table of Contents
## How to manage SiteGround backups
First you need to go to your Site Tools panel for your website

Then go over to the Security options and click on Backups which is the one at the top

It’s all pretty self-explanatory, you can see all the backups

## How to restore a backup in SiteGround
So, let’s say that I want to restore a backup from the 9th of December then the only thing I have to do is go to the backup that you want to restore and click on the three dots

Now you see a couple of options and you can choose Restore all files and databases so basically that’s a full restore of everything related to your website

You can also choose to only restore certain for example to only restore the database or you can also choose the option to only restore the emails

So, it depends on what you want to restore but let’s say you want to restore then you just select this option and confirm it

Now SiteGround will automatically restore the backup of your website and that how you do a backup restore

You can watch the tutorial on YouTube

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