If you click on this article, it means that you are interested in web development, or you are thinking about starting to learn web development. Here, I will tell you the route of becoming a web developer, a guide to web development for beginners. This article will not teach you how to write code, but point out things to think about before you actually write code. Web development is exciting and exciting, which is exactly what caters to this fast-changing world. To understand web development, let's first define a few basic concepts ## Frontend VS. Backend At the beginning, we must distinguish between front-end development and back-end development, let's introduce them separately **front end** Web applications are classified as distributed applications, generally with a client-server structure, so we have part of the code running on the client and another part of the code running on the server. Those applications on the client are the front end, which usually refers to our browser. The most commonly used technology for front-end development is HTML+CSS+JavaScript. Advanced front-end developers usually use a combination of these technologies to develop the front-end of the application. Another common front-end technology is to use Photoshop to design and cooperate with other technologies to complete the production of Web pages. **rear end** Back-end developers write the code that runs on the server. Generally speaking, this part of the work needs to deal with the database, such as reading and writing data, reading and writing files, and implementing business logic. Sometimes, the business logic is stored on the client side, and the background is used to provide the data in the database in the form of Web services. Back-end developers generally need to master a web programming language and a database management system You can master front-end and back-end technologies at the same time, but most web developers still have certain preferences, and even only in-depth research in one aspect. Although the front and back ends are distinguished, their respective specific tasks are not specified. Sometimes the front end just completes the display of data, while other major work is done on the back end. But sometimes, the backend just provides data, and all calculations and specific functions are done on the frontend. The distribution of front-end and back-end work is usually determined by the design and architecture of the project ## Programming language web开发,有很多编程语言可以选择。当你需要在前端开发时,标准的开发语言是JavaScript,当你需要在后台开发时,我们有更多的选择: -PHP -JavaScript - Ruby on Rails(使用 Ruby 语言) - ASP.NET(使用 .net 语言) - Java EE -Python 并没有真正确定的列表,以上只是开发人员通常想到和使用的语言。那么应该如何选择呢?你的选择应该基于以下几个方面:job market(工作机会)、托管服务、可用的学习资源、可用的学习时间、周边的发展环境等 如果你真的想从事开发行业,找到一份web开发的工作,最重要的选择因素就是就业市场(job opportunities)。你要分析行业情况,选择一门编程语言来学习。另一个重要因素是托管服务,例如 PHP 托管比 Java 托管便宜得多。而如果你想开发企业应用,Java EE 可能是一个不错的选择。但是如果你想把你的应用放到网上,Java EE 比其他语言要贵很多 随着Node.js的流行,JavaScript在后端开发中也开始流行起来,但毕竟还是一门新兴的技术,不建议web开发初学者学习使用 在我看来,PHP 的学习曲线最简单,托管服务便宜,学习资源充足(PHP100 是一个不错的选择),开发环境相对简单,所以我推荐初级 Web 开发人员学习使用 PHP。当然,ASP.NET也是不错的选择。 Microsoft 提供了许多与 ASP.NET 相关的学习资源和免费的开发工具。如果喜欢微软环境,值得考虑ASP.NET ## 框架 如果你还是初学者,在开始学习框架之前,还是需要打好基础。该框架可以帮助您简化开发工作。有许多现成的代码库,为您提供了Web应用程序的结构,使您的编程工作更加简单快捷。如果你想成为一名专业的 Web 开发人员,你必须精通至少一种框架来加速你的 Web 开发 有许多类型的框架,从通用解决方案到特定问题。您需要先评估您的需求。如果你选择PHP开发,我推荐使用Laravel作为框架。是近几年非常流行的MVC框架。如果你选择 ASP.NET,我建议学习使用 ASP.NET MVC 和 EntityFramework Web 开发可以如此之大,以至于您只想专注于一个应用程序,例如内容管理系统 (CMS)。如果你还是选择 PHP,那么我推荐 WordPress,它可以帮助你创建网站、博客,或者使用现有的插件或主题作为扩展 ## 接下来做什么 即使你选择只从事前端或后端开发的一侧,你也应该了解另一侧的开发,这样做会让你的团队更有效率。如果你已经学习了一门编程语言和相应的框架,那么你应该开始学习另一门语言。每种编程语言都有自己的优势和范例。对问题的更深入理解会导致更好的解决方案,使您成为更好的开发人员。最后,正如我之前所说,当你选择一门编程语言时,你必须考虑很多因素。我的选择仍然是 JavaScript、PHP、ASP.NET 和 Java EE。你可以参考他们 原文:httparian-celina.com/a-beginners-guide-to-web-development 翻译:httpwww.php100.com/html/dujia/2015/0120/8425.html