Lesi sifundo sikukhombisa ukuthi ungapakisha kanjani uhlelo lwewebhu esithombeni sesitsha se-Docker, bese usebenzisa leso sithombe sesitsha kuqoqo le-Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). Bese, usebenzisa uhlelo lokusebenza lwewebhu njengesethi elinganiselayo yokulayisha ekopisha engafinyelela ezidingweni zabasebenzisi bakho. ## Izinjongo - Phakisha isampula lesicelo sewebhu esithombeni se-Docker - Layisha isithombe se-Docker ku-Artifact Registry - Dala iqoqo le-GKE - Hambisa isampula yohlelo lokusebenza kuqoqo - Phatha i-autoscaling ukuze usetshenziswe - Veza isampula yohlelo lokusebenza ku-inthanethi - Phakamisa inguqulo entsha yohlelo lokusebenza lwesampula ## Izindleko Lesi sifundo sisebenzisa izingxenye ezilandelayo ezikhokhisekayo ze-Google Cloud: Ukuze wenze isilinganiso sezindleko ngokusekelwe ekusebenziseni kwakho okucatshangelwayo, sebenzisa umshini wokubala amanani Uma uqeda lesi sifundo, ungagwema ukuqhubeka nokukhokhisa ngokususa izinsiza ozidalile. Ukuze uthole ukwaziswa okwengeziwe, bheka Hlanza ## Ngaphambi kokuthi uqaleThatha izinyathelo ezilandelayo ukuze unike amandla i-Kubernetes Engine API: - Ngena ngemvume ku-akhawunti yakho ye-Google Cloud. Uma umusha ku-Google Cloud, dala i-akhawunti ukuze uhlole ukuthi imikhiqizo yethu isebenza kanjani ezimeni zomhlaba wangempela. Amakhasimende amasha aphinde athole u-$300 kumakhredithi amahhala ukuze asebenze, ahlole, futhi akhiphe imithwalo yomsebenzi - Ku-Google Cloud console, ekhasini lesikhethi sephrojekthi, khetha noma dala iphrojekthi ye-Google Cloud - Qiniseka ukuthi inkokhelo inikwe amandla kuphrojekthi yakho Yefu. Funda ukuthi ungabheka kanjani ukuthi inkokhelo ivuliwe kuphrojekthi - Nika amandla i-Artifact Registry kanye ne-Google Kubernetes Engine APIs - Ku-Google Cloud console, ekhasini lesikhethi sephrojekthi, khetha noma dala iphrojekthi ye-Google Cloud - Qiniseka ukuthi inkokhelo inikwe amandla kuphrojekthi yakho Yefu. Funda ukuthi ungabheka kanjani ukuthi inkokhelo ivuliwe kuphrojekthi - Nika amandla i-Artifact Registry kanye ne-Google Kubernetes Engine APIs Inketho A: Sebenzisa Igobolondo Lefu Ungalandela lesi sifundo usebenzisa i-Cloud Shell, ezayo kufakwe ngaphambili nge gcloud, docker, futhi amathuluzi omugqa womyalo we-kubectl asetshenzisiwe kulesi sifundo. Uma usebenzisa i-Cloud Shell, awudingi ukufaka lezi amathuluzi omugqa womyalo endaweni yakho yokusebenza Ukusebenzisa i-Cloud Shell: - Iya kukhonsoli ye-Google Cloud Chofoza u- Yenza kusebenze i-Cloud Shell inkinobho phezulu kwewindi lekhonsoli ye-Google Cloud Iseshini ye-Cloud Shell ivula ngaphakathi kohlaka olusha ngaphansi kwe-Google Cloud console futhi ibonise umyalo womugqa womyalo Inketho B: Sebenzisa amathuluzi omugqa womyalo endaweni Uma ukhetha ukulandela lesi sifundo endaweni yakho yokusebenza, landela lezi zinyathelo ukuze ufake amathuluzi adingekayo Faka i-Google Cloud CLI Usebenzisa i-gcloud CLI, faka ithuluzi lomugqa womyalo we-Kubernetes kubectlis esetshenziswa ukuxhumana noKubernetes, okuwuhlelo lwe-cluster orchestration lwamaqoqo e-GKE: izingxenye ze-gcloud faka i-kubectl Faka i-Docker Community Edition (CE) endaweni yakho yokusebenza. Usebenzisa lokhu ukwakha isithombe sesitsha sohlelo lokusebenza Faka ithuluzi lokulawula umthombo we-Git ukuze ulande isampula yohlelo lokusebenza ku-GitHub ## Dala indawo yokugcina Kulesi sifundo, ugcina isithombe ku-Artifact Registry futhi usisebenzise kusuka kurejista. I-Artifact Registry iyisibhali sesiqukathi esinconywayo esivuliwe I-Google Cloud. Kulesi siqalo esisheshayo, uzodala indawo yokugcina eqanjwe igama sawubona-repo Setha i- PROJECT_IDimvelo eguquguqukayo ku-ID yakho yephrojekthi ye-Google Cloud ( ). Uzosebenzisa lokhu kuguquguquka kwemvelo lapho wakha isithombe sesitsha futhi usiphushela endaweni yakho yokugcina PROJECT_ID thekelisa i-PROJECT_ID= PROJECT_ID Qinisekisa ukuthi i- I-PROJECT_IDimvelo enenani elilungile: echo $PROJECT_ID Setha i-ID yephrojekthi yakho ye-Google Cloud CLI: gcloud config set project $PROJECT_ID Okukhiphayo: Isakhiwo esibuyekeziwe [core/project] Dala i- sawubona-reporepository ngomyalo olandelayo: amakhosombe e-gcloud adala i-hello-repo \ --repository-format=docker \ --location= REGION\ --description="Docker repository"Faka esikhundleni nesifunda senqolobane, njenge ISIFUNDA us-west1. Ukuze ubone uhlu lwezindawo ezitholakalayo, sebenzisa umyalo: uhlu lwezindawo ze-gcloud ## Ukwakha isithombe sesitsha Kulesi sifundo, usebenzisa isampula yewebhu isicelo esibizwa sawubona-app, iseva yewebhu ibhaliwe ku-Go ephendula zonke izicelo ezinomlayezo Sawubona Mhlaba! ethekwini 8080 I-GKE yamukela izithombe ze-Docker njengefomethi yokuthunyelwa kwesicelo Ngaphambi kokuthunyelwa sawubona uhlelo lokusebenza ku-GKE, kufanele uphake i sawubona ikhodi yomthombo wohlelo lokusebenza njengesithombe se-Docker Ukuze wakhe isithombe se-Docker, udinga ikhodi yomthombo ne-Dockerfile. I-Dockerfile iqukethe imiyalelo yokuthi isithombe sakhiwe kanjani Landa ifayela le- sawubona-appsource code kanye ne-Dockerfile ngokusebenzisa imiyalo elandelayo: git clone httpsgithub.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes-engine-samples cd kubernetes-engine-samples/hello-app Yakha futhi umake isithombe se-Docker sawubona-app: i-docker build -t REGION-docker.pkg.devPROJECT_ID}/hello-repo/hello-app:v1 Lo myalo uyala i-Docker ukuthi yakhe isithombe isebenzisa ifayela le- I-Dockerfile kunkomba yamanje, igcine endaweni yangakini, bese uyimaka ngegama, njengokuthi us-west1-docker.pkg.dev/my-project/hello-repo/hello-app:v1. Isithombe siphoshelwa ku-Artifact Registry esigabeni esilandelayo - The I-PROJECT_IDeguquguqukayo ihlobanisa isithombe sesiqukathi ne sawubona inqolobane kuphrojekthi yakho ye-Google Cloud - The us-west1-docker.pkg.devprefix ibhekisela ku-Artifact Registry, umsingathi wesifunda wendawo yakho yokugcina - The Gijimani i docker imagescommand ukuze uqinisekise ukuthi ukwakhiwa kube yimpumelelo: izithombe ze-docker Okukhiphayo: I-ID YE-TAG YE-REPOSITORY IMAGE ID DALIWE USIZE us-west1-docker.pkg.dev/my-project/hello-repo/hello-app v1 25cfadb1bf28 imizuzwana engu-10 edlule 54 MB ## Ukusebenzisa isiqukathi sakho endaweni (uma uthanda) Hlola isithombe sakho sesitsha usebenzisa injini ye-Docker yangakini: i-docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 REGION-docker.pkg.devPROJECT_ID}/hello-repo/hello-app:v1 Uma usebenzisa i-Cloud Shell, chofoza okuthi Inkinobho yokubuka kuqala yewebhu bese ukhetha i Inombolo ye-port 8080. I-GKE ivula i-URL yokubuka kuqala kusevisi yayo yommeleli ewindini elisha lesiphequluli Uma kungenjalo, vula iwindi elisha letheminali (noma ithebhu ye-Cloud Shell) bese usebenzisa umyalo olandelayo ukuze uqinisekise ukuthi isiqukathi siyasebenza futhi siphendula izicelo ngokuthi "Sawubona, Umhlaba. curl http localhost:8080 Ngemva kokubona impendulo eyimpumelelo, ungakwazi ukwehlisa isiqukathi ngokucindezela Ctrl+Cin ithebhu lapho i- i-docker runcommand iyasebenza ## Ukusunduza isithombe se-Docker ku-Artifact Registry Kufanele ulayishe isithombe sesiqukathi kurejista ukuze iqoqo lakho le-GKE likwazi ukulanda futhi lisebenzise isithombe sesiqukathi. Kulesi sifundo, uzogcina isiqukathi sakho ku-Artifact Registry Lungiselela ithuluzi lomugqa womyalo we-Docker ukuze uqinisekise ku-Artifact Registry: gcloud auth configure-docker REGION-docker.pkg.dev Phusha isithombe se-Docker osanda kusakhela endaweni yokugcina: i-docker push REGION-docker.pkg.devPROJECT_ID}/hello-repo/hello-app:v1 ## Ukudala iqoqo le-GKE Manje njengoba isithombe se-Docker sigcinwe ku-Artifact Registry, dala i-GKE iqoqo zogijima sawubona-app. Iqoqo le-GKE liqukethe inqwaba yezenzakalo ze-Compute Engine VM isebenzisa i-Kubernetes, i-ochestration yeqoqo lomthombo ovulekile uhlelo olunika amandla i-GKE Igobolondo Lefu Setha indawo yakho ye-Compute Engine noma isifunda. Kuye ngemodi yokusebenza okhetha ukuyisebenzisa ku-GKE, cacisa indawo ezenzakalelayo noma isifunda. Uma usebenzisa i-Standard mode, iqoqo lakho liyindawo (yalesi sifundo), ngakho-ke setha indawo yakho yokubala ezenzakalelayo. Uma usebenzisa imodi ye-Autopilot, iqoqo lakho ngelesifunda, ngakho-ke setha indawo yakho yokubala ezenzakalelayo. Khetha indawo noma isifunda esiseduze nekhosombe le-Artifact Registry oyidalile Iqoqo elijwayelekile, njenge us-west1-a: gcloud config set compute/zone COMPUTE_ZONE I-Autopilotcluster, njenge us-west1: gcloud config set compute/region COMPUTE_REGION - Dala iqoqo elinegama sawubona-iqoqo: Iqoqo elijwayelekile: amaqoqo esiqukathi se-gcloud adala iqoqo le-hello I-Autopilotcluster: amaqoqo esiqukathi se-gcloud adala-auto sawubona-iqoqo Kuthatha imizuzu embalwa ukuthi iqoqo lakho le-GKE lidalwe futhi lihlolwe impilo - Ngemuva kokuthi umyalo uqedile, sebenzisa umyalo olandelayo ukuze ubone amaNode amathathu eqoqo: kubectl uthole amanodi Okukhiphayo: IGAMA IMISEBENZI YESIZUZO IMINYAKA YOBUDALA gke-hello-cluster-default-pool-229c0700-cbtd Ready 92s v1.18.12-gke.1210 gke-hello-cluster-default-pool-229c0700-fc5j Ready 91s v1.18.12-gke.1210 gke-hello-cluster-default-pool-229c0700-n9l7 Ready 92s v1.18.12-gke.1210 Console Go to the Google Kubernetes Enginepage in the Google Cloud console Go to Google Kubernetes Engine Click Create Choose Standard or Autopilot mode and click Configure In the Namefield, enter the name hello-cluster Select a zone or region: Standardcluster: Under Location type, select Zonaland then select a Compute Engine zone from the Zonedrop-down list, such as us-west1-a Autopilotcluster: Select a Compute Engine region from the Regiondrop-down list, such as us-west1 - Click Create. This creates a GKE cluster Wait for the cluster to be created. When the cluster is ready, a green check mark appears next to the cluster name ## Deploying the sample app to GKE You are now ready to deploy the Docker image you built to your GKE cluster Kubernetes represents applications as Pods, which are scalable units holding one or more containers. The Pod is the smallest deployable unit in Kubernetes. Usually, you deploy Pods as a set of replicas that can be scaled and distributed together across your cluster. One way to deploy a set of replicas is through a Kubernetes Deployment In this section, you create a Kubernetes Deployment to run hello-app on your cluster. This Deployment has replicas (Pods). One Deployment Pod contains only one container: the hello-app Docker image You also create a HorizontalPodAutoscaler resource that scales the number of Pods from 3 to a number between 1 and 5, based on CPU load Cloud Shell Ensure that you are connected to your GKE cluster gcloud container clusters get-credentials hello-cluster --zone COMPUTE_ZONE Create a Kubernetes Deployment for your hello-appDocker image kubectl create deployment hello-app --image= REGION-docker.pkg.devPROJECT_ID}/hello-repo/hello-app:v1 Set the baseline number of Deployment replicas to 3 kubectl scale deployment hello-app --replicas=3 Create a HorizontalPodAutoscalerresource for your Deployment kubectl autoscale deployment hello-app --cpu-percent=80 --min=1 --max=5 To see the Pods created, run the following command: kubectl get pods Output: NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE hello-app-784d7569bc-hgmpx 1/1 Running 0 10s hello-app-784d7569bc-jfkz5 1/1 Running 0 10s hello-app-784d7569bc-mnrrl 1/1 Running 0 15s Console Go to the Workloadspage in the Google Cloud console Click Deploy In the Specify containersection, select Existing container image In the Image pathfield, click Select In the Select container imagepane, select the hello-appimage you pushed to Artifact Registry and click Select In the Containersection, click Done, then click Continue In the Configurationsection, under Labels, enter appfor Keyand hello-appfor Value Under Configuration YAML, click View YAML. This opens a YAML configuration file representing the two Kubernetes API resources about to be deployed into your cluster: one Deployment, and one HorizontalPodAutoscalerfor that Deployment Click Close, then click Deploy When the Deployment Pods are ready, the Deployment detailspage opens Under Managed pods, note the three running Pods for the hello-appDeployment ## Exposing the sample app to the internet While Pods do have individually-assigned IP addresses, those IPs can only be reached from inside your cluster. Also, GKE Pods are designed to be ephemeral, starting or stopping based on scaling needs. And when a Pod crashes due to an error, GKE automatically redeploys that Pod, assigning a new Pod IP address each time What this means is that for any Deployment, the set of IP addresses corresponding to the active set of Pods is dynamic. We need a way to 1) group Pods together into one static hostname, and 2) expose a group of Pods outside the cluster, to the internet Kubernetes Services solve for both of these problems Services group Pods into one static IP address, reachable from any Pod inside the cluster GKE also assigns a DNS hostname to that static IP. For example, hello-app.default.svc.cluster.local The default Service type in GKE is called ClusterIP, where the Service gets an IP address reachable only from inside the cluster To expose a Kubernetes Service outside the cluster, create a Service of type LoadBalancer This type of Service spawns an External Load Balancer IP for a set of Pods, reachable through the internet In this section, you expose the hello-app Deployment to the internet using a Service of type LoadBalancer Cloud Shell Use the kubectl exposecommand to generate a Kubernetes Service for the hello-appdeployment: kubectl expose deployment hello-app --name=hello-app-service --type=LoadBalancer --port 80 --target-port 8080 Here, the --portflag specifies the port number configured on the Load Balancer, and the --target-portflag specifies the port number that the hello-appcontainer is listening on Run the following command to get the Service details for hello-app-service: kubectl get service Output: NAME CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE hello-app-service 80:30877/TCP 10s Copy the EXTERNAL_IPaddress to the clipboard (for instance: Console Go to the Workloadspage in the Google Cloud console Click hello-app From the Deployment details page, click Actions > Expose In the Exposedialog, set the Target portto 8080. This is the port the hello-appcontainer listens on From the Service typedrop-down list, select Load balancer Click Exposeto create a Kubernetes Service for hello-app When the Load Balancer is ready, the Service detailspage opens Scroll down to the External endpointsfield, and copy the IP address Now that the hello-app Pods are exposed to the internet through a Kubernetes Service, you can open a new browser tab, and navigate to the Service IP address you copied to the clipboard. A Hello, World! message appears, along with a Hostname field. The Hostname corresponds to one of the three hello-app Pods serving your HTTP request to your browser ## Deploying a new version of the sample app In this section, you upgrade hello-app to a new version by building and deploying a new Docker image to your GKE cluster GKE's rolling update feature lets you update your Deployments without downtime. During a rolling update, your GKE cluster incrementally replaces the existing hello-app Pods with Pods containing the Docker image for the new version During the update, your load balancer service routes traffic only into available Pods Return to Cloud Shell, where you have cloned the hello app source code and Dockerfile. Update the function hello()in the main.gofile to report the new version 2.0.0 Build and tag a new hello-appDocker image docker build -t REGION-docker.pkg.devPROJECT_ID}/hello-repo/hello-app:v2 Push the image to Artifact Registry docker push REGION-docker.pkg.devPROJECT_ID}/hello-repo/hello-app:v2 Now you're ready to update your hello-app Kubernetes Deployment to use a new Docker image Cloud Shell Apply a rolling update to the existing hello-appDeployment with an image update using the kubectl set imagecommand: kubectl set image deployment/hello-app hello-app= REGION-docker.pkg.devPROJECT_ID}/hello-repo/hello-app:v2 Watch the running Pods running the v1image stop, and new Pods running the v2image start watch kubectl get pods Output: NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE hello-app-89dc45f48-5bzqp 1/1 Running 0 2m42s hello-app-89dc45f48-scm66 1/1 Running 0 2m40s In a separate tab, navigate again to the hello-app-serviceExternal IP. You should now see the Versionset to 2.0.0 Console Go to the Workloadspage in the Google Cloud console Click hello-app On the Deployment detailspage, click Actions > Rolling update In the Rolling updatedialog, set the Image of hello-appfield to REGION-docker.pkg.dev/ PROJECT_ID/hello-repo/hello-app:v2 Click Update On the Deployment detailspage, inspect the Active Revisionssection. You should now see two Revisions, 1 and 2. Revision 1 corresponds to the initial Deployment you created earlier. Revision 2 is the rolling update you just started After a few moments, refresh the page. Under Managed pods, all of the replicas of hello-appnow correspond to Revision 2 In a separate tab, navigate again to the Service IP address you copied. The Versionshould be 2.0.0 ## Clean up To avoid incurring charges to your Google Cloud account for the resources used in this tutorial, either delete the project that contains the resources, or keep the project and delete the individual resources Delete the Service:This deallocates the Cloud Load Balancer created for your Service: kubectl delete service hello-app-service Delete the cluster:This deletes the resources that make up the cluster, such as the compute instances, disks, and network resources: gcloud container clusters delete hello-cluster --zone COMPUTE_ZONE Delete your container images:This deletes the Docker images you pushed to Artifact Registry gcloud artifacts docker images delete REGION-docker.pkg.devPROJECT_ID}/hello-repo/hello-app:v1 \ --delete-tags --quiet gcloud artifacts docker images delete \ REGION-docker.pkg.devPROJECT_ID}/hello-repo/hello-app:v2 \ --delete-tags --quiet ## What's next Learn about Pricing for GKE and use the Pricing Calculator to estimate costs Read the Load Balancers tutorial, which demonstrates advanced load balancing configurations for web applications Configure a static IP and domain name for your application Explore other Kubernetes Engine tutorials Explore reference architectures, diagrams, tutorials, and best practices about Google Cloud. Take a look at our Cloud Architecture Center ## Try it for yourself If you're new to Google Cloud, create an account to evaluate how GKE performs in real-world scenarios. New customers also get $300 in free credits to run, test, and deploy workloads.Try GKE free