If you click on this article, it means that you are interested in web development, or you are thinking about starting to learn web development. Here, I will tell you the route of becoming a web developer, a guide to web development for beginners. This article will not teach you how to write code, but point out things to think about before you actually write code. Web development is exciting and exciting, which is exactly what caters to this fast-changing world. To understand web development, let's first define a few basic concepts ## Frontend VS. Backend At the beginning, we must distinguish between front-end development and back-end development, let's introduce them separately **front end** Web applications are classified as distributed applications, generally with a client-server structure, so we have part of the code running on the client and another part of the code running on the server. Those applications on the client are the front end, which usually refers to our browser. The most commonly used technology for front-end development is HTML+CSS+JavaScript. Advanced front-end developers usually use a combination of these technologies to develop the front-end of the application. Another common front-end technology is to use Photoshop to design and cooperate with other technologies to complete the production of Web pages. **rear end** Back-end developers write the code that runs on the server. Generally speaking, this part of the work needs to deal with the database, such as reading and writing data, reading and writing files, and implementing business logic. Sometimes, the business logic is stored on the client side, and the background is used to provide the data in the database in the form of Web services. Back-end developers generally need to master a web programming language and a database management system You can master front-end and back-end technologies at the same time, but most web developers still have certain preferences, and even only in-depth research in one aspect. Although the front and back ends are distinguished, their respective specific tasks are not specified. Sometimes the front end just completes the display of data, while other major work is done on the back end. But sometimes, the backend just provides data, and all calculations and specific functions are done on the frontend. The distribution of front-end and back-end work is usually determined by the design and architecture of the project ## Programming language Ngokuthuthukiswa kwewebhu, ziningi izilimi zokuhlela ongakhetha kuzo. Uma udinga ukuthuthukisa ekuqaleni, ulimi olujwayelekile lokuthuthukisa i-JavaScript, futhi uma udinga ukuthuthukisa ngemuva, sinezinketho eziningi: -PHP -JavaScript - Ruby on Rails (ngolimi Ruby) - ASP.NET (nolimi lwe-.net) - Java EE -Python Alukho ngempela uhlu oluqondile, okungenhla yizilimi nje onjiniyela abavame ukucabanga ngazo futhi bazisebenzise. Ngakho kufanele ukhethe kanjani? Okukhethayo kufanele kusekelwe ezicini ezilandelayo: imakethe yemisebenzi (amathuba omsebenzi), izinsizakalo zokubamba, izinsiza zokufunda ezitholakalayo, isikhathi sokufunda esitholakalayo, indawo ezungezile yokuthuthuka, njll. Uma ufuna ngempela ukusebenza embonini yezokuthuthukiswa futhi uthole umsebenzi ekuthuthukisweni kwewebhu, into ebaluleke kakhulu yokukhetha imakethe yemisebenzi (amathuba emisebenzi). Kufanele uhlaziye isimo sembonini bese ukhetha ulimi lokuhlela ozolufunda. Esinye isici esibalulekile izinsizakalo zokubamba, njengokusingathwa kwe-PHP ishibhile kunokusingathwa kwe-Java. Futhi uma ufuna ukuthuthukisa izinhlelo zokusebenza zebhizinisi, i-Java EE ingaba yisinqumo esihle. Kodwa uma ufuna ukufaka isicelo sakho ku-inthanethi, i-Java EE ibiza kakhulu kunezinye izilimi Ngokuduma kwe-Node.js, i-JavaScript nayo isidumile ekuthuthukisweni kwe-back-end, kodwa isewubuchwepheshe obusha futhi, futhi ayinconywa ukuthi abaqalayo ekuthuthukisweni kwewebhu bafunde futhi basebenzise. Ngokubona kwami, i-PHP inejika lokufunda elilula, insizakalo yokubamba eshibhile, izinsiza zokufunda ezanele (i-PHP100 iyisinqumo esihle) kanye nendawo yokuthuthuka elula, ngakho-ke ngincoma abathuthukisi bewebhu abancane ukuthi bafunde ukusebenzisa i-PHP. Vele, i-ASP.NET nayo iyisinqumo esihle. I-Microsoft inikeza izinsiza zokufunda eziningi ezihlobene ne-ASP.NET namathuluzi okuthuthukisa amahhala. Uma uthanda imvelo ye-Microsoft, kufanelekile ukucabangela i-ASP.NET ## uzimele Uma usaqala, kusadingeka ubeke isisekelo esihle ngaphambi kokuba uqale ukufunda uhlaka. Uhlaka lungakusiza wenze lula umsebenzi wokuthuthukisa. Miningi imitapo yolwazi yamakhodi esenziwe ngomumo, ekunikeza ngesakhiwo sohlelo lweWebhu, okwenza uhlelo lwakho lusebenze lula futhi lusheshe. Uma ufuna ukuba umthuthukisi wewebhu oqeqeshiwe, kufanele ube nekhono okungenani kuhlaka olulodwa ukuze usheshise ukuthuthukiswa kwakho kwewebhu. Kunezinhlobo eziningi zezinhlaka, kusukela ezixazululweni zenhloso evamile kuya ezinkingeni ezithile. Udinga ukuhlola izidingo zakho kuqala. Uma ukhetha ukuthuthukiswa kwe-PHP, ngincoma ukusebenzisa i-Laravel njengohlaka. Kuwuhlaka lwe-MVC oludume kakhulu eminyakeni yamuva nje. Uma ukhetha i-ASP.NET, ngincoma ukufunda ukusebenzisa i-ASP.NET MVC ne-EntityFramework Ukuthuthukiswa kwewebhu kungaba kukhulu kangangokuthi ufuna ukwenza ngokukhethekile kuhlelo lokusebenza olulodwa kuphela, njengesistimu yokuphatha okuqukethwe (CMS). Uma usakhetha i-PHP, ngincoma i-WordPress, engakusiza ukuthi udale amawebhusayithi, amabhulogi, noma usebenzise ama-plugin akhona noma izingqikithi njengezandiso. ## Okufanele ukwenze ngokulandelayo Ngisho noma ukhetha ukusebenza kuphela ohlangothini olulodwa lwentuthuko ye-front-end noma emuva, kufanele futhi uqonde ukuthuthukiswa kolunye uhlangothi, ukwenza kanjalo kuzokwenza iqembu lakho lisebenze kahle. Uma usuvele ulufundile ulimi lokuhlela kanye nohlaka oluhambisanayo, kufanele uqale ukufunda olunye ulimi. Ulimi ngalunye lokuhlela lunezinzuzo zalo kanye nama-paradigms. Ukuqonda okujulile kwenkinga kuholela esixazululweni esingcono, kukwenze ube unjiniyela ongcono. Ekugcineni, njengoba ngike ngasho ngaphambili, lapho ukhetha ulimi lohlelo, kufanele ucabangele izici eziningi. Izinketho zami kuseyi-JavaScript, PHP, ASP.NET ne-Java EE. Ungabhekisela kubo Okwangempela: httparian-celina.com/a-beginners-guide-to-web-development Ukuhumusha: httpwww.php100.com/html/dujia/2015/0120/8425.html