Ingabe ufuna iseva yokuhlola yamahhala ezosingatha amaphrojekthi athile amancane noma ongayisebenzisa njengendawo yenkundla yokudlala? Azikho izinketho eziningi zamahhala ze-VPS ngaphandle lapho ngeshwa Futhi, ngokuvamile, uma zikhululekile, zingase zingawufanelekeli umzamo wokuzimisa. I-Oracle inikeza iseva ye-VPS yamafu ehloniphekile ebengiyisebenzisa njengeseva yokuhlola izinyanga ezimbalwa manje. Ngincoma ukuthi uzame! Lo mhlahlandlela uhamba ngendlela yokusetha iseva yamahhala ye-Oracle Cloud ku-GUI yabo nokuthi ungaxhuma kanjani kuyo nge-Cleavr 'njengeseva yangokwezifiso'[Kubuyekeziwe] 10 Ephreli - 2022 I-Oracle Cloud VPS yamahhala manje isisekelwa ngaphandle kwebhokisi ku-Cleavr Ungakha i-Akhawunti Yefu ye-Oracle njengoba kuchazwe esinyathelweni 1. Manje dala iphrofayela ye-VPS ku-Cleavr futhi usulungele ukunikeza Iseva entsha ye-Oracle yamahhala. Ukuze uxhume i-akhawunti yakho ye-Oracle Cloud ku-Cleavr ungabheka imibhalo yethu Yiya ku-Oracle Cloud bese udala i-akhawunti entsha Lindela ukuthi kufanele unikeze Ikhadi Lesikweletu ukuze udale i-akhawunti. Uma nje unamathela kuzinketho zamahhala ezikunikezayo, akufanele udinge ukukhathazeka ngokuthi ikhadi lakho lizokhokhiswa. Benza umsebenzi omuhle ekumaka ukuthi yiziphi izinsiza ezifaneleka mahhala Enye into ongayisho, lindela ukuthintwa nge-imeyili nangocingo yi-Oracle rep. Ngikholwe, bazokwenza konke okusemandleni abo ukuze bazame ukuxhumana nawe.. Uma usubhalisile, ekhasini lokuqala, vula i-VM entsha Use **Isithombe nesimo** ikhadi, chofoza **hlela Uzodinga ukukhetha *isibonelo seCanonical Ubuntu: 20.04** Engeza ukhiye wakho we-SSH (uzodinga ukufaka i-SSH kuseva entsha ezinyathelweni ezilandelayo) Ekugcineni, chofoza **Dala Lokhu kuzohlinzeka ngeseva ohlangothini lwe-Oracle Uma iseva ye-Oracle inekheli le-IP Lomphakathi elinikeziwe, kopisha i-IP ebhodini lokunamathisela bese unhlokweni phezu kokuthi Cleavr Kudeshibhodi, chofoza okuthi **Yakha** inkinobho bese ukhetha iseva Ngephrofayela ye-VPS, khetha **Iseva Yangokwezifiso** Nikeza iseva igama bese unamathisele ifayela **Ikheli lasesizindeni se-inthanethi** kunkambu ehambisanayo Kopisha umyalo ozosebenza njengempande kuseva bese uvule ukuphela kwakho kanye ne-SSH kuseva ssh ubuntu@ The default server user with Oracle Cloud is ubuntu. You cannot access as root at this point. Once you conenct to the server, you can switch to root using the following command sudo su root Now, paste in the command and run it Back in Cleavr, provision the server Cleavr will add further dependencies to the server and get it all ready to host your apps Port 80 and 443 will be closed by default. Assuming you plan to add websites to the server, open port 80 and 443 by clicking on **Virtual Cloud Network** from the server instance details screen Click **Security List** on the left menu Click on the security list Click **Add Ingress Rules** Add the following source and port - Add the ingress rule for port 80. Do the same process for port 443 We've seen some odd behavior that blocks port 80 and 443 connections, even when enabling it via the Oracle UI and in UFW Thanks to our community members, we've found running the following commands have solved the port issues in most cases On the server terminal via SSH, run the following commands one-by-one: sudo iptables -I INPUT 6 -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT sudo iptables -I INPUT 6 -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT sudo netfilter-persistent save You're now all setup to use Cleavr to manage your free Oracle Cloud server and start adding sites and deploying web apps! Sign up for a 5-day free trial of Cleavr Pro. No credit card required until you decide to subscribe.Sign up for free