= Qhathanisa nezinhlelo zeGen 4 VPS =

I-GoDaddy's Virtual Private Server (VPS) Generation 4 itholakala ezinhlelweni ezine. Uhlelo ngalunye luyatholakala ngamaZinga okusekela amabili: Ukuzilawula noma Ukuphatha Ngokugcwele. Bona amathebula angezansi ukuze uthole uhlelo kanye Nezinga Losekelo elikusebenzela kangcono - noma ukuze ubone ukuthi uhlelo lwakho olukhona luhlanganisani.

** Qaphela Uma ubufuna izinhlelo ze-Generation 4 *Dedicated Server*, sinazo nathi.

 Izinhlelo ze-VPS Generation 4

|Isici||1 vCPU||2 vCPU||4 vCPU||8 vCPU|

|VM Cores||1||2||4||8|

|RAM||Uhlelo olujwayelekile: 1 GB


Uhlelo lwememori ephezulu: 2 GB

|Uhlelo olujwayelekile: 4 GB


Uhlelo lwememori ephezulu: 8 GB

|Uhlelo olujwayelekile: 8 GB


Uhlelo lwememori ephezulu: 16 GB

|Uhlelo olujwayelekile: 16 GB


Uhlelo lwememori ephezulu: 32 GB


|OS||Linux kuphela


Alikho iphaneli yokulawula

|Linux noma iWindows


(bona Amazinga Osekelo ukuze uthole imininingwane)

|Izipele|Zonke izinhlelo: Ziyazenzakalela futhi zidingeka kakhulu|

|Amakheli E-IP

|Isitifiketi se-SSL||Zonke izinhlelo: Zimahhala unyaka wokuqala|

 Amazinga Wokusekela we-VPS Generation 4

|Isici||Zilawule ngokwakho||Iziphathe Ngokugcwele|

|Iphaneli yokulawula||Lutho, kodwa ingangeza i-cPanel/WHM noma i-Plesk ngesikhathi sokuthenga||cPanel/WHM, Plesk|

|Izinketho ze-Linux OS||AlmaLinux 8, CentOS 7, Ubuntu 20.04, Debian 10||AlmaLinux 8, CentOS 7 with cPanel, CentOS 7 with Plesk|

|Izinketho ze-Windows OS||I-Windows Server 2019/2022||I-Windows Server 2019/2022 ene-Plesk|

|Qapha/gcina isikhathi sokusebenza senethiwekhi

Ukuvimbela ukuhlasela kweDDOS ezingeni lenethiwekhi

|Ukuqapha ukusebenza kwezinga lesistimu ||Inketho ekhokhelwayo

|Ukuphesha ukuphepha||Inketho ekhokhelwayo

|Apache, MySQL, ukwesekwa kwenethiwekhi yezokuphepha||Inketho ekhokhelwayo||Limited|

|cPanel, WHM, Plesk support||Inketho ekhokhelwayo||Limited|

|Ukufakwa kwe-plugin ngokwezifiso, izibuyekezo, ukusekela||Inketho ekhokhelwayo||Ukufaka kuphela|

|Ukufuduka kwewebhusayithi isuka komunye umhlinzeki iye ku-GoDaddy||Inketho ekhokhelwayo||Kufikela kumasayithi ayi-5, 10 GB/isayithi, isizindalwazi/isizindalwazi esingu-1|

|Xazulula inkinga amaphutha esikripthi somsebenzisi||Inketho ekhokhelwayo||Okukhawulelwe|

|Ukufakwa kwesicelo ngokwezifiso, izibuyekezo, ukusekelwa||Inketho ekhokhelwayo||I-GoDaddy izohlola futhi iyifake kuphela|

|Ukuphathwa kwesizindalwazi||Inketho ekhokhelwayo

|Ukuthuthukisa iseva||Inketho ekhokhelwayo||Okukhawulelwe: Ayikho isayithi noma ukubuyekezwa kombhalo)|

|Ukwesekwa kwesitaki se-LAMP||Inketho ekhokhelwayo

|Ukufakwa kwemojula ye-PHP||Inketho ekhokhelwayo

|Izipele zesayithi||Inketho ekhokhelwayo

|Ukuthuthukisa iseva||Inketho ekhokhelwayo

|Ukufakwa kwe-SSL||Inketho ekhokhelwayo