Izinhlelo zokusebenza ngokuvamile zidinga ukunikeza amafayela amile njenge-JavaScript, izithombe, ne-CSS ngaphezu kokusingatha izicelo eziguqukayo. Izinhlelo zokusebenza ezisendaweni evumelana nezimo zinganikeza amafayela amile asuka kunketho Yefu le-Google njenge-Cloud Storage, ziwanikeze ngokuqondile, noma zisebenzise inethiwekhi yokulethwa kokuqukethwe yenkampani yangaphandle (CDN) ## Inikeza amafayela kusuka ku-Cloud Storage Isitoreji Samafu singasingatha amafa amile wezinhlelo zokusebenza zewebhu ezinamandla. Izinzuzo zokusebenzisa Isitoreji Samafu esikhundleni sokuphakela ngokuqondile ngohlelo lwakho lokusebenza zifaka: - Isitoreji Samafu empeleni sisebenza njengenethiwekhi yokulethwa kokuqukethwe. Lokhu akudingi ukucushwa okukhethekile ngoba ngokuzenzakalelayo noma yini efundekayo ifakwe kunqolobane kunethiwekhi yomhlaba wonke Yesitoreji Samafu - Ukulayisha kohlelo lwakho lokusebenza kuzoncishiswa ngokukhipha amafa amile ku-Cloud Storage. Ngokuya ngokuthi mangaki amafa amile onawo kanye nemvamisa yokufinyelela, lokhu kungehlisa izindleko zokuqalisa uhlelo lwakho lokusebenza ngenani elibalulekile. - Izindleko zomkhawulokudonsa zokufinyelela okuqukethwe ngokuvamile zingaba zincane nge-Cloud Storage Ungalayisha amafa akho Kusitoreji Samafu ngokusebenzisa i ithuluzi lomugqa womyalo we-gsutil noma i-Cloud Storage API I-Google Cloud Client Library inikeza iklayenti eliwumqondo ku-Cloud Storage, ukuze ligcine futhi libuyise idatha nge-Cloud Storage kuhlelo lokusebenza lwe-App Engine Isibonelo sokuphakela ngebhakede Lesitoreji Samafu Lesi sibonelo esilula sidala ibhakede Lesitoreji Samafu futhi silayisha amafa amile kusetshenziswa i-Google Cloud CLI: Dala ibhakede. Kuvamile, kodwa akudingekile, ukuqamba ibhakede lakho nge-ID yephrojekthi yakho. Igama lebhakede kufanele lihluke emhlabeni jikelele gsutil mb gsyour-bucket-name>Setha i-ACL ukuze inikeze ukufinyelela kokufunda ezintweni ezisebhakedeni I-gsutil defacl isetha i-gsyour-bucket-name efundwa esidlangalaleni>Layisha izinto ebhakedeni. I I-rsynccommand iyindlela esheshayo nelula yokulayisha nokubuyekeza amafa. Ungasebenzisa futhi cp gsutil -m rsync -r ./static gsyour-bucket-name>/static Manje usungakwazi ukufinyelela impahla yakho engashintshi nge httpsstorage.googleapis.com//static For more details on how to use Cloud Storage to serve static assets, including how to serve from a custom domain name, refer to How to Host a Static Website Serving files from other Google Cloud services You also have the option of using Cloud CDN or other Google Cloud storage services ## Serving files directly from your app Serving files from your app is typically straightforward, however, there are a couple drawbacks that you should consider: - Requests for static files can use resources that otherwise would be used for dynamic requests - Depending on your configuration, serving files from your app can result in response latency, which can also affect when new instances are created for handling the load Example of serving static files with your app Go In Go, you can use the standard http.FileServer or http.ServeFile to serve files directly from your app // Package static demonstrates a static file handler for App Engine flexible environment. package main import ( "fmt" "net/http" "google.golang.org/appengine" ) func main() { // Serve static files from "static" directory. http.Handlestatic http.FileServer(http.Dir http.HandleFunc homepageHandler) appengine.Main() } const homepage = doctype html> Static Files /main.css">

This is a static file serving examplep>

Static Files /styles.css">

This is a static file serving examplep>

default doctype html html(lang="en") head title Static Files meta(charset='utf-8') link(rel="stylesheet", hrefstatic/main.css") body p This is a static file serving example The stylesheet itself is located at ./public/css, which is served from /static/main.css body { font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; background-color: #CCCCFF; } Other Node.js frameworks, such as Hapi, Koa, and Sails typically support serving static files directly from the application. Refer to their documentation for details on how to configure and use static content PHP The PHP runtime runs nginx to serve your app, which is configured to serve static files in your project directory. You must declare the document root by specifying document_root in your app.yaml file: runtime: php env: flex runtime_config: document_root: web Python Most web frameworks include support for serving static files. In this sample, the app uses Flask's built-in ability to serve files in ./static directory from the /static URL The app includes a view that renders the template. Flask automatically serves everything in the ./static directory without additional configuration import logging from flask import Flask, render_template app = Flaskname @app.route def hello return render_template('index.html') @app.errorhandler(500) def server_error(e): logging.exception('An error occurred during a request returnAn internal error occurred: See logs for full stacktrace. format(e), 500 if __name__ == main # This is used when running locally. Gunicorn is used to run the # application on Google App Engine. See entrypoint in app.yaml. app.run(host='', port=8080, debug=True) The template rendered by the view includes a stylesheet located at /static/main.css Static FilesFlask automatically makes files in the 'static' directory available via '/static'./main.css">

This is a static file serving examplep>

doctype html html head title Serving Static Files link rel="stylesheet" hrefapplication.css" script srcapplication.js" body p This is a static file serving example The stylesheet is located at ./public/application.css which is served from /application.css body { font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif; background-color: #CCCCFF; } Ruby on Rails The Ruby on Rails web framework serves files from the ./public directory by default. Static JavaScript and CSS files can also be generated by the Rails asset pipeline This example app has a layout view that includes all the app's stylesheets: doctype html html head title Serving Static Files = stylesheet_link_tag "application", media: "all" = javascript_include_tag "application" = csrf_meta_tags body = yield The stylesheet itself is a Sass file located at ./app/assets/stylesheets/main.css.sass body font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif background-color: #CCCCFF By default, Rails apps do not generate or serve static assets when running in production The Ruby runtime executes rake assets:precompile during deployment to generate static assets and sets the RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES environment variable to enable static file serving in production .NET Hello Static World

This is a static html documentp>