= Servidor Dedicado Hospedagem Para Valheim Com Mods = Eu estive encarregado de hospedar servidores Valheim dedicados para minha equipe de invasão por um tempo, então, quando eles encontraram alguns mods que queriam experimentar, pensei que seria como tirar um doce de uma pessoa pequena. Ou alguma coisa Não foi. Isto. Reuni informações de vários sites diferentes, corri para vários poços, fui ao bar, dormi e depois descobri Aqui está como eu fiz isso. (TL;DR na parte inferior para script kiddies) Comece com hospedagem LightSail básica, conforme documentado aqui: httpsaws.amazon.com/getting-started/hands-on/valheim-on-aws/ Siga essas instruções até chegar ao 3.3 - escolhi o Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, mas a versão pode ter subido desde que escrevi isso. Percorra todas as etapas até 3.2 e 3.3, mas entenda que você precisará ajustar a nomenclatura do seu arquivo salvo em algumas etapas. Deixá-lo como padrão ('Dedicado') é bom por enquanto, mas vamos mudar isso daqui a pouco Esta é a base para um servidor dedicado hospedado Valheim normal, se isso é tudo que você quer, você está bem aqui. Observe que não sei basicamente nada sobre docker e tudo mais. Se você tiver a capacidade de pegar o restante dessas instruções e encaixar tudo, há um milhão de pessoas que apreciariam isso Se você quiser adicionar mods, aqui está o que eu fiz Pegue o gerenciador de mod Thunderstore de httpswww.overwolf.com/app/Thunderstore-Thunderstore_Mod_Manager em seu equipamento de jogo Meus amigos queriam jogar o conjunto de mods Epic Valheim, então procurei no Mod Manager por Epic Valheim e baixei e instalei esse Isso coloca os arquivos de todos esses mods em um local secundário em sua plataforma de jogo local. Você pode encontrar esse local no Mod Manager acessando configurações, locais e clicando em Procurar pasta de dados. VOCÊ PRECISARÁ DISSO MAIS TARDE - MANTENHA A JANELA ABERTA Inicie um jogo local de Valheim através do botão "Iniciar modded"no Mod Manager, crie um novo mundo e certifique-se de que todos os seus mods sejam aplicados conforme o esperado Volte para a pasta de dados que apareceu e clique em Valheim/profiles/Epic Valheim (ou qualquer outro) Pegue a pasta BepInEx e faça um zip dela Carregue esse zip para o AWS S3 ou algum outro serviço de hospedagem disponível (certifique-se de alterar as permissões para poder acessá-los, limite por IP se estiver nervoso com as pessoas que roubam seus dados em seu níquel) Volte para sua instância do LightSail, vá para /home/ubuntu/valheim/server e wget whatever you just uploaded Then wget the dll pack for Valheim - The way I figured this out was to go to httpsvalheim.thunderstore.io/package/denikson/BepInExPack_Valheim/ and click on Manual Download. That downloaded it to my computer, but they have somescriptingthat obfuscates the address of the actual file. If you watch the network traffic (Hit F12 in Firefox, for example) you can watch the actual network traffic and find out that the file is actually at httpsgcdn.thunderstore.io/live/repository/packages/denikson-BepInExPack_Valheim-5.4.1900.zip. Find the file you want and wget it from the server (mine was wget httpsgcdn.thunderstore.io/live/repository/packages/denikson-BepInExPack_Valheim-5.4.1900.zip) Install unzip (sudo apt install unzip) Unzip the BepInExPack first - unzip denikson-BepInExPack_Valheim-5.4.1900.zip Move the files that enable doorstop and unstripped_corlib into place - mv BepInExPack_Valheim/* Delete the unused folder - rm -rf BepInExPack_Valheim/ Delete the unmodded BepInEx folder - rm -rf BepInEx Unzip the file you uploaded from your gaming rig (unzip BepInEx.zip or whatever you named it) - this contains both the mods and the config that you had locally Make sure that your directory structure looks something like: valheim/server$ ls BepInEx logs BepInEx.zipmanifest.json LinuxPlayer_s.debug server_exit.drp README.mdstart_game_bepinex. UnityPlayer.sostart_server. UnityPlayer_s.debug start_server_bepinex. 'Valheim Dedicated Server Manual.pdf' start_server_xterm. config.json steam_appid.txt denikson-BepInExPack_Valheim-5.4.1900.zip steamapps discord.json steamclient.so doorstop_config.ini unstripped_corlib doorstop_libs valheim_server.x86_64 icon.png valheim_server_Data linux64 winhttp.dll Change permissions on the run script - chmod 755 start_server_bepinex. Edit the run script to the name, world, and password you want. - vi start_server_bepinex.and go to the line that starts 'exec ./valheim_server Start the server in a way that it will continue running after you log out of LightSail - sudo ./start_server_bepinex.& Go back to your LightSail instance, find the IP Address and copy it Start a modded version of Valheim with the Mod Manager Select Join IP and drop your LightSail IP address in there BE A VIKING TL;DR: Create LightSail Ubuntu Instance Alter networking for instance to add a rule allowing UDP on ports 2456-2458 curl -fsSL httpsget.docker.com -o get-docker. sudoget-docker. sudo apt install docker-compose curl -o docker-compose.yml httpsgist.githubusercontent.com/robzhu/a127a6bce1ea25b01d40efb57ad1c26e/raw/30a2927a901dd614a518319cfeaa63a6bd2648a4/gistfile1.txt sudo docker-compose up (let it run until you see "Done generating locations, duration:" - then hit CONTROL-C tothe process) Install mods you want to run on your gaming rig via Thunderstore Mod Manager Go to your local install folder, find the BepInEx folder, zip that up into a .zip file, upload it to a place where it can be easily accessed (I pushed it to S3 and set it to public) cd /home/ubuntu/valheim/server wget wget (might be wget httpsgcdn.thunderstore.io/live/repository/packages/denikson-BepInExPack_Valheim-5.4.1900.zip) sudo apt install unzip unzip denikson-BepInExPack_Valheim-5.4.1900.zip mv BepInExPack_Valheim/* rm -rf BepInExPack_Valheim/ rm -rf BepInEx unzip BepInEx.zip chmod 755 start_server_bepinex. vi start_server_bepinex. sudo ./start_server_bepinex.& Great Thread. I've never worked in a linux terminal to this point, but had a few rusty C skills from college, and a lot of google I was a little confused on a few parts: Move the files that enable doorstop and unstripped_corlib into place - mv BepInExPack_Valheim/* the syntax *mv BepInExPack_Valheim didn't work for me. I had to use the full directories in the move function (let it run until you see "Done generating locations, duration:" - then hit CONTROL-C tothe process) This was in the TL:DR: but not it the full version So on the first point, what I posted vs what you mentioned - there was a lacking- when using the mv command, the first parameter is where from and the second parameter is where to. The purpose of that command is to move everything from the folder BepInExPack_Valheim (which is what the suffix /* is for) to here (which is what the . is for) As for the second, I am an imperfect soul. Mighta left something out, but I'm here for questions == About Community == Vikings Deer currently honking == Similar to this post == r/TerrariaDedicated server with TmodLoader100%34/13/2019 r/OculusQuestDedicated router for Virtual Desktop89%419/2/2020 r/ConanExilesDedicated server 9999 ping and unjoinable100%309/24/2020 r/spaceengineersDedicated server (performance) plugins100%15Jan 20 - r/hetznerDedicated servers and vSwitch network speed100%69/3/2021 r/valheimFor all of you who have been working what the devs have94%7823d r/valheimFound an unconnected portal in Da Lat, Vietnam.99%426d r/valheimI never post but this needs to be said92%2342d r/valheimSo um… who knew cloudberries were actually a thing?96%2112d r/valheimA Friend and I tried out the harpoon cannon. 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